CW Official Press Release for Supernatural Episode 11.14
Here’s the description for episode 14.
“The Vessel” — (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET)LUCIFER (AS CASTIEL) SENDS DEAN BACK IN TIME – Hoping to find a weapon powerful enough to defeat Amara (guest star Emily Swallow), Dean (Jensen Ackles) convinces “Castiel,” (Misha Collins) who is still Lucifer, to send him back in time to the last reported sighting of the Hand of God. Lucifer sees the potential in getting his hands on this weapon so goes along as Castiel and sends Dean to 1944 to the fated submarine mission that sunk the Hand of God. Meanwhile, continuing his charade with Sam (Jared Padalecki) while they wait for Dean’s return, Lucifer plans his next move. John Badham directed the episode written by Robert Berens (#1114). Original airdate 2/17/16.
The submarine episode is here. So Lucifer sends Dean back in time to find The Hand of God. It’s not quite the Spear of Destiny, but it still sounds impressive. Does this mean Dean is the official time traveler of the series? He seems to be the one who always get sent elsewhere in time. Lucifer continues to work on Sam. What do you think his next move is? Will he still try to get Sam to say yes? Is Sam likely to say yes to save “Castiel”? What does The Hand of God do? Will Dean be able to retrieve it? Will Sam see through Lucifer deception? Tell us in the comments or the discussion thread for episode 14.
Sunk the Hand of God? So what was it, a ship? Another sub? Is the Hand of God a relic that is in a ship that is sunk? That’s probably more like it. I love Lucifers deception. Right under Sam and Deans nose in the mothership? Too delicious. Lovin Season Eleven.
No mention of Crowley in this ep either. My concern for my favorite demon is growing. Crowley, what has Luci done to you?
I hope by the time this ep rolls around Dean has told Sam about the Amara thingy. If not, I think Casifer will tell him while Dean is on the sub.
In one of the spoilers from last week, we see Sam pointing a gun at Casifer’s head. I wonder if this is ep where Sam finds out (both about Amara and Luci):o I would love it if Sam figured out a way to out smart Luci on his own – no Dean to the rescue this time as he’s got his hands full looking for the hand of God.
This episode really sounds great and it is a Berens script. If it is as good as the Werther Project I am in heaven. Also, it is great that it seems to focus mostly to Sam, Lucifer and Dean. Oh, what a tangled web we weave: When first we practice to deceive! said the spider to the fly.
– Lilah
woopie another Dean centric episode…where he gets to time travel.Lucifer continues to work on Sam..More like two minute scene between Dean’s gushing 15 minute scenes.Yeah I know this is exagerration…but this is ridiculous that Dean gets to time travel AGAIN.Hopefully this Lucifer working on Sam is something interesting and Sam has equal time spent on him by TPTB in the episode.
Unlikely that Sam will have equal time. Carver said in an interview last week that most of the ep takes place on the sub.
I think it will be the ubiquitous Sam lite episode that we have . My understanding is Jared did not film alot of this one .
The closest I can find to The Hand Of god is the Hamsa. It has many meanings through different cultures, but one thing I found interesting was the christians call it the “Hand of Mary” the mother of Jesus Christ
Here is a snippet for you all —————— Images can be found on google — so if this is something like what their talking about It could be a relic that was found & kept on the submarine ????
The hamsa has been used by many generations of different cultures, different beliefs and different regions of the world, but one thing is for sure and it is that they all believe that it protects them from the evil eye. This has been passed on to all their people, and the belief is even growing stronger as time goes by.. Other people misinterpret the use of the hamsa symbol. They use it carelessly and some just do not use it well (defiling the mystical powers it holds-and treat it with mockery). The hamsa symbol is used as an amulet that can be worn on the body. This is easier because the hamsa hand is big and cannot be carried everywhere. It protects a person simply by wearing it or it can be hung on a wall. The hamsa that can be used and worn on the body, which makes it so convenient because it gives protection not only where it has been hung up, but to whoever wears it. Dark arts and dark magic are prevented from causing harm to those who wear the hamsa. That is why there are various types of the hamsa hand, bracelets, lockets, and even anklets that have been made for the symbol of the hamsa hand. This was done so that it is available everywhere and everyone, this way anyone can wear the bracelet and be protected from evil eye. The hamsa is also a good way to offer protection to people because it represents the symbol of blessing, power and strength. Though, few people believe the hamsa bracelet is a superstitious foolishness, many people believe it actually works. While its virtues may mean different things to different people, it remains as a very beautiful jewelry to put on and powerful instrument to negate evil eye.
The image is a open
Interesting Jen. I also researched and never found this. Thanks for posting. A lot of possible food for thought to chew on. 😉
Who discovered this “hand of god” did Lucy is this a way of getting Dean out the way so he can work on Sam ??? Is Dean on a wild goose chase / thats what I won’t to know. ??
Sam will stay strong he will find it difficult not to save his friend but what will happen to Sam if he swtches places. Forever torment, death. I think Cas has more chance of surviving this then Sam ever would, and I strongly believe where Sam is at mentally now he will stand firm and say no.
And as Lilah said Oh, what a tangled web we weave: When first we practice to deceive! said the spider to the fly.
This season is ramping up for every step forward the Boys take its a 100 steps back
1944 again? is this time after time again? he went back to that year in season 7 is there something special about that year? maybe Luci is trying to manipulate Sam into saying yes just 1 more time or he’ll spill that dirty Amarra secret
one of the side effects of Metatron’s spell that cast the angels out of heaven; now they can only go back in time 70, 75 years tops :):):)
This is a Beren’s script and he’s good at writing Sam so I am hoping against hope that this is not simply another Dean “dress up” episode and that Sam at least maintains a presence. I like that he’s going to get at least one scene with Casifer as I had feared that Casifer would simply turn into a way that the writers could fan pander in that nauseating way that they sometimes do.
I came up with ‘fandering’ earlier to describe ‘pandering to (a subset of) fans’. What do you think? 😀
Love it!! Fandering! My autocorrect keeps trying to change it to ‘wandering’… as in wandering away from the plot maybe?
I really hope that in this ep Sam is the one to figure out what happened to Cas, and that there is at least a significant scene or two between them. I actually also hope that the Dean plot really is just an opportunity for him to play dress up and scamper around on a sub, because I don’t like the notion of them finding yet ANOTHER supernatural artifact that possesses amazing powers! The rate at which the writers have been pulling these out of their arses the past couple of years is starting to seem ridiculous. Next they’re going to have the brothers go on a quest to find the Deathly Hallows.
They are loading torpedos which means if they aren’t sinking the Hand of God (whaaat?) then they are engaging or being fired upon. By who? Nazi Necromancing submariners?
There’s never a Golem around when you need one.
OR…maybe the hand of God was dropped in the ocean close to where Cain had dropped the First Blade. Hey, maybe there is a special undersea dumping ground where they can find all sorts of cool but deadly weapons (as well as many unusual deep sea creatures)! Maybe that’s where Thor’s Hammer ended up! 🙂 and maybe this is all just an excuse to separate the brothers and get Dean in a cute uniform.
Yep Dean in a cute uniform pandering to the fans again
If it was Lucy’s idea it could just be a farst to get Dean out of the bunker so he can get to Sam / mmmmm like that idea although surley Lucy would relize Sam would be the most likely person to pick up on his deception
Or Casifer says he’ll send both back and then only transports Dean? Then either makes his true self known or covers by telling Sammy something went wrong.
I don’t like it when the brothers are seperated. And I don’t think that there’s much Sam in this episode. 🙁 I just hope that the show doesn’t make the mistake as in the last seasons. Just concentrating on one brother and forgetting the other as a silent bystander is nothing I want to picture now. The last epis were great, showing us both brothers as a team and now they seperat again because WHY again. I’m the big brother or because someone told me to do it?! Come on show, you can do better than that!;) Sam is smart enough to figure out some things, too.
I agree. It also saddens me greatly that a terrific and balance writer is going to be wasted on filler like this. Why couldn’t this epi be written by the atrocious nep duo to free up Berens for something more significant?
Why are you assuming it’s going to be a filler episode? Just because you think it’s going to be Sam lite?
It is interesting how weird the syntax is of the synopsis isn’t it. It is somewhat confusing.
[quote]Lucifer sees the potential in getting his hands on this weapon so goes along as Castiel and sends Dean to 1944 to the fated submarine mission that sunk the Hand of God. Meanwhile, continuing his charade with Sam (Jared Padalecki) while they wait for Dean’s return, Lucifer plans his next move. [/quote] It implies Lucifer is ‘going along’ with Dean and yet staying behind with Sam. I think this episode is Sam-light but it may not be as bad as it seems since Jensen was spotted out and about doing submarineish things while Sam and Lucifer’s scenes could be filmed in the bunker and therefore be invisible. RB may not let us down…but my hopes are not high TBH.
elif I think you read it wrong
Lucifer sees the potential in getting his hands on this weapon so goes along as Castiel and sends Dean to 1944
so GOES ALONG as Castiel ……………. is confusing …………………… so PLAYS ALONG as Castiel or PRETENDS to be Castiel to send Dean to 1944
Jen – that’s how I read it too.
It is a horribly-written synopsis, but I agree with Jen. After my initial confusion (can Casifer be in 2 places at once?!) I assumed it meant that he goes along with Dean’s plan to retrieve the HOG. (heh, I should copyright my cool new acronym!)
Your so clever SD “HOG” I like that — you should look ahead at further eps and come up with more acronyms LOL
I’m not so chuffed about Dean being the only one to go back in time but at the same time I am looking forward to seeing Sam with Lucifer. Hopefully there will be a decent amount of Sam scenes because I am intrigued by what Lucifer might be planning as regards Sam.
So their loading torpedos this must be when they sink the “HOG” and Dean must try and stop this ??? Its a weapon and it can be sunk ????
1944 toward the end of the war, German war ship { Nazi Necromanc) thanks Alycat. I’m sure the bunker would have written history of this group and maybe thats what Lucy/Cas found. The epi with the Golan was filmed around this era so maybe the two are connected Maybe a german warship was transporting it to them. It can’t be to big if its a weapon ???? Twill be interesting :):):):)
Maybe the HOG is on a ship after all Jen… a Nazi ship……the same ship carrying The Arc of the Covenant perhaps?
On the video “Keep on Grinding” There is a shot of Sam. Dean & Cas/Lucy in the bunker with WW2 photos on a board maps on the table — There is 3 flags British. German, and American this is where the Necromacy may come into it ??? Also a shot of Sam with a gun on Lucy/Cas a gun I don’t think that will do much I reckon it will be a good episode.