Happy 35th Birthday Jensen Ackles!
Remember the good old days when Jensen was just starting this show at 27? Well, today he turns 35!
After eight wonderful years on “Supernatural” (and more coming), the question is, exactly how well do we know Jensen? Below is just a few facts about the birthday boy that you may or may not know.
He used to set the latest trends in hair. Who else would have thought of frosted tips?
His rebel years.
(Yes, we know this is from Ten Inch Hero)
He’s always had a keen eye for jewelry.
Thanks to his fashion sense, The Commodores actually wrote a song about him.
“Ow, he’s got brick…pants
He’s mighty mighty, letting all hang out
Ow, he’s got brick…pants…”
He’s an animal lover.
He loves to make people laugh (okay, maybe just Jared).
He loves taking roles that make him stretch his acting chops. For example, he got to play Clark Kent’s older and wiser football coach in season four of “Smallville,” even though Tom Welling is actually older than him. BTW, that sound you heard was screens similtaneously exploding from all the pretty.
Like all of us, Jensen has a few hidden scandals in his past. He once snapped and murdered an innocent creature onstage in front of stunned (okay, more like howling with laughter) witnesses. It was a case of “fowl play” (dodges flying tomatoes). We don’t talk of it too much (okay, maybe all the time).
He golfs, but his friends tell him he’s good because none of them have the heart to admit they really don’t know how to golf. They kind of think it’s a lame sport. (Okay, that’s really only Jared.) Like any good actor, Jensen knows dressing for the part is everything.
He has this amazing ability to block all train of thought. Alice was sitting at this table with him and she couldn’t remember a damned thing he said (sweetondean has had similar experiences). He’s very good.
His favorite pasttime is going to cons and messing with Jared.
Jensen is a messy eater.
So is Jared come of think of it.
He has a beautiful smile. Fine, now we’re stating the obvious. Do we ever tire of it though?
Did you know he has a beautiful frown too?
He laughs like this.
He likes hats.
He sings and plays the guitar.
He directs as well as acts.
He sometimes does stuff like this.
He looks good wet.
And in the snow.
His favorite color is purple (Oh wait, that’s my favorite color).
Now he’s adding another skill to his list, Father! Luckily, Supernatural has given him on the job training for the role.
Oh that’s right, he’s having a girl.
As you can see, Jensen Ackles is truly an enigma to us all. One extremely pretty enigma, but to harp on that any further would be objectifying (and I think we’ve done enough of that!).
Happy 35th Birthday Jensen! Have a great one.

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Lovely pics and amusing comments make for a very nice Jensen appreciation picspam. My only addition would be loving and loyal husband! I think Jensen would put that at the top of his list of accomplishments and pleasures.
The world certainly got a lot brighter and happier when Jensen made his presence known!
Happy Birthday to a great guy!
I love this way too much! Totally brightened my day!
My sister and I have both experienced Jensen blocking all train of thought. We call it “getting Ackles’d”. There is just too much pretty to take in, there’s no room for anything else.
Very nice!
I’d wish him a happy birthday here, but I KNOW that sweetondean will give him a massive birthday hug from all of us next weekend.
Right sweetondean? (And make sure he knows it’s from all of us, and not just you. 😆 ) Of course, I’m sure you’ll get your share, too. 😉 8)
Oh wow! He takes my breath away! This was so awesome and beautiful! Thank you!
Hard to believe he’s 35. Seems like yesterday I first laid eyes on him when he debuted on “Days”. Back then, I thought to myself, “I have never seen a more gorgeous boy before!”, then there were “Smallville” and “Dark Angel” and I fell in love with “Dean Winchester” and still am to this day!
Happy birthday Jensen! and many many more happy ones with your loved ones beside you. You will never know how much you brighten my life! 🙄 😛 :zzz 🙂 🙂 😉
Oh, thank you so much for the great pics and captions. He even managed to make golf hot 😳 and I hate golf! I know it’s Jensen’s birthday, but we’re the ones getting the gift of pretty. Thank you ladies. 😉
happy birthday from one pisces to another!!! may he have many,many more!! thanks for the great pics, ladies
Happy birthday Jensen…you seem to make my world just that little bit brighter…must be because it’s like staring into the sun! 🙂
HAPPY 35th BIRTHDAY, DEAR JENSEN! I wish you only the best things – LOVE, strong health, TOO much joy, fun, pleasure and to have an AMAZING girl – your baby! And I`m crazy about your film playing! I really wish you HAPPINESS not only at your Birthday – but in WHOLE your life! I LOVE YOU!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Beautiful man!!
Happy, Happy Birthday Jensen!
Made my day! Hope he is having a great birthday. He is still so young! Life is pretty rosy for him. I hope it always is. He sure deserves it. Bless him
OMG! Those pictures! Happy Birthday, Jensen! We love you – not just ’cause you are really beautiful…but you are! Best wishes in everything you do, especially with your little girl.
That last picture with the gun and the comment! LOL!
He’s Pisces like me! And he’s now the age I was when the show began! How time flies!
thanks for the fun!
Beautiful! Thank you. And happy happy birthday to Jensen! I am away to Las Vegas for the convention next week. So happy!
Such a great post. Happy Birthday Jensen! I hope you had a great one.
I’m a girl and I can fire a rifle and a pistol, thanks to my Dad. Am a good shot, too! Let’s not be too sexist here! The pistol, BTW, is my mother’s service revolver when she was a Navy officer.
I think you are confused about which caption goes with which picture: the “that’s right he’s having a girl” caption goes with the picture of Dean holding the baby because in the episode, the baby shapeshifter was a boy. I really don’t think it was a comment about how girls shouldn’t or can’t handle guns……Ellen, Jo, Jody Mills, Bella, Gwen, kickass cop lady from The Benders, Linda Blair’s character from the Usual Suspects…etc I think this show has showcased plenty of female characters who can hold their own with the a gun AND deal with Sam and Dean too! This is really THE LAST place that you’d ever find sexism IMO.
Ever heard of the phrase “daddy with a shotgun”? The caption DOES go with the shotgun picture, and alludes to the fact that almost every dad has a fierce desire to protect his baby girl from boys, and make sure they know that failing to treat his daughter like a princess will have serious consequences. 🙂
Thanks, great pics! Hope he has a great bday at home with Danneel and baby girl to be
Oh, you forgot to mention amazing green eyes, freckles, bow legs and beautiful hands…but we would end up breaking the internet is we listed all his ‘perfections’. xx 😆
Hey girls, another great job! This is just an awesome tribute to the hunkiest, sweetest, irresistable, loving, genuin, humble, adorable, well you get the idea, man. I only hope that he gets to see the hard work you girls put into this sight. I’m so way above excited to be attending my first con next week and finally getting to meet this man in person. I know I will be a blubbering idiot around him.
Very nice ladies. I love his various laughs. My favorite is the full-on head thrown back and/or doubled over laugh that he does when something really strikes him funny. Like when he was reading Misha’s “acting on camera” resume.
Happy (belated?) Birthday Jensen!! Continued happiness and to you, Daneel and little future Acklet(s).
Knowing the strong, brave women who have appeared on SPN, I was taken aback by your critical comment. I read that others felt the same way. The writers might want to line their captions up better — they are not intuitive. Perhaps numbering the photo and its accompanying caption would help to pair them properly? Just a suggestion. Foot off my throat, please.
LOL, very cute. 😆
I so love this man. I mean it in the most respectful of ways. He is attractive to people in general because he comes across as a genuinely good person. He is not spoiled by his fame or popularity. I look for signs of his being any other way but have yet to see him in nothing but a light of positivity and sincerity. Thanks for so much for putting this birthday tribute together. It truly was a gift to all of us and being Jensen, I know he doesn’t mind sharing.