Thank You CV!
Just a note of thanks to CV of JANE AND CV IN THE MORNING at 93.3 FM, Menomonee Falls WI for her on-air announcement Thursday morning, May 6th, of Supernatural’s airing time on The CW in the general S.E. Wisconsin area
. Her morning show routinely does a segment called ‘Buzz’ where they mention shows that are airing that evening and sometimes talk a little about the ones they like. Catching the segment one day, I heard her mention the series Ghost Hunters, and her interest in the paranormal. I contacting her about Supernatural, found she has watched the series, like it, and was willing to give it a nod on her show.
As the TV promotions sent out to radio stations here, do not include information about shows on The CW, she added it herself as a little PR for the series. Supernatural gets very little promotion, so I appreciate any on-air time for the series, and appreciate CV’s acknowledgment of the show.
If anyone is in the SE Wisconsin area, and heard the mention, or anyone who appreciates CV’s thoughtfulness, please send her an email with your thanks. Her address is Fans like her are hard to find.
Every bit of promotion is much appreciated, the show does get so little, so thanks CV! Along those lines I wanted to add a little shout out to Dave Alexander of Mix 107.7, whose “TV to talk About” is apparently Supernatural! (Our local affiliate airs spots from local DJs asking which shows they’re into) Maybe I’m not the only fan in town 😀