Nate’s Episode Review – Supernatural 13.17 “The Thing”

Nate Winchester is an aspiring author, blogger, and strangely the only male writer for The Winchester Family Business.
Nate Winchester is an aspiring author, blogger, and strangely the only male writer for The Winchester Family Business.
After last week’s fun but fluffy episode I was happy to see the Winchester’s back in action. I was also glad to see some exciting mytharc development. I’ve mentioned before that I’m interested in the idea of the Winchesters as the hunted rather than the hunters. But it was nice to see Sam and Dean…
Or, There’s more to Sam Winchester than meets the eye We already knew that, and yet this episode, the first of a three-part finale, gave another character study of the younger Winchester that showed us some more aspects of his nature, amazingly so. This episode begins in a lab, exposing two doctors to…
Where to even begin to talk about this one? So many plot threads, so little time. Some were wrapped up, some were newly woven and left to dangle for another day. Finally, season ten seems to be gearing up towards some heat and drama just in time to leave us at the edge of a…
Another Supernatural season has come and gone and you know what that means. It’s time for our annual awards! Season 13 especially generated some mixed feelings. You either loved it, hated it, or were rather indifferent. Huh, come to think of it, that sounds like every season, doesn’t it? Ever since season seven a certain…
“Don’t count on God. Okay? Count on us.” “God helps those who help themselves.” These two quotes have been key to Supernatural’s season 11, and they play a major role in the episode “All In the Family.” The Winchesters are finally confronted with God under the guise of Chuck—and they have many questions and need…
Well, I still consider Supernatural‘s season 8’s “Sacrifice” to be the worse finale, but this one is definitely the silliest. Final Score: We’ll talk more on the season 13’s review. Banner picture is one of the three #CaptionThis 131 contest winners. This caption was created by Anna Genna. Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSaveNate…
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