Supernatural Weekly World News August 22, 2020
Let’s Talk About How Great Texas-Born Actor Jensen Ackles Is
— Spnuk (@SpnUK) August 21, 2020
You may have noticed I’ve been a bit MIA recently… I’ve been busily working away on a project I’m so excited about I can’t believe I’ve kept it a secret this long.
— Jason Manns (@jasonmanns) August 17, 2020
The Heist will be a live music venue inspired by my favorite small venues around the country, Eddie’s Attic (ATL), Rockwood Music Hall (NYC), The Hotel Cafe (LA), The Evening Muse (Charlotte). Bowling Green is a small town, so this intimate venue will be the perfect size for the surroundings, 75-100 person capacity, it will have live streaming capabilities so that anyone can watch the shows from anywhere on earth, and it will also have a recording studio.(so I can finish my latest album!!) There is room to grow as well, so the plan is start small and do it right, but who knows what the future could hold!
If she’s going to insist on wearing clothes, these are my favorite
— Jared Padalecki (@jarpad) August 17, 2020
Join us for another #Supernatural Watch Party on Saturday, August 29th on Discord! This month it will be benefiting @DonorsChoose!? Every $1 donated = 1 entry for some awesome prizes! Donations are not required to join the party so come chat as we watch some fun SPN epidodes!?
— Friends of Random Acts (ɴʏᴄ) (@FriendsofRA) August 18, 2020
Ever since I wore a clear-paneled medical mask on Grey’s Anatomy, I’ve been getting requests from people around the world about where to get them. The #MillieMask is incredible in part because it also raises funds for @deafwomenofcolor1! Go to @Rafinova_go to get yours. ?
— Shoshannah Stern (@Shoshannah7) August 21, 2020
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