Visual Review: Supernatural 10.14 “The Executioner’s Song” – Part 1

There is no doubt that Supernatural’s mid-season finale, “The Executioner’s Song” was a masterpiece. The script, acting, music, sets and direction all combined to create a stunning example of television artistry. The visual and cinematography choices that presented the characters’ conflict were masterfully woven into the story, yet they immeasurably added to the story’s impact.
Upon examination, a few themes were used repeatedly in the episode. Shots that focused on specific parts of the body, truncated shots and diverse camera angles all reinforced and, in retrospect, predicted the storyline.
Feet (or more specifically, Shoes)
At first it may seem odd, but shoes were a dominant theme in “The Executioner’s Song”. The emphasis on shoes brought to my mind the old adage that one must “walk a mile in another man’s shoes” before truly understanding his fate or judging his actions. Shoes can also tell you a lot about a man, and thus were used as a vehicle to convey character traits and motivations.
The first image of shoes was of the guard as he made his rounds of death-row inmates:
Our introduction to Tommy, the serial killer, was through the state-issued gym shoes he wore in his cell:
The mood of impending doom was then created by showing us only the footsteps of an unknown figure (i.e. Cain) approaching his victim in the dark:
A stark contrast to the guard’s padded work shoes, the inmates minimalistic tennis shoes or the ominous, heavy shoes of the intruder were the polished dress shoes of investigating authorities (i.e. the warden):
Notice that his hands were also shown, crossed to reflect his confusion and deep contemplation of the situation (discussed later).
When Cain was first trapped in the barn, we were shown shoes that had obviously seen many, many miles. They were scuffed, tattered and aged. They belonged to a practical man who was methodically analyzing his situation, step by step:
Dean’s entry into battle was graphically depicted with a shot of his shoes. These were work boots, belonging to the man who bore the weight of the world on his shoulders:
Lastly, during the fight, Cain’s feet captured the blade, claiming it as his own:
The episode’s examination of shoes told us so much about the men who had to put one foot in front of the other to walk paths that were impossibly hard. They each faced their own burdens and destiny, not knowing where their journeys would ultimately lead them. The shoes they wore reflected their lots in life, how far they had already come, and how far they had yet to go.
…and Hands
The second directorial theme involving the physical body focused on hands. Most often these hands were shown holding weapons, acting as (and symbolizing) the instruments of a person’s ability to defend themselves.
Before we saw Cain’s face, we were shown his hand jingling the chains of the jail’s captives. The chains bound people for their crimes, helplessly constraining each against Cain’s judgment:
We were then shown Tommy’s hand, blindly feeling its way past the desk and his Bible, searching for a way out of the trap:
Not finding any external weapon to use against his assailant, Tommy’s hand became his only weapon:
We were shown the power of Cain’s hand, as he deflected Tommy’s advances with just the flick of his finger.
Later, Cain used the same hand wave to throw Castiel into a fence, and Dean through a window.
Dean’s hands skillfully used the tools of his trade to try to ascertain the threat:
The transfer of the Blade from Crowley to Dean was emphasized through the image of one hand releasing while the other hand grasped the ancient weapon.
Dean’s hand recognized the weapon it had longed to hold. There was a fierceness to the weapon in Dean’s hand.
A critical turn in the showdown between Dean and Cain was conveyed through the crossing of their hands:
Then Cain’s hand embraced and welcomed the weapon it recognized so well.
All of these images of the power of the hand to wield weapons foretold the climactic move that allowed Dean to overcome his opponent! Dean cut off Cain’s hand, with all its power to attack and defend, irrecoverably weakening the ancient murderer. Dean’s victorious hand is left holding Cain’s knife, with Cain’s severed hand left empty and useless. The transfer of the burden of the Mark had been symbolically completed.
After the battle, Dean’s hand presented the bloody weapon to Castiel’s surprised and hesitant hand, leaving Crowley’s expectant hand empty:
The aftermath of Dean’s battle was simply shown by a bloody, bruised hand:
Although not as obvious, there was also a suggestion of how much the eyes betray the feelings and fate of a person. The opening shot was an extreme close-up of Tommy’s eye:
That got me thinking of how expressively Dean’s,
and Sam’s eyes told us their stories.
It is possible that the director, Phil Sgriccia, recognized that his key actors can powerfully convey their emotions through their eyes, so he specifically emphasized and captured these windows to their souls throughout the episode.
Truncated Images
Showing only part of a person is a timeless strategy to create mystery and tension. Since we can’t view the whole person, we wonder “What is the rest of the person doing?”. We can’t see their face, so we can’t judge their facial expressions, and thus their intentions. The truncated shot also emphasizes an image or evokes an emotion as our minds are restricted from processing an entire scene.
In this episode specifically, the truncated shots of people’s bodies also depicted a body that wasn’t whole, or that was missing some of its parts. This was a brilliant way to foreshadow the climactic battle, when Cain’s hand would be severed from his body and he also would be missing one of his limbs.
All of the shots shown above that emphasized feet and hands dually portrayed truncated bodies. Other shots included these extremities, but the truncation seemed to be primary, with the feet/hand shot secondary. For example, the shot of the guard walking down the hall showed only his lower torso. The audience was left to focus on the weapon (baton) in his hand, and his job of walking a path alone.
We then were shown Tommy’s lower torso, also with his hand in the foreground. Tommy looked alone and isolated as well, plus dejected and forgotten.
Cain was introduced through his lower torso. Ominously, this shot specifically excluded his hands (i.e. they were already “missing”).
One of the final shots of Crowley and Rowena was at an upward angle that decapitated Rowena:
I wonder if that could also be foreshadowing??
Had you noticed how physical bodies were used to convey meaning in “The Executioner’s Song”? Do you agree with my interpretations? Do you think this was done specifically to foreshadow Cain losing his hand? What other meaning did you get from these shots?
In part 2 of my cinematography review, I will look at how angles, bars and isolation were all strategically used in the episode. I will also review the use of color, plus present the best shots of the show. Don’t miss it!
screencaps courtesy of

- I’m the Co-Editor-in-Chief, Social Media Manager (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram), Live Tweet Moderator, reviewer and feature writer for The Winchester Family Business. Before joining the Supernatural Family, I worked for 22 years at a global consulting firm, but after years of long hours, high pressure and rigorous demands, I quit corporate life to raise my children. After my first Supernatural convention, I was driven to share my shock and awe in a two-part essay that The WFB was brave enough to post, and my second life calling, that of being a writer, began. My first published book, Fan Phenomena: The Twilight Saga was released in late 2016. Please share in my cross-fandom excitement by following its Facebook page @FanPhenomenaTwilight and my personal Twitter account @LSAngel2. You can read about this whole miraculous transition in my chapter in Family Don’t End With Blood, published in May 2017.
Darn it! Now you made me re-watch the episode an umpteenth time! (The torture I know. 😉 )
I really love that you take time to write these. Has it changed how you watch episodes in general now? I mean like you focus more on the visual details when you watch it?
I actually hadn’t even focused on those scenes more than maybe only to think how cinematic they were. The episode felt like a movie. I can see what you write about the shoes and hands and how those kind’s of shots are not usual. At least I can’t remember seeing them in previous episodes. The eyes on the other hand. These actors can so so much with only their eyes that I am amazed and awed about that. In this episode the verbal and silent acting were top notch.
Can’t wait for your second part!
– Lilah
Thanks Lilah!
I have a lot of fun writing these visual reviews. To answer you question, everytime I watch the show it is for a specific reason. I try to watch it live for enjoyment, but I’m usually tweeting for WFB during commercials. This ep was the only one where I got so caught up in (or was pulled into) the drama that I forgot to check tweets coming at me during the show! Then I watch it a 2nd time for the visual review notes. It’s a different kind of viewing. I’m actually looking at the “scenes” instead of the actors, i.e. I’m watching the production, not the show. Believe it or not, I have only seen this ep 3 times because it takes me days to put this (or Threads) together so all my available time goes to writing, not watching!
WOW not much else to say What a well written article – I agree with Lilah you made me watch it again for the 100th time LOL I love reading everything on this site, I now watch all shows, movies, anything so differently now. Growing up and watching shows or movies with my Father, if I didnt understand what was going on – or couldn’t work something out Dad would simply say WATCH – I now understand what he meant, sorry Dad took me a long time to get ya – Just thought you were being mean LOL. My understand of everything not just SPN is more interesting now.
Thanks for ypur time to look into SPN and explaining things During the hiatus it gives us hope for a possible HAPPY ENDING for the boys. Please save Dean & give Sam strength to fight on xxxooo
Thanks Jen! It means a lot to me that these reviews have been such a hit! I also appreciate hearing that you like the other articles on the site as well. As Managing Editor, I’m trying to find themes for articles that our readers will want to read!
In my Threads series, I’ve posed a theory for how this season will end. It is now the only ending I see whenever I watch episodes, and I think it will be just fine for the boys! I’m not so sure about Cas or Crowley, though!
NSky – Based on the episode titles I read elsewhere but have not seen 100% confirmed…I can understand your concern for our resident KOH and Gods Cutest Angel. I’ll be curious to read where you think it’s going cause right now I dont share your optimistic resolution for our boys! 🙂
[quote] I’ll be curious to read where you think it’s going cause right now I dont share your optimistic resolution for our boys! :)[/quote]
*Spoiler of my theory **
“Threads” on “About A Boy” is where I make a case that Dean [i]will[/i] try to kill Sam, but will stop himself because of his love for Sam. The strength of their brotherly bond will overpower and break the MoC curse (which was created by and driven by a brother killing a brother), i.e Sam will “save” Dean.
I can see it but truly thats so predictable. I almost hope they go for a different twist. I think thats why I’m kinda hoping that the MOC is here to stay…Be interesting to see Sam thinking he’s called Dean back from the brink of killing him with the power of lov…oops! Not so much. 😉
I love that line – ‘The transfer of the mark had been fully completed’ !!!!! Yikes, I hadn’t looked at that scene like that! Good call!
Hands, feet, eyes, torsos…but the HAIR! What about the HAIR!!!!! 🙂
It’s interesting because the episode did feel different and now that you have pointed it all out it’s like – Oh! It’s so clear now! How could I have not seen – or scene, heh – it! And to second what LilahK said, it did seem like you were watching a mini movie. Oh Phil S.! I love you so!!!!! (Plus he lets the camera run after the scene ends which gives us our lovely gag reel tidbits!)
Mind blown. Great read, fantastic interpretations!!! Can’t wait to read Part Deux!!!!!
Off for another rewatch armed with all your new found wisdom which you kindly imparted to us….
As usual, your articles are the highlight of my week of spn articles! Per my experience, I’m always more focused on the performing/directing and editing choices of each episode. Love, love, love how you pull out and highlight the incredible importance of set design and art direction of these episodes. Those guys are unsung heroes and you’re giving their due praise.
Looking forward your part two…
Peace and love ya’ll.
Thanks so much Kate! Your enthusiasm (and of the others who commented) inspired me to get this HUGE Visual Review done!
Wonderful article, especially your take on the shoes. I did think that Dean lifted his foot higher then needed to step into the Devils trap with Cain so I love your interpretation of all the shots of just shoes. These articles really enhance my pleasure in viewing the episodes later. Thanks.
You are so welcome!
Nightsky – a wonderful visual review, need to check out Part II next. I’ve always thought Phil Sgriccia has not been given his due as a director on the show; he is now the most prolific director of Supernatural, and has directed some of the truly classic episodes.
Amen! Serge did an outstanding job as usual too!
Doing these reviews is certainly giving me a much better appreciation of the differences between the directors!