I already shared this part on blogcritics, but thought it should be shared here too. Vichi has been one of my avid supporters since the beginning, and I love hearing about all she does for spreading the word in Romania. Thanks to both Vichi and Raluca for sharing all this!
Recently the “All Hell Breaks Loose†convention was held in Sydney, Australia. There were only three guests, but considering they were Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, and Misha Collins, that made for a great event. The reports, the clips, the pictures all reflected what a memorable weekend it was, especially since most of fans attending had never had a chance to go to a Supernatural convention before. Here is the story of how the Sydney con came to be, courtesy of supernaturalwiki:
After a year of garnering support by the fan group OzChicksUnite (Clare (swiftvixen), Kaz (Lamington), Sarah (Deandreamin), Jenna (Jensen_Jenna), Maritza (ImNotAPrincess), Bex (Bexta89) and Jodie (Jensen_Jo)) for a Supernatural Convention in Australia,
The Hub Productions announced in October 2008 that Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles had been booked for the con to be held on 18-19 April, 2009 in Sydney. In early 2009, Misha Collins was confirmed as a guest.
Here in the US, there are at least four conventions a year, most within reasonable flying or driving distance from a large population. Jared and Jensen usually come in quickly for a day, share their wonderful stories and irresistible personalities, and then they’re off in a flash, back to work the next day. With an International con (unless it’s Canada), that’s not possible. The only successful International con so far has been Asylum in the UK, held during the filming break, and this is the first year they’re getting both Jensen and Jared.
I was contacted by Raluca and Vichi, two fans in Romania who have been spreading the good word about Supernatural in their country for sometime now. They have gotten together with Italian fans, and a Jus In Bello convention is being planned in the Spring of 2010 in Italy. They are just getting started and looking for a sponsor, but have gotten plenty of fan support. They started an online petition, and have gotten messages from other fans in Poland, Germany, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Greece. Vichi even shared these words she got from a fan in Hungary, ones that reflect the feelings of many of the fans there so far:
The last summer, my plan was I go to England in the Asylum, but Jared cancelled and my team cancelled too this program. I was really dissapointed, but now, my friend going to the 3rd Asylum where Jensen and Jared will be. But I can’t go cause I lost my job and I haven’t enough money. And I think, England is very rich. So, my dream that I meet with characters of Supernatural, but I don’t go to USA or England or Australia. You’re idea is great,so I want help for you, that this idea will become true and we’ll have a East or South European Convention.
This wasn’t the only person who had a story like this. I’ve read several in fact. Times are tough and the expense of going to other countries, not to mention Visa issues, is really hard on these fans. Going to a convention is just not a reality. Another effort just like this is taking place in Argentina as well. The South American fans have started a petition too, hoping that a convention in their part of the world will offer “a dream come true.â€
For more information about the
Jus In Bello convention, including petition, email and Facebook links, go to
http://jusinbelloitaly.altervista.org. Good luck to both the European and South American fans. I hope you all get to experience the same dream I’ve gotten to do twice now.
Speaking of the Romanian fans, they’ve got a few other efforts going. Vichi writes
Supernatural blogs for the
Tvblog.ro website, Raluca writes her reviews at her
livejournal site and Olivia started a year ago a
Romanian fan site. They also started a new blog just a few days ago called
Support Supernatural that they are using to promote new projects. They obtained a partnership with tvblog.ro (the biggest blog site for TV shows in Romania), who’s promised to support them in every project they’ll be doing regarding
Supernatural. Aside from the convention, another campaign is to get the AXN channel to air the show. They are also starting Romanian fan club for the show.
Good luck on the planning of the convention and all your promotional ventures to come! Hopefully your dreams will become a reality.
Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
I’m from Romania and I would give anything to go to a Supernatural convention. It has been my favourite show for 4 years, and it still is. I fell in love with it when I saw it for the first time. I have laughed, I have cried, I have been sorrow, I have been extatic with the show. I just want to meet the crew!! Please, help me and others like me make our dream real. I am begging you, please help us!!
Special thank to the organizer and host of “All Hell Breaks Loose†super natural convention.The event was very much en joyful for its fans.The events photograph and videos makes me wounder how it is possible.The lovely fans enjoyed with lough and crying.The convention meet the dream of its millions of fans. Brother CS6000i Computerized Sewing Machine