Supernatural Bingo – The Great Escapist
We’re down to the last three episodes. My ‘Supernatural Syndrome’ is reaching high voltage. Instead of thinking, speaking, eating, drinking, sleeping, Supernatural several times a day (50 to 100), now it’s non-stop, 24/7. I should be certifiable by episode 23.
The title had me thinking of the movie The Great Escape with Steve McQueen. What a fantastic movie, but I have to admit it has me a little worried since things didn’t end well for most of the escapees. I think only two actually escaped. The rest were recaptured, where some were sent back to the camps and some were executed. I hope our escapee in this one fares well.
Anyway, here are the bingo cards for the episode. All guesses are based on pure speculation and previews. I have no foreknowledge about what will actually happen in this episode. Although it looks exciting!
Cheers, and good luck!
B | I | N | G | O |
Crowley spouts off his usual wisecracks and or insults |
Naomi captures Castiel |
Kevin reaches out to the brothers |
The Demon and or Angel tablet(s) are referenced |
Garth is referenced |
Dean gets all ‘Motherly’ |
Crowley and Naomi decide to team up and work together |
The author (Metatron) of the Tablets is met by the brothers | A Brother has an emotional moment |
Any form of alcohol is consumed |
Crowley does not play fair or nice |
Brothers have a heart to heart |
The third trial is interpreted from the Tablet |
Sam gives his puppy dog eyes or makes his bitch face |
Big betrayal occurs |
John and or Bobby is referenced |
Sam and Dean’s new home ‘The Bunker ‘ is in the episode |
Kevin’s health and mind is not in a good state |
Research on a laptop is performed |
Sam tries to reason with someone or everyone |
Sam becomes a little too HOT and requires a ‘Cool Down’ |
Castiel escapes Naomi’s clutches |
The ‘Trial’ symptoms take its toll on Sam |
Dean is extremely worried about Sam |
B | I | N | G | O |
Castiel escapes Naomi’s clutches |
Sam tries to reason with someone or everyone |
Dean is extremely worried about Sam |
Sam becomes a little too HOT and requires a ‘Cool Down’ |
The ‘Trial’ symptoms take its toll on Sam |
John and or Bobby is referenced |
Sam and Dean’s new home ‘The Bunker ‘ is in the episode |
Big betrayal occurs |
Research on a laptop is performed |
Kevin’s health and mind is not in a good state |
Brothers have a heart to heart |
The third trial is interpreted from the Tablet |
Sam gives his puppy dog eyes or makes his bitch face |
Kevin reaches out to the brothers |
Garth is referenced |
The Demon and or Angel tablet(s) are referenced |
Crowley does not play fair or nice |
Crowley spouts off his usual wisecracks and or insults |
Naomi captures Castiel |
The author (Metatron) of the Tablets is met by the brothers | A Brother has an emotional moment |
Dean gets all ‘Motherly’ |
Crowley and Naomi decide to team up and work together |
Any form of alcohol is consumed |
B | I | N | G | O |
Dean gets all ‘Motherly’ |
The author (Metatron) of the Tablets is met by the brothers | Any form of alcohol is consumed |
A Brother has an emotional moment |
Crowley and Naomi decide to team up and work together |
The Demon and or Angel tablet(s) are referenced |
Crowley does not play fair or nice |
Garth is referenced |
Naomi captures Castiel |
Crowley spouts off his usual wisecracks and or insults |
The third trial is interpreted from the Tablet |
Sam gives his puppy dog eyes or makes his bitch face |
Kevin reaches out to the brothers |
Dean is extremely worried about Sam |
The ‘Trial’ symptoms take its toll on Sam |
Sam becomes a little too HOT and requires a ‘Cool Down’ |
Brothers have a heart to heart |
Castiel escapes Naomi’s clutches |
Sam tries to reason with someone or everyone |
Big betrayal occurs |
Research on a laptop is performed |
John and or Bobby is referenced |
Sam and Dean’s new home ‘The Bunker ‘ is in the episode |
Kevin’s health and mind is not in a good state |
B | I | N | G | O |
John and or Bobby is referenced |
Big betrayal occurs |
Kevin’s health and mind is not in a good state |
Research on a laptop is performed |
Sam and Dean’s new home ‘The Bunker ‘ is in the episode |
Sam becomes a little too HOT and requires a ‘Cool Down’ |
Brothers have a heart to heart |
The ‘Trial’ symptoms take its toll on Sam |
Sam tries to reason with someone or everyone |
Castiel escapes Naomi’s clutches |
Sam gives his puppy dog eyes or makes his bitch face |
Kevin reaches out to the brothers |
Dean is extremely worried about Sam |
Any form of alcohol is consumed |
Crowley and Naomi decide to team up and work together |
A Brother has an emotional moment |
The third trial is interpreted from the Tablet |
Dean gets all ‘Motherly’ |
The author (Metatron) of the Tablets is met by the brothers |
Garth is referenced |
Naomi captures Castiel |
The Demon and or Angel tablet(s) are referenced |
Crowley does not play fair or nice |
Crowley spouts off his usual wisecracks and or insults |
B | I | N | G | O |
The Demon and or Angel tablet(s) are referenced |
Garth is referenced |
Crowley spouts off his usual wisecracks and or insults |
Naomi captures Castiel |
Crowley does not play fair or nice |
A Brother has an emotional moment |
The third trial is interpreted from the Tablet |
Crowley and Naomi decide to team up and work together |
The author (Metatron) of the Tablets is met by the brothers | Dean gets all ‘Motherly’ |
Kevin reaches out to the brothers |
Dean is extremely worried about Sam |
Any form of alcohol is consumed |
Kevin’s health and mind is not in a good state |
Sam and Dean’s new home ‘The Bunker’ is in the episode |
Research on a laptop is performed |
Sam gives his puppy dog eyes or makes his bitch face |
John and or Bobby is referenced |
Big betrayal occurs |
The ‘Trial’ symptoms take its toll on Sam |
Sam tries to reason with someone or everyone |
Sam becomes a little too HOT and requires a ‘Cool Down’ |
Brothers have a heart to heart |
Castiel escapes Naomi’s clutches |
Download the Bingo Cards here:
Supernatural Bingo – The Great Escapist
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