Nate’s Episode Review – Supernatural 13.15 “A Most Holy Man”
No other show tackles the wacky and tongue in cheek the way Supernatural does. We’ve had talking suicidal teddy bears, alternate realities where the show is a show, microwaved fairies, and an angel turned into a toy. We’ve had drawings of children come to horrific life—and unicorns with rainbows. Supernatural takes risks that allow it…
Alright, I’m so happy to report that Supernatural has done it again. Whatever those special qualities are that makes our show such a wonderful trip; they’re all here. We have a gem of an episode that’s definitely delightful. I’m so inspired by all the references to things that I love in this story, that my…
THEN: Jack inhaling grace and saying, “I’m me again.” Anael healing people for money and talking with Lucifer. Nick killing his neighbor, talking with Sam, and Sam saying, “You can burn.” Nick escaping custody and rejecting his wife. Donatello. Jack promising not to use his powers without telling the Winchesters. NOW: A man in a…
Well, I guess there was some plot advancement. That was something. Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave
WARNING! If you haven’t seen “What’s Up, Tiger Mommy?” read no further! There will be spoilers and heavy episodal discussion and other things you will want to see for yourself first, so don’t read this until you’ve watched! Then come and speculate with us! Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave
“A Little Slice of Kevin” is an odd duck. It’s clearly a continuation of “What’s Up, Tiger Mommy?” This time the writers are Brad Buckner and Eugenie Ross-Leming, and I did like this more than Dabb and Loflin’s episode 8.02. The issue is, it’s the seventh episode of a season that’s clearly getting off to…
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