Sneak Peek for Supernatural 10.20
We have the sneak peek for Wednesday’s episode.
Angel Heart
I’m drawing a complete blank on anything to say about this sneak peek. Dean is probably right, Claire wasn’t on good terms with him when she left. Cas is probably right Sam and Dean were troubled teenagers, I guess. What do you take from it? Does this make you more excited for the episode? How troubled is Claire? Let us know in the comments.
Boring sorry but just a boring clip.
I, for one, have [i]not[/i] been sitting around wondering what Claire has been doing. I’m actually already mad that there are four episodes left and angry teen Claire is being revisited. I fear Thompson has been put in charge of writing another “Sue” character, newest-teen-hunter-on-the-block to waste screen time next season.
I don’t even know that I will watch this one until after I’ve read some reviews and see if it has anything to do with anything. My guess is NOT.
So this is supernatural now. Ok.
Another sister from sister fic.Who may very well gravitate towards Dean.Hope she gravitates towards her mom..somewhere far far away.
No… this clip does not make me want to watch this episode more. I see we have a return to “comic relief” Cas… he’s so funny, he doesn’t understand human teenage girls… haha. not. Yawn. Sam and Dean standing around doing nothing in their own show.. zzzz. Catering to a snotty teen who has no business being the focus of any episode let alone an episode in the middle of the push to the finale. Wasn’t it the focus on Claire that ruined the mid season finale?
This clip along with the promo photos makes me think this episode is potentially unwatchable. The music sucks but it matches limp Cas with his worried expectant father look in his mundane soapy story to save whiny Claire. I understand it all may be said in humor but I hope the comparisons to Sam and Dean is not a pandering set up to make Claire a hunter. “Claire is a troubled teen just like Sam and Dean, they speak the same language” “Claire, the teenage girl is the ultimate monster” Sam gets knocked out, and Claire is the gun- toting back up for Dean. I agree with E,(even if you do want to watch this installment of the Claire story) it is seriously bad timing for this episode. Sam is killing himself (willing to bleed to death) to save his brother; Dean is melding into a demon and now everything stops for a family melodrama comedy…. Super cool troubled teen, with the help of an angel and two old guys, saves her mom! “Three Men and a lady” (Did Dean REALLY say that?) YIKES! The only way this episode will have worth in the Supernatural world is if this wraps up the Claire character and she is never seen again and Cas moves on to a new purpose of taking down Metatron and retrieving the demon tablet.
Who wrote this episode?
Never mind I see it is RT. Well that might be it’s only saving grace then. He does write some pretty good dialogue….so fingers crossed?
Lawdy Miss Claudy
nuff sed
@ cheryl142: I am not a fan of Thompson’s dialogue. From the earlier promo, there are a lot of things I can think of that Dean Winchester might say to a self-absorbed, angry teen who thinks she knows everything, but “How dare you,” is not one of them.
If you look closer it seems to me that these are actually from two different scenes. The one where Claire makes the comment about Deans age is indoors, Deans response of ‘How dare you!’ is outside (and at night?)
To each their own I guess. I generally enjoy his episodes. The few seconds in these promos don’t really show much. I am not a fan of the Cas and Claire show but I’m holding out hope it will be better than it sounds.