Rank ‘Em in Five Minutes – Supernatural Season 14 Edition
It’s the return of our annual game! I suddenly realized that I had gone this far in the summer without doing this fun little exercise and decided today was the day to fix that. After all, we have a lot of Hellatus left!
The game is simple. Below is a list of all the episodes in “Supernatural” season fourteen. You then list them according to your opinion from best to worst, but you only have five minutes to do it. Make sure to share your results in the comments. The key here is you’ve got to go on gut feel. Don’t deliberate too much.
Not sure what happened in those episodes? I certainly needed a refresher. Go to our handy/dandy Season Fourteen Episode Guide and review the episode summaries first. That should trigger the memory. Once you’re comfortable with which episode is which, set the timer and go. Okay, for me it took a hair under six minutes, but honestly, the dog distracted me. I swear! If you end up taking ten minutes or so, I guess no one will know except you and fluffy. But try not to create a pristine and perfect list based on hours of analysis. Just go with what you liked. The purpose of this exercise is to show what episodes people liked and disliked. It’s amazing the differences that result in these lists.
Okay, ready? Here is the list of season fourteen episodes:
Stranger in a Strange Land
Gods and Monsters
The Scar
Mint Condition
Nightmare Logic
Unhuman Nature
The Spear
Damaged Goods
Prophet and Loss
Peace of Mind
Don’t Go in The Woods
Game Night
Jack in the Box
Just for fun (because this is all about fun), here are my rankings:
Peace of Mind
Mint Condition
Nightmare Logic
Stranger in a Strange Land
Gods and Monsters
Don’t Go In the Woods
The Scar
Unhuman Nature
Damaged Goods
Prophet and Loss
Game Night
Jack in the Box
The Spear
Okay, your turn. Rank ‘Em in Five(ish) Minutes!

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
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