Welcome Ardeospina and Other Snow Day Induced Announcements
I’ve been couped up with the kids, hubby and five pets (we’re pet sitting for parents that went to Florida) for three days straight due to non-stop snow and tomorrow we get to do it again.
So, today seemed like the perfect day to clean out the Inbox as well as catch up on twenty hours of Olympics coverage on the DVR. Oh, and the Supernatural marathon on TNT. My kids actually loved that.
First, we have another writer to welcome to our team. With her latest submission (which you will see posted very soon) Ardeospina is now an official member of our team. She has taken over the task of Top Ten lists, plus I’m sure she’ll have some more things in store in the future. Attached is her bio. You can also see it on the “Who are We?” section.
Second, our dear friends Lynn and Kathy at Fangasm have a new great interview up, this time with Serge Ladoucer, Supernatural’s Director of Photography, aka, the chief cinematographer. He shares a lot of trade secrets regarding creating the perfect lighting for the numerous ambitious scenes he’s tasked with. Here’s one nugget he revealed, he isn’t happy with the way they shot the dark scene with Sam and Gordon in Fresh Blood. I already know from my technical research that what these behind the scenes guys are tasked with is not easy, so I highly suggest you read Serge’s view on things. It’s fascinating.
Also, you might notice I’ve been talking about the new site, The Supernatural Crossroads. Let me explain what that is. The Winchester Family Business, Winchester Bros, and Support Supernatural have teamed up to form a portal site that gives fans one place to go for the latest up to the minutes news, fan promotions, and articles from our sites. All three of us are very active fan sites and find we offer some very unique content to the fandom. Winchester Bros is the best site for up to the minute news about Supernatural. Support Supernatural runs plenty of fan campaigns designed to make the world a better place while sharing love for the show. The Winchester Family Business, as I’m sure many of you that come here know, has the best episode reviews, full recaps, meta articles, top ten lists and all sorts of other misc things that gives us a rich catalog of the most unique content out there. Put it all together and you get one deep resource of all things Supernatural. We will still of course maintain our individual sites but the Supernatural Crossroads makes a great starting point to see what each site has to offer.
Oh, and your editor in chief here did all the programming for the site, launching the “jesterz Online Media” banner. That banner will run in the new Winchester Family Business website, which will launch within a week or two (snow days are slowing down programming because my kids are a wee bit demanding). The look and feel will be different, but the rich content will be the same. If anything, I’ll be making it easier to get to that content. So stay tuned!

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Welcome Ardeospina…LOVE YOUR LISTS!! Looking forward to whatever you write.
Alice, glad your kids like the TNT marathon. I have fun with it too.
Also love your new site. Now I have a place to go for spoilers if I want.
Thanks for all the news, and sorry about the snow. That’s what we got here last week Dumped 15 inches on me, but I only had 2 dogs to deal with!
Alice, do you really think it’s wise to let a theoretical Steelers fan on board? 😀
Re: snow. Send the kids outside to shovel! (I know, I know, that never works)
Hey, Ardeospina, welcome to our staff! It was only a matter of time for you to become one of us, and I’m honoured to be able to welcome another fine creative mind! I’ll be looking forward to what you’ll have to offer which, I’m sure, will be plenty.
Alice, I feel your snow… Supernatural Crossroads looks sophisticated and appealing, I’m sure it will be a success. And I’m very curious about what you intend to do with our site here, as you have already given us some hints… well, boss, work your magic.
😉 Jas
Congratulations Ardeospina!
I love your lists and can’t wait to get some literary wonderness from you too (What? that’s a word lol)
Anyways, congrats girl!
Alice, could you perhaps send some of that snow to Vancouver? Seems we could use a bit (it’s 11 C here in Victoria or approx 52 F). Which is nice and all, except when you need snow for oh, say, the Winter Olympics…
Ardeospina, congratulations!
And congrats to you too Alice. This is all so exciting.
Thanks for the kind welcome, everyone!
Randal, don’t worry. Although I do root for the Steelers now because it’s impossible not to in Pittsburgh, I was actually born and raised in a suburb of Cleveland, so I’m a Browns fan through first and foremost. I’ll only root for the Steelers when they’re not playing the Browns.
Congrats, Alice, on the Supernatural Crossroads site. It looks great! And I’m excited about your changes to this site, too, which I know will be amazing.
I feel your pain on the snow front. We have a ton here, and all the hills in Pittsburgh make it hell to navigate. Tigershire, if I could, I’d send all our snow to you!
I read this ages ago and COMPLETELY forgot to comment *facepalm*
CONGRATS ARDEOSPINA!! Sorry I’m late, but it’s great to hear you’re officially on board now. Looking forward to those lists 🙂