Rank Them!
This was a quick little game I did to kill five minutes at work today. Is it sophmoric and arbitrary? Sure, but hey, it works. Rank the season four episodes in order from best to worst. The stipulation, you must do it in five minutes. No cheating! Here’s mine, and I did this in 4 minutes 40 seconds.
1. On The Head Of A Pin
2. Lazarus Rising
3. The Monster At The End of This Book
4. Lucifer Rising
5. When The Levee Breaks
6. In The Beginning
7. Wishful Thinking
8. Yellow Fever
9. Death Takes A Holiday
10. Sex and Violence
11. I Know What You Did Last Summer
12. After School Special
13. Metamorphosis
14. Criss Angel Is A Douchebag
15. Are You There God It’s Me Dean Winchester
16. It’s The Great Pumpkin Sam Winchester
17. Monster Movie
18. It’s A Terrible Life
19. The Rapture
20. Jump The Shark
21. Heaven and Hell
22. Family Remains
Go ahead, tell me how wrong I am. However, if you disagree with #22, something’s wrong with you!

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
If you asked me to do this tomorrow, I’m sure the order would be different, but this is what five minutes of cut and pasting came up with.
And, no, I didn’t for a second consider switching around 21 and 22.
1. Lazarus Rising
2. When The Levee Breaks
3. The Monster At The End of This Book
4. On The Head Of A Pin
5. Lucifer Rising
6. In The Beginning
7. It’s A Terrible Life
8. I Know What You Did Last Summer
9. Death Takes A Holiday
10. Sex and Violence
11. Are You There God It’s Me Dean Winchester
12. After School Special
13. Metamorphosis
14. Criss Angel Is A Douchebag
15. Jump The Shark
16. It’s The Great Pumpkin Sam Winchester
17. Monster Movie
18. Wishful Thinking
19. Yellow Fever
20. The Rapture
21. Heaven and Hell
22. Family Remains
1. On The Head Of A Pin
2. Lazarus Rising
3. The Monster At The End of This Book
4. Yellow Fever
5. Monster Movie
6. It’s a Terrible Life
7. I Know What You Did Last Summer
8. Sex and Violence
9. Jump the Shark
10. When the Levee Breaks
11. Lucifer Rising
12. Wishful Thinking
13. It’s the Great Pumpkin Sam Winchester
14. Death Takes a Holiday
15. After School Special
16. Criss Angel is a Douchebag
17. Family Remains
18. Heaven and Hell
19. Are You There God, It’ Me Dean Winchester
20. Metamorphosis
21. In the Beginning
22. The Rapture
Yes, I did not put family remains in last place cuz I thought the rat eating scene was awesomely gruesome! I was more dissapointed in Jimmy’s story (Still a Cass fan, though). Favorite goes to the creepiness of Alastair – he will be missed!!
Hi, what a fun distraction from work!
1) Lazarus Rising.
2) The monster at the end of this book.
3) In the beginning.
4) When the levee breaks.
5) On the head of a pin.
6) Death takes a holiday.
7) Are you there god, its me Dean Winchester?
8) Lucifer Rising.
9) I know what you did last summer.
10) Sex and Violence.
11) Criss Angel is a douchebag.
12) Wishful thinking.
13) Yellow fever.
14) Metamorphosis.
15) Its the great pumpkin, Sam Winchester.
16) After school special.
17) Monster movie.
18) Jump the shark.
19) Its a terrible life.
20) Family remains.
21) The rapture.
22) Heaven and Hell – sorry but grace in a bottle, angels falling from heaven, and cheesy Marlon Brando impersonations was too much for me.
I have an early day tomorrow, and should be going to sleep, but…
1) When the Levee Breaks – Oh god, Sam….
2) The Monster at the End of the Book
3) Jump the Shark
4) I Know What You Did Last Summer
5) Lazarus Rising
6) In the Beginning
7) On the Head of a Pin
8) Death takes a Holiday
9) Yellow Fever – the rest of my family’s #1
10) Wishful Thinking
11) Metamorphosis
12) It’s a Terrible Life
13) After School Special
14) It’s the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester
15) Monster Movie
16) Are You There God, It’s Me, Dean Winchester
17) Lucifer Rising
18) Criss Angel is a Douchebag
19) The Rapture
20) Sex and Violence
21) Family Remains – I thought this episode was quite scary, but in terms of a Supernatural episode starring Sam and Dean it really sucked.
22) Heaven and Hell – This almost ruined the whole angel storyline for me.
Oh, good gravy!!!!
1. Lazarus Rising — it had been 17 weeks!!!
2. On the Head of a Pin
3. In The Beginning — Mary was a hunter!!!
4. Lucifer Rising
5. When The Levee Breaks
6. It’s a Terrible Life
7. In Know What You Did Last Summer
8. Heaven and Hell — they go together, so I keep them together
9. Monster Movie
10. Metamorphosis
11. Monster at the end of the Story
12. The Rapture
13. Jump the Shark
14. Are You There God…
15. It’s the Great Pumpkin…
16. Wishful Thinking
17. Death Takes a Holiday
18. Yellow Fever
19. Criss Angel — I really hated that title too, didn’t hate the episode, just the title
20. Sex and Violence
21. After School Special
22. Family Remains
I’m sure it’ll be different on a different day. Hah
1. Lazarus Rising – What else? Dean is BACK!
2. On the Head of a Pin – great Ackting!
3. In The Beginning – questions answered
4. Lucifer Rising – boys grabbing each other
5. Monster at the End of the Story – just awesome!
6. It’s a Terrible Life -love the boys working together again (even if they didn’t know it)
7. I Know What You Did Last Summer -desperate Sam and brotherly first aid
8. Heaven and Hell -lovely view of Dean’s beautiful back and I like Anna.
9. Monster Movie -Jamie was cool
10.Metamorphosis -Dean almost left Sam!
11.Jump the Shark – Dean knew from the start it was a trap
12. Sex and Violence -bad bad Sam!
13. When the Levee Breaks
14. Are You There God…
15. It’s the Great Pumpkin…
16. Wishful Thinking
17. Death Takes a Holiday
18. Yellow Fever – Eye of the Tiger rates higher though
19. Family Remains – creeeeepy!
20. The Rapture – didn’t like Jimmy’s wife. Thumbs up to Misha though!
21. After School Special – thought Jensen would have made a better young Dean.Although the red shorts almost made the top five.Love those legs!
22. Criss Angel – the one I most dislike to rewatch with the exception of “The Chief” encounter.
From 10 to 19 could just be jumbled up together. Too hard to rank these as they are mostly equal to me.
Remember – I LOVE each and every episode (with the exception of Criss Angel – good acting just not very rewatchable for me.
And I’m sure I didn’t do this in five minutes. So sue me!
It took nearly the full 5 minutes but I finally made my list. I can’t really define my criteria for ranking them this way, and it’s been a while since I’ve watched them, so this list could easily be different tomorrow and different again next week, excepting the top five-ish which are pretty much static. That said, these are all pretty close, I love each and every episode in its own way.
Top Five: mine seem to be a little different than most other lists, but on any given day these five could easily rotate with one another. However, In the Beginning was a fantastic episode for me.
1. Lazarus Rising – reunions!
2. In The Beginning – awesome back story and yeah for continuity!
3. On the Head of A Pin – unbelievable acting on all parts!
4. Lucifer Rising – mother of all cliff hangers!
5. It’s a Terrible Life – even though he’s evil, I loved Zachariah in this episode!
Next Five: Monster Movie – I just loved it so much! I can easily watch that over and over without tiring of it. Heaven and Hell and IKWYDLS to me go together and while I agree that HH had some issues, the confession at the end was very powerful and therefore I have to rank it within the top ten.
6. Monster Movie – one word: rehymenated
7. Heaven and Hell – the closing scene: phenomenal
8. I Know What You Did Last Summer – great Sam storyline
9. Yellow Fever- Hell-Hound Yorkie: enough said.
10. The Monster at the End of This Book – Chuck! Obsessed Fangirl moment! Tattoos!
The Remaining: Okay, I have to agree that Family Remains belongs in the last place. It was gruesome, unnecessary and seemed somehow out of sync with the rest of the season. Metamorphosis, for me, ranks as number 21 because despite the fantastic Sam/Dean storyline I really, really, really hated this MOTW. I understand the parallel that was being drawn with Sam, but the whole episode was too disturbing in a not-good way. The rest, again, are pretty interchangeable with one another for the most part.
11. Wishful Thinking – suicidal, alcoholic, porn-addicted Teddy Bear
12. After School Special – oh god, the hand in the blender!
13. Death Takes a Holiday – Tessa returns Dean’s memory
14. When the Levee Breaks – incredible acting
15. Sex and Violence – distressing to watch, serious relationship wounds inflicted
16. It’s the Great Pumpkin Sam Winchester – Astronaut!
17. Are You There God? It’s Me Dean Winchester – Panic room
18. Jump the Shark – Interesting Sam/Dean reactions
19. The Rapture – Cas reprogrammed
20. Criss Angel is a Douchebag – good brother parallel
21. Metamorphosis – *shudder*
22. Family Remains – *shudder*
Minute 1
I don’t think I can even name every episode of Season 4 inside 5 minutes, let alone rank them.
*spends minute boggling at awesome knowledge and abilities of contributors*
Minute 2
Lazarus Rising No.1, yes. Hmm. I think I’ll probably put Sex and Violence way further down the list, for general wife/mother-killing misogyny. Heaven and Hell at the bottom? I’m a strong woman, I can cope with shirtless!Dean better than that. *contemplates shirtless!Dean*
Minute 3
Minute 4
Minute 5
Out of time? How did that happen?
I can’t do it, my brain’s full of sand. Yellow Fever and Family Remains are at the bottom though, on account of general WTF nonsensical rubbishyness and unsympathetic kitten casting.
Everything else was pretty fab … Except Metomorphosis … Stop Press! Sam Empathises With Monster! Yawn! and that one where Cass goes all human and tedious for a bit.
All the others … Awesome.
1.On the Head of a Pin
2.In the Beginning
3.I Know What You Did Last Summer
4.Yellow Fever
5.The Monster at the End of This Book
6.Lazarus Rising
7.Wishful Thinking
8.It’s the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester
9.Heaven and Hell
10.Are you there, God? It’s me, Dean Winchester
11.Lucifer Rising
12.Death Takes a Holiday
13.Monster Movie
14.After School Special
15.Sex and Violence
16.When the Levee Breaks
17.It’s a Terrible Life
18.The Rapture
19.Criss Angel Is a Douchebag
20.Jump the Shark
22.Family Remains
That’s what I could come up with in 5 minutes. Alot of people hated Heaven and Hell but I kinda liked it.
The only episodes I hated were Metamorphosis and Family Remains. All the rest I liked, just some better than others.
*joins in* hope you don’t mind xD
1.On the Head of a Pin
2.The Monster at the end of this book.
3.In the Beginning (I love that their mom was a hunter, that was pretty awesome)
4.Lazarus Rising.
5.Lucifer Rising.
6.The Rapture (I really liked this episode, Misha did a great job playing two completely different characters.)
7.Wishful Thinking
8.Jump the Shark.
9.When the Levee Breaks.
10.Yellow Fever.
11.Heaven and Hell.
12.Are you there God? It’s me, Dean Winchester.
13.It’s a terrible life.
14.It’s the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester.
15.Death Takes a Holiday.
16.I know what you did last summer.
17.After School Special.
18.Wishful Thinking.
19.Criss Angel Is a Douchebag
20.Monster Movie (I know a lot of people loved it, but it doesn’t do anything for me…)
22.Family Remains (one of the creepiest episodes ever for me.)
Season 4 has probably been my favourite season to date, I did kind of find myself preferring the episodes that had Castiel in them or tied to the Angel/Sam’s downward Spiral storyline somehow, the Monster-Of-the-week episodes dragged a little for me.
I’ll just give this a go.
I have to say that there isn’t really any episode that I hate. Of course some were not quite as good as the others, but there isn’t really one that I won’t watch again. The other seasons all had at least one episode that I couln’t stand, but not this one.
Alright, start the clock!
1. When the levee breaks
2. Lazarus rising
3. The monster at the end of this book
4. Monster movie
5. Metamorphosis
6. I know what you did last summer
7. Lucifer rising
8. After school special
9. On the head of a pin
10. Jump the shark
11. Sex and violence
12. It’s a terrible life
13. Wishful thinking
14. Yellow fever
15. Are you there God, It’s me, Dean Winchester
16. It’s the great pumpkin, Sam Winchester
17. Death takes a holiday
18. In the beginning
19. Criss angel is a douchebag
20. The rapture
21. Heaven and Hell
22. Family remains
That was hard! I kept moving episodes up the list and swearing because others ended op too low. I think I just like them all!
Opinions on metamorphosis seem to differ greatly. People either love it or hate it. For me, it was a little squicky, but squicky is good on occasion. The brother scenes were awesome.
I just realised that I have wishful thinking on my list twice and missed out Sex and Violence, whoops…xD So here is the modified middle bit…
7.Jump the Shark.
8.When the Levee Breaks.
9.Yellow Fever.
10.Are you there God? It’s me, Dean Winchester.
11.It’s a terrible life.
12.It’s the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester.
13.Heaven and Hell.
14.Death Takes a Holiday.
15.I know what you did last summer.
16.After School Special.
17.Wishful Thinking.
18. Sex and violence.