More Supernatural S9 Photos: Is It Getting Hot in Here?
When it rains, it pours. And it’s pouring buckets when it comes to Supernatural promo material these days. The premiere must be getting close!
This set of photos is from a recent Jared and Jensen photo shoot. Oh my my. Talk about giving an old lady heart failure. That dark pinkish shirt on Jared? The light blue denim shirt on Jensen? Let’s hope I survive until the premiere.
Or, why not check out all these plus all the other S9 promo photos in our new S9 photo gallery slide show?
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Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Look at that PRETTY!
These boys are looking good! 🙂
I can’t seem to stop looking at that first pic of Jared.
We’re used to seeing J&J in clothes with muted colours, ’cause it fits better with the look of the show, so I’m liking the pink as a change.
Yum! Boy, they both look great don’t they? I really love that old barn board being used in some of the photos; with the light peaking through the slats of the boards and the boys dressed in brighter colors. VERY nice!
Thud! I just fell off my chair, at work! Oh my, be still my beating heart. 😳 Dear lord almighty, how beautiful are these guys! Please let these pictures be on the 2015 wall calendar, so I can drool over them in the comfort of my own home. 😛
I think I just caught myself drooling over my keyboard at work. That’s not very ladylike. Eegads those are some achingly attractive men. I’m going absolutely mental waiting for the premier.
Hey #1st50! You’ve only been back in Texas about 2 weeks and DAY-um, you’re already speaking Southern!
I agree, though. Totally droolworthy. Is it even possible to wait another week?
Hey l2b (#6) You caught me.
Some things are tough to avoid. 😳
Counting the days now!