Misha Collins Livestreams Behind the Scenes of Supernatural
On March 31, Misha Collins did a livestream broadcast from behind the scenes of Supernatural.
The production shows us the back lot, some Supernatural sets, including the bunker, and shows us the lead up to the Season Ten Cast Photo shoot . He also filmed a photo shoot of people who have been with the show since the beginning.
These are the streams in order:
Misha is a wonderful ambassador for this show. His love of fans and willingness to share with us helps add to our enjoyment of the show. Thank you Misha for all you do and especially for this look at Supernatural that most of us would never get to see otherwise.
Some how I only knew about the first two. Thanks for putting them all in one place.
Awwww was that Icarus that Jensen put in the Impala?
Has anyone ever asked Jensen at either a con or M&G where he came up with the name for Icarus? Just cool sounding or was there more meaning behind it? Love the name. Oscars name I get cause he looks like a muppet!