Happy 31st Birthday Jared Padalecki!
(Yes, I’m well aware Jared’s birthday is over, but this little thing called Comic Con got in the way of a timely release. So, to that we say Happy Birthday Jared, better later than never!)
Jared Padalecki is 31 years old on July 19th! Man, it seems like yesterday he was just 30. Time flies when he’s, acting, being a husband and father, and trying to keep up the whole sex symbol thing even though he’s freakishly tall and trying to run with a nickname that calls him “Moose.”
He’s at heart a good ole country boy:

He’s fun at parties:

He plays ping pong:

He works out on a regular basis…

He’s an avid cyclist…

He likes swimming…

Or just hanging out on the beach

In Brazil

Where there’s tons of paparazzi to get it all…

I’m sorry what?? Oh right, Jared. He’s a world traveler. This is him in South America…

In Rome

In England

And Canada

He loves hats

Wool hats anyway, which is interesting considering he’s from Texas.
He’s a dog lover and ardent animal rights supporter:

And thanks to his buddy Misha, has plenty of spare change when he needs it.

He’s a loving husband

A great father

A family man that balances personal life and celebrity pretty well
Yet always remembers to embrace that “can do attitude”…
Or living in the moment

Happy 31st Birthday Moose! With age comes wisdom, or a least a really good party. Enjoy it!

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Happy Birthday Jared!! I always think you are an amazing man and tks Alice to remind us with these beautiful pictures 😆
Happy belated B-day JP!!
Gorgeous pics, Alice. Just *drool* 😀
A beautiful, funny, joyful man who most certainly does balance celebrity and personal life with ease.
Happy Birthday Jared!
Thanks for all the great pics! Happy Birthday Jared!
Um, I somehow doubt that Thomas Kinkade was ever that hot, LOL.
Belated wishes on your birthday Jared.
Oh my, thanks for the beautiful pics Alice. 😳 I know it was Jared’s birthday, but it feels more like a gift to us. My fave is the one with his son, so cute!
Happy 31st!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for those great pictures Alice – wonderful coffee break at the office, heheh.