Memorable Moments: Supernatural 12.03 “The Foundry”
Welcome back to the “Memorable Moments” series for Supernatural episode 12.03 “The Foundry”. Once again I put together a list of what I felt were the best and most memorable moments from this episode. The list varies from episode to episode depending on what transpired. I hope you enjoy it and share what your picks would be!
Best Broment
Their gravesite chat about their Mom and her ‘adjusting’.
Dean: Yeah she’s adjusting.
Sam: No she’s struggling. I mean she’s trying to bury herself in hunting to avoid dealing.
Dean: And how do you know that?
Sam: Years of personal experience…I don’t know man, like Mother, like Sons.
Brother’s in Unison
Getting up at the breakfast table when Castiel says he’s got to go.
Also when they are clicking away simultaneously, side by side on their laptops.
Best Sam Moment
Sam racing down to the basement to break down the wall and salt and burn Hugo Moriarty’s bones.
Best Dean Moment
Taking hold of a possessed Mary with the chain and telling his mom to hang on until Sam can free her.
Best Castiel Moment
Castiel teasing Crowley about wanting to save his mother.
Best Crowley Moment
After having the door slammed on them, Crowley simply pops into the house and opens the door for Castiel.
Best Rowena Moment
Tricking Lucifer and sending him off to the bottom of the ocean.
Lucifer: Red, what did you do?
Rowena: Sped up the decaying process, my Lord. You thought Keith Richards was bad? Try Iggy Pop.
Lucifer: Oh, decapitation is far too merciful for you, Ginger Bitch!
Creepiest Moment
Pulling back the blanket to find an old, broken doll in the crib.
Best ‘Awwwww’ Moment
Castiel and Crowley holding hands…..
Of course this was just Castiel stopping Crowley from reversing Lucifer’s healing of Vince’s sister.
Most Comedic Moment
Cas and Crowley going back and forth trying to talk between the truck.
Best Alias
Agents Beyonce and ‘Z’
Agents Shirley Partridge, Cassidy and Bonaduce
Best CGI/VFX scene
The burning of Hugo Moriarty
Lucas and the other spirit children evaporating into a smoke as they get sent off to heaven.
Best Set Design
The purple motif of the Motel room
The decay of the abandoned house
And Vince’s muse of a Cabin
Best Scenic Scene
Vince’s Cabin
Best Musical Cue
While all in the Impala, Steppenwolf’s “Born to be Wild” comes on the radio. Sam hints to Dean to turn it off….
However, Mary turns it up.
Sam and ….
Dean’s reaction were priceless.
Most Moving/Haunting Moments
For this I have to go with Mary’s story and what she has been facing since returning –
Not only trying to adapt to the new technology of the internet ….
…and cell phones….
But also having doubts about fitting in.
Mary: Castiel, after you left heaven, when did it start to feel like you fit, like you belonged here?
Castiel: Well, I’m still not sure I do. Mary, you do belong here.
….And then there is dealing with the reality and guilt of what happened to her family after she died.
Reading John’s journal had to have been one of the hardest things to deal with, reading his words as he described his grief and obsession for revenge, detailing his hunts, and how he had to learn to identify and kill these supernatural creatures. To read how his home had become either the Impala or cheap motels as he traveled from town to town..
A far cry from the man she once described to Dean in ‘In The Beginning’ as “He’s sweet, kind, even after the war, after everything, he still believes in happily-ever-after. He’s everything a hunter isn’t.
The worst of it all was not only that this had become John’s life but the life for her two sons as well. A life she never wanted for them. Something we also learned from ‘In The Beginning’
“I wanna get out, this job, this life–I hate it. I want a family, I want to be safe. You know the very worst thing I can think of? Is for my family to be raised into this like I was. I won’t let it happen!”
Working this case also had reminders of what she had lost and missed out on since returning. Seeing the crib and what looked to be an infant sleeping ..
must have reminded her of her little Sammy sleeping in his crib.
And a fair haired little Lucas ….
must have reminded her of her own fair haired little boy Dean.
This leading into the next category …..
Saddest Moment
Mary realizing that things are not working out and that she needs to leave.
Mary: I miss John. I miss my boys.
Sam: We’re right here Mom.
Mary: I know, in my head, but I’m still mourning them as I knew them. My baby Sam and my little boy Dean. Just feels like yesterday we were together in heaven and now…I’m here and John is gone and they’re gone. Every moment I spend with you reminds me every moment I lost with them. And I thought hunting, working, would clear my head and….
Sam: Mom what are you trying to say?
Mary: I have to go…I’m sorry, I’m so, so sorry. I just need a little time.
When she tries to approach Dean, he steps back away from her.
however she is able to give Sam a farewell hug.
Mary leaves after telling her boys ‘I love you, I love you both.’
I hope you enjoyed this “Memorable Moments” review! Please share what your picks would be for these categories, or offer categories of your own!
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