Supernatural Weekly World News April 28, 2019

Now available on @PrimeVideo in the US and Canada! Watch for free with a Prime account. (Still available on VOD as well)
— Wild Honey (@WildHoneyMovie) April 22, 2019

Who has already bought their tickets for the premiere of #EmptybyDesign? Oh you guys are lucky!
Order yours today: @whianwamos
— CybeRhians Official (@CybeRhians) April 23, 2019
The cast & creators of #DetectivePikachu on the Yellow Carpet in Tokyo, Japan. ⚡️?
— POKÉMON Detective Pikachu (@DetPikachuMovie) April 25, 2019

so proud to have been a small part of this show. one of my favorite characters ever. sad to see it go.
— Adam Rose (@RealAdamRose) April 27, 2019

Goodbyes are always hard…it’s been an amazing journey with my #andimack cast and crew who have become lifelong friends. So proud and touched that our show has meant a lot to so many. Much gratitude and love for all your support. ?
— Lauren Tom (@LaurenTom9000) April 24, 2019
Always remember, that for the health of your soul, you must be persistent in persuing what makes you happy. So continue to work hard and believe in yourself. You are enough! “what you seek is seeking you” #rumi
— Lisa Berry (@_LisaBerry) April 25, 2019

This will be available Spotify, iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, Tidal, etc… after General Hospital’s 2019 Nurses Ball. Clever, right?
— James Patrick Stuart (@japastu) April 24, 2019
My new record ‘Orchestrating My Life’ is out today & features many of my biggest hits re-recorded and re-imagined with a blend of rock and orchestral arrangements. Hope you dig it! Buy, download or stream it here:
— Rick Springfield (@rickspringfield) April 26, 2019
Come hang w/ @RandomActsOrg & me May 4th & help the Caroline Food Pantry collect some food to restock their shelves! Bouncy house 4 the kids, I’ll sing some tunes, lets have a good time! Details on needed food items & more info about where and when here:
— Jason Manns (@jasonmanns) April 23, 2019

Moar #DnDLive2019 HYPE! #MonstersAndFables, merging #DnD with classic fairy tales, is joining THE DESCENT! DM @TJStorm01 is joined by @dreamwisp @franciscapra @RachelMiner1 @OmarNajam.
May 17-19. Learn more including how to join us:
— Dungeons & Dragons (@Wizards_DnD) April 25, 2019
What a way to wake up this morning!As always, intensely grateful to this show, all involved, and every opportunity I’ve been granted since.
✨???✨ #GratefulAF @cw_spn #SPNFamiIy @leoawards— B R I A N A B U C K M A S T E R (@OfficialBrianaB) April 23, 2019
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