TV Fanatic Takes on Top Ten Supernatural Episodes of All Time
This is always a list that we Supernatural bloggers love to take on from time to time, the top ten all time Supernatural lists! This is usually subjective, and the lists rarely agree, but they’re always fascinating! Well our friend at TV Fanatic, Sean Mc Kenna, has decided to give us his take! As he challenges in his title, it’s time to Flannel Up! Agree or disagree?
Well, trying to get an agreement on the best episodes is like herding cats. I do agree with the inclusion of “Nightshifter”, which struck me as the best of S2. Other favorites of mine, like “My Bloody Valentine” and “Appointment in Samarra” are absent.
I agree strawhair, My Bloody Valentine was one of my favorites too. Not only is it a great episode with humor, pathos and the creep factor, it’s a tour de force in balanced writing, seamlessly interweaving the main problem (famine’s effects on everyone’s appetites) with each of the three main character’s ongoing issues; Dean’s lack of connection, Cas’s betrayal of heaven and Sam’s addiction and powers. Awesome, edge of your seat writing with a great heart wrencher of an ending. It may not be top 10, but it’s certainly top 12. :p