Editor’s Note: Each week Karen visually recapped what she felt were the best and most memorable moments of the new Supernatural episode. The list varied from week to week, depending on what transpired in the episode. Towards the end of the season, we skipped a few episodes, though, usually for scheduling reasons. “Don’t Call Me Shurley” was one of the episodes we had to skip, so we’ve never had the chance to share this visual review with you. As some consider it Robbie Thompson’s finest work, it is appropriate that we present this to you now, during The WFB’s Robbie Thompson Week! Enjoy!
Karen’s Note: This was one of those episodes where I found it extremely difficult to keep my most memorable moments down to a reasonable minimum. From start to finish, this episode was not only the best of everything, it was also so intertwined.
Best Broment
It was difficult to pick one moment as all the scenes between the brothers were pretty much Bro-moments, however, I’m going with a string of moments, starting with ….
Sam being over taken by the fog
Telling Dean to stay back
Dean going to his brother despite the risks
Sam losing faith due to the fogs effects…”You’re gonna chose Amara over me”
Dean demanding God to “Stop this! You hear me you dick!”
Dean hanging on to Sam as he slowly succumbs
A sudden glow in Sam’s pocket emerges
It is Dean’s amulet
The surprised look on Dean’s face when he finds out that Sam had it all this time and that it’s glowing
Sam’s look of being found out and that it’s glowing.
Best Sam Moment
Sam’s gentle touch as he retrieves the little girl from the car
Best Dean Moment
Seeing Sam being overtaken by the fog and refusing to leave his side
Best Guest Star Scene(s)
Metatron’s new found friend. He didn’t have a lot of lines but his….
action scenes …
facial expressions ….
sitting quietly as the camera scans across the bar….
giving comfort ….
and just being there for his friend… said it all
Best Bad Ass Moment
Metatron calling Chuck/God a coward
Of course Metatron paid for that one
Best Creeper Moment
Chuck/God creeping over Metatron’s shoulder
Most Nostalgic Moment
Best Metatron Moment
Metatron admitting to his and humanities flaws, but also acknowledging their strengths
Cutest Chuck/God Moment
Expressing his human form is adorable
Giving himself a shot on the shoulder for a great job.
Best ‘Awwwww’ Moment
The little girl reaching out to Sam when he falls to the fog
Funniest Moment
Dean sprinkling beer on Sam’s shirt while ironing
Sam smelling the beer….
and demanding Dean to stop ironing his shirts with beer
Best CGI/VFX scene
The fog rolling in
Saddest Moment
An infected Deputy admitting being forced to kill her husband as she watched herself do it
Best Set Design
The bar with the soft lighting of the table lamps, the stage and Hippie version of the American flag….
with the vintage furniture and juke box
Best Camera Shot
Sam looking out of the window with the reflection the trees softly covering over him
Best Angle Shot
The down view shot of Metatron and Chuck/God
Another down view of Metatron and Chuck/God with the papers fluttering down around them
Most Scenic Scene
Although these scenes were foggy…
I still liked them
Best Lighting
I loved how the light went from the softness of the yellowish glow to…
to the spot light
Best Musical Cue
I loved the music in this episode with the Stone’s ‘Gimme Shelter’ and The Beach Boys’ ‘Good Vibrations’, however the montage of Chuck/God singing ‘Fare Thee Well’ was epic which led into …
… Most Moving/Powerful Moment
Everyone recovering from the infection of the fog
while the brothers follow the amulets glow
Metatron reacts to the last page of Chuck’s/God’s manuscript
while Chuck/God sings the words ‘One of these days and it won’t be long. Call my name and I’ll be gone, Fare thee well’
Biggest Reveal
Metatron and …
Sam and Dean being informed ….
that Chuck is God
and that the amulet does glow in his presence.
I hope you enjoyed this week’s “Memorable Moments” review! Please share what your picks would be for these categories, or offer categories of your own!
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