Editor’s Choice Awards – Supernatural “Caption This” Game #201-300
Honorable Mention to the Most Heartwarming Caption that I want in a Poster…
if we Completely, Entirely, Utterly Ignore Season 15
Winning Captioneer: Claire Brandenburg
The old Chuck – the Chuck that was Castiel’s hero, the Chuck that played the guitar in BG’s Canteen, and hoarded toilet paper, and lovingly explained to Dean that his issues with his father couldn’t be blamed on God – that Chuck advising a naïve, altruistic, hopeful, faithful, gullible angel that the road is hard but always keep fighting is the inspiration I need every day on the wall of my home. I absolutely love it.
3rd Place
Winning Captioneer: Carly
Too funny! A completely random scenario that fits the picture perfectly and could absolutely have happened in Supernatural.
2nd Place
Winning Captioneer: The Green Cooler
The dialog is so perfectly in character, I can hear the boys arguing about their inanimate, constant companions taking on personalities of their own. I’m sure it was a scene that was written, directed and printed but ended up on the cutting room floor. Considering the captioneer, I’m sure this really happened.
**1st Place**
Winning Captioneer: Curlybean
Absolutely the one thing I would say to Dean given the chance. Change the ending, Dean. Don’t die. Live a long and happy life.
This caption expresses in one picture the very deep emotions about Supernatural that are so hard to put into words, and it does it by reprising what Dean tried to tell his mom when he thought he had a chance to save her. It perfectly says what I didn’t know I needed to say. Brilliance.
Next up: Alice shares her Editor Choice Awards for “Caption This” #201-300 Winners! There may even be a surprise announcement involving prizes…
Drop into our #CaptionThis contest page any time! You can enter your captions, get a laugh from all the creative entries and vote on your favorites each week!
Enjoy all of Nightsky’s musings on Supernatural! Check out her Reviews, Top 10’s, Books, Interviews and more, all on her Writer’s Page!
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