Memorable Moments Supernatural 11.23 – “Alpha and Omega”
Welcome to the last “Memorable Moments” for Season 11. Each week I have visually recapped what I felt were the best and most memorable moments from that episode. The list varied from week to week, depending on what transpired in that particular episode. With this being the finale, I figured I could go big so you’re in for a treat! Settle in!
Best Broment
He looks over at his brother to pass over his keys
Sam struggling with the inevitable
Dean tells him ‘come on you know the drill, no chick flick moments’
Sam trying to be brave ‘yeah you love chick flicks’
Dean knowing he couldn’t leave without giving his baby brother one last hug ‘yeah you’re right, I do, come here’
Also I had to go with this ….
Sam: Really?
Dean: Really. What? We hit Amara with everything we got, and she walked it off. So…
Sam: So it’s last call?
Dean: That’s right. Look, man. If you got something for me to punch, shoot, or kill, let me know and I’ll do it. I’ll do it till I die.
But how are we suppose to fix the friggin’ sun?
Brother’s in Unison
Entering and ….
leaving the Waverley Hills Sanitorium
Best Sam Moment
Sam never losing hope, trying to get Dean…..
and the others back into the fight
Best Dean Moment
Dean taking on all the souls to become a human bomb to…
confront Amara and end her once and for all.
Best Castiel Moment
Best Crowley Moments
Sniffing the whiskey in the decanter only to find …..
it was not acceptable
Best Crowley and Chuck/God Moment
Crowley warning Chuck/God about his mother ‘ She’s using you. It’s what she does, finds someone with power, cozies up, digs her claws in’
Chuck/God responds: ‘Yeah well I’m not helping anyone right now, obviously. She’s been nice.’
Crowley: ‘For now.’
Chuck: ‘Now, is kind of all we got.’
Crowley ‘ Whatever. I’m not calling you Dad’ , all the while searching for something better to drink.
Best Crowley Lines
Crowley ‘He’s not wrong’
Dean: Well, what are we waiting for? How do I smuggle this thing?
Crowley: We could always shove it up your…
Dean: Hey.
Crowley: I mean, you could.
Best Rowena and Chuck/God Moment
Rowena: ‘Fergus was bright, walked before his first birthday. He hated pants, hated them.
He’d run around the village with his wee banger just flapping in the breeze’
Chuck/|God: ‘Adam and Eve were the same’
Both …’Kids’
Crowley’s reaction to the conversation was priceless….
‘I’m so glad the worlds is ending’
Best Chuck/God and Amara Moment
Amara bringing Chuck/God to her, so she can explain how betrayed and jealous she felt when he created man and put them over her.
After making amends Amara heals Chuck/God
Chuck/God then removes the bomb of souls from Dean
Best Billie Moment
Best Guest Actor Scene(s)
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