CW Official Press Release for Supernatural Episode 11.16
Here’s the description for episode 16.
Safe House (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET)
JIM BEAVER RETURNS A dangerous creature is accidentally released into an old house, attacking a mother and her child, leaving them both in a coma. Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) learn that Bobby (guest star Jim Beaver) and Rufus (guest star Steven Williams) once tracked the same entity so the Winchesters look to the past to come up with a plan to catch the monster before any one dies. Stefan Pleszczynski directed the episode written by Robbie Thompson. (#1116) Original airdate 3/23/16. has a more detailed article on the episode and rest of the season.
The return of Bobby and Rufus! I’m looking forward to this. I love both Rufus and Bobby. What kind of entity do you think they are fighting? How will Sam and Dean figure out that Bobby and Rufus fought it? Are there notes still at the cabin? All of Bobby’s things were destroyed when the Leviathans destroyed his house in season seven. Are you looking forward to this? Tell us in the comments or in the discussion thread for episode 16.
Look forward to this episode. Just a reminder – Bobby’s library was not destroyed when his house burned down. If you recall, he told the brothers he had stashed copies of everything, and he went off to collect them all. Then, later in the season, after he died, Sam asked Sheriff Jody to collect a bunch of those boxes of books from his storage area to help him get his brother back in Time after Time. Being Bobby, bet he had several storage areas and the brothers have all that material now.
We wait 4 weeks for another filler? I hope not 🙁
I was thinking that Yelloweyes I thought we were going to jump into the Amara’s story line. Why do that introduce “A big Bad ” for a season then out of 23 epis. we see it for about 8 with the rest MOTW or poor filler episodes. Like many other seasons we get all excited then crash Demon Dean 3 episodes thats it Then The Steins, and the killing of Charlie. With Lucy out, Amara out, and if they hadn’t killed her off Rowenna running around, Crowley and Cas in full angel mode WOW what a story that would have made. I could have written 2 – 3 seasons with that combo. !!!
Agreed! So far this year we’ve had the potential of the following issues/problems theD!!, Luci, Cas as Luci, Crowley, Metatron, Rowena…. so why in the !$*@(! are we getting filler? There was so much to work with already in place why not use it? I’ve pretty much forgotten all about Amara, she’s become a non-entity. They mention her, but she’s done nothing. Seeing as how she hates mankind, why isn’t she destroying it? What has she been doing all this time? Getting a mani-pedi? Shopping for bras? What? The fact that we’ve seen nothing from her for episode and that she appears to be off somewhere doing nothing makes no sense. Get on with it people!
I’m sure Amara has been very busy at the beauty parlor or getting breast implants and a massage These people would have been promptly killed after their service because she wouldn’t won’t people to know she is PLASTIC and easy to get rid of by lighting a fire. “I’m Meltinnnnnngggg” What a total total #*+* waste of a fantastic story line, Season 11 the season of the ” Partial Darkness “
no, not looking forward to this none of it
I’m sure this is why they let Lucy out. If they confront Amara to early it would be all over she is to strong a entity to take on early in the season. Although I wish she had caused some mayhem in the papers. Like a decease or unusual deaths just causing havoc around the world so we knew what she was up to and to add credence to the story Anything for the Boys to briefly check out and maybe get some info on. They introduced Cas/Lucifer as a distraction hopefully to take us away from the Amara story till their ready to come out with it. Hopefully they may take it into S12 if we get one ?? Emily was working on 2 other shows in January
I’m deliriously happy we’ll be seeing Bobby and Rufus again, but I’d rather see them in the present than the past. Killing Rufus off was a stupid idea. Killing Bobby off was beyond all comprehension.
No, I think Bobby’s death was appropriate. Eventually the children must grow-up without their parents, so Bobby’s death was inevitable.
Rufus was under-used. He should have been in more episodes.
I agree.
Weekend at Bobby’s was one my of favorite episodes. I enjoy Rufus and Sheriff Mills and I love Bobby. I, speaking for only myself, would much rather see episodes with the 3 of them as the main story rather than goofy, ineffective (hand-puppets aside) hunters, teen-age girls with attitudes or smarter-than-Sam-better-shot-than-Dean-I-can-do-everything-better-than-two-hunters-raised-in-the-life-because-I-learned-to-hunt-reading-books characters.
Very much looking forward to this episode.
I think Bobby remains the most significant recurring character of Supernatural. He — NOT JOHN — oversaw Sam & Dean’s transition from young boys to young men. If it weren’t for Bobby, Sam & Dean would never have become the effective hunters that they are.
Rufus was severely UNDER-used. He should have been in at least 10 more episodes prior to his death.