New Supernatural S9 on Tuesdays Promo: Crowley Causes Mischief
I just saw this new promo vid from The CW on Facebook and man, it’s too cute! Of course there’s going to be death on Tuesdays. This is Supernatural! Plus um, didn’t Dean like die 100 times on a Tuesday? Jeremy Carver even wrote that episode.
Love how Crowley is the one to so aptly remind us of how easily death happens. Enjoy the video!
Seriously, why aren’t there more henley shirts on the actual show? They both look amazing!
I love this promo and how everyone went “Wait! What the….” They do look good in their henleys!! 🙂
Yep, nobody ever died on Tuesday on this show. Too cute.
Wow. That is one seriously good looking promo. 🙂