Sofia’s Review: “Supernatural” 8.10 “Torn and Frayed”
Man, it has been a while! 41 days, give or take a few hours. Man, that was a long hiatus! I know, I say that every time. This episode left me with a lot of questions, so don’t mind me if I just jump right in. (Warning: I get a bit rambly.)
I learn new things about angels every day! Who knew that it was even possible to access an angel’s “factory settings”. If you can do that, what else can you do? If you’re Naomi I guess you can control their minds. I am actually really glad to finally know what she’s up to. We all knew she was bad news but it’s nice to have those suspicions confirmed. Now the question becomes why? Why is she controlling these angels? Who is she working with/for? How long has this been going on? Is every angel controlled in this way? Ok, so maybe there’s more than one question.
Let’s start with the “who?”. I don’t think that Naomi is leader of this brain-wash movement because I can’t see her doing her own dirty work. So my assumption is that she’s working for someone. But who? God? (Sorry, I always jump to God. I’m convinced he/she will make an appearance before this show is over.) And why? The only reason you would need to forcefully control someone is if you can no longer maintain control naturally. That makes me think the angels were starting to question things. Perhaps Castiel’s free will movement brought this on? Once free will is an option, following orders becomes much less appealing. Or maybe this is the work of a smaller group of angels attempting to gain control? What do you guys think?
But how long has this been going on? Alfie made it clear that he was under the same mind control as Cass and that he had given away secrets he didn’t realize he knew. Secrets directly related to the angel tablet. (More on the tablet later.) And we first met Alfie at the auction for the demon tablet. So maybe this mind control is directly related to the unearthing of the first tablet? Maybe it’s meant as a means to keep the angel tablet from being discovered? I’m just spitballing here. I really have no idea! Share your thoughts with the class.
Did anyone see the angel tablet coming? I certainly didn’t. It makes sense to me that God would prepare for a time when demons would be sealed in Hell’s gates. But angels? Why would he prepare for that? Maybe God knew what we know now, angels aren’t all angels. Excuse the terrible play on words. What I mean is, not all angels are good. We’ve seen that time and time again. They’re selfish and conniving and power hungry, much like demons. Are they really all that different from each other? Angels are meant to serve God but so many of them choose to serve themselves instead. So what really separates a demon from an unfaithful angel? If I look at it that way, I can see why God would write such a tablet. Then again, maybe I’m jumping to conclusions and the angel tablet isn’t a word of God. Maybe Lucifer wrote this tablet. It goes without saying that he would love to lock the angels in Heaven. What do you think? Does he have the juice?
Sam and Dean seemed to have patched things up nicely. But was it a little too nice for anyone else? I know we’re all happy to have them back together, hunting side by side, but it all came together a little quickly for me. Sam was hell-bent on giving up hunting and settling down but when Amelia offered that to him on a silver platter he turned it down? Did he realize that he could never have both feet in one boat? I think if Sam had chosen to show up at that hotel, hunting would always be in the back of his mind. Not to mention his brother. And if Dean really needed him, Sam would have picked up and left without thinking twice. That’s not really “both feet out”, is it? Still it felt a little too easy for Sam to give up on his dream life with Amelia. His explanation to Dean even felt a little half-hearted. (Not a knock on Jared’s acting, more on the writing of the scene.) But I can’t say I’m not happy with his decision. Sam and Amelia never quite achieved chemistry for me. What really shocked me was Dean cutting ties with Benny. Was it just an act of solidarity? If Sam has to sacrifice something for the job and for his brother, then Dean will do the same? It’s clear that Sam couldn’t get past Benny’s undead state, but I think he would have warmed up to him over time. I don’t think this is the last we’ll see of Benny though. They spent a lot of time showing us just how hard Benny was working to avoid drinking a human. Something tells me Benny may slip up in the near future. And I hope he does, because I’m not ready for him to fade into the mist!
Dean also surprised me with his change of heart over Sam and Amelia. He even admitted that he’s jealous of Sam’s ability to separate himself from the job. That was a bit of a curveball for me. I do believe that Dean is jealous of Sam, he wanted the same things at one point or another but he could never get past his responsibility. But being jealous and being supportive of Sam’s choices are two different things. I’m sure Dean was jealous of Sam’s choice to stop hunting and go to college, but that doesn’t mean that he supported it at the time. This was outright support. It wasn’t an ultimatum, there was no “You walk out that door, don’t you ever come back.” It was more “Make the decision that’s best for you but don’t make it half-heartedly.” It’s wise advice. I just don’t know where it came from. I don’t think Dean is heartless, I know he is more than capable of supporting his brother. It’s just that he was so against it before. I just don’t know what changed his mind. Part of me wonders if in the back of his mind, Dean knew that Sam couldn’t really give up on hunting. What do you think? What is the cause of Dean’s change of heart?
Apart from a few rushed storylines and couple of odd directing choices I really did enjoy this episode. I think it did a good job of setting up the second half of the season. I can’t wait to see what comes of this whole angel tablet storyline. I think it’s going to be a lot of angels vs. demons for the remainder of the season. Should be fun! I also can’t wait for next week’s larping episode. That is sure to be chock-full of hilarious moments. I can already picture Dean sort of enjoying it.
I didn’t notice as many lines as usual in this episode. Maybe I was too busy riding a post-hiatus high to make note of them! Feel free to add anything I missed below!
Dean: “Your mom is hot. I’m serious, your mom is one sexy…”
Castiel: “I need both of you to, as you say, stow your crap. Can you do that?”
Dean: “Well, not my most original work, but….”
Dean: “Both feet in or both feet out. Anything in between is what gets you dead.”
Sam: “Yeah, I keep hearing that.”
Dean: “Everything you’ve done for me, I’ll never forget. But this is it. End of the line.”
This was…okay. Not the worst. I felt apathetic about most of it. I’m glad to be rid of Amelia. She has never measured up to someone like Lisa or Jody, and that made her difficult to appreciate. She felt like a one episode filler character stretched into a season plot point.
The torture of Samandriel was intense, and I was sorry to lose him. He was a potentially interesting character. What the angels have planned, I don’t know. It seems like this is gearing up to be another Heaven and Hell season, with Crowley on one side and Naomi on the other instead of Lilith and Zachariah. Whoever gets the enemy tablet first wins.
[quote]The only reason you would need to forcefully control someone is if you can no longer maintain control naturally.[/quote]
I agree, this makes the most since to me in the fractured, depopulated angel world of the present. And torture was not something unknown in the prior administration; Cas was tortured previously for doubt during Michael’s tenure.
I get what they were going for with Dean breaking off his friendship with Benny, but it feels like the wrong thing to do. In the immediate timeline, Dean promised to help him at a difficult time, when failing to help means danger for others because of Benny, and still decides to end things.
In the longer term, Benny became the third person ever that Dean referred to as a brother. Nothing matters more to Dean than family, and there are only six other people he has considered family: John, Sam, Mary, Bobby, Ellen, Jo, and Cas. Making Benny a brother was a significant commitment that Dean (and the show) made to Benny, and it should not be disregarded, even as a sign of good will toward Sam. Dean said himself that Benny is the only person who has never let him down, and yet Dean is cutting him adrift. I expect him to choose Sam over an adopted brother in an argument, but I do not expect him to choose Sam to the exclusion of what family he has left.
And I continue to find this season’s Sam just plain odd. I wish he had more to do than pine after Amelia and be angry at Dean.
I want Castiel and Benny to run into each other. I think that as the ultimate outsiders they could do each other some good.
[quote]What is the cause of Dean’s change of heart?[/quote]
I think Dean sent Sam the text to keep him out of harm’s way and he didn’t really consider the people Sam has lost… it wasn’t his intention to hurt Sam emotionally, just to get him out of the way. So I think he was then a bit shocked by Sam’s explanation of why he was so upset.
I think this contributed to his change of heart.. plus he saw that Sam came to help even when Dean didn’t want him too. Both brothers took small steps last night to resolve their issues.
And I think Dean’s comment to Sam, giving him the blessing to leave, is why Sam stayed.
Yet Dean said he sent the text to keep Sam from killing Benny, thats not protecting Sam thats protecting Benny.
He also assumed Sam was only upset because of the whole Benny thing, it wasnt untill Sam said that it wasnt just about Benny that the whole Amelia thing was brought up by Dean. He clearly wasnt there to apologise for hurting Sam with the text move and even though he did it felt hollow because he only said it to get Sam to cme back into the hunt with him.
It was protecting both of them. They were each capable of killing the other.
He said he was protecting Benny because he didn’t deserve to be killed, he didn’t mention Sam at all, He said Benny and gave his reason why.
Visual Pun: Garth’s boat is named Fizzles’ Folly
Favorite Line: Crowley: I’ve given you every torture instrument known to man-short of a Neil Diamond album.
Good review, but unlike you, I can see how Dean came to his change of heart. Actually, it started at the beginning of the episode. Dean went to Sam after Sam hung up on him. I think he really knew he was in the wrong in using the phony text message to draw Sam away. He also didn’t figure on Martin going after Benny and that whole situation turning so horribly wrong. So, he went to apologize…sort of. The way that Dean has in the past. Saying he’s sorry without really voicing it just like some people say they love you by showing it, not saying it. However, this time it didn’t work. Sam didn’t budge. Sam was angry and yes, some of it was justified, but Sam needed to take some responsibility for his part of the mess and I for one was disappointed that he didn’t. Anyway, I think after leaving Sam and going back to Rufus’ cabin, Dean had a chance to think everything over and that continued on even after joining Cas to look for Alfie. Once Sam joined in on the search and rescue mission, one could really see the underlying issues were boiling under the surface even while the two brothers were trying to assist Cas. However, when it was all over, I think Dean reflected and further realized that maybe he had let his jealously rule his head and that some of the decisions he had made had been based on that. (Sam needs to come to this realization too) So, he did the only thing that he could do to try to make up to Sam. Dean gave him a way out and a way to rejoin Amelia. Sam had been saying to Dean since Dean got back from Purgatory how much Amelia meant to him and that the normal life was the life that he wanted back again. ie. a wife, family, school… Now the ball was in Sam’s court to decide…take it and walk away or stay in the game and keep swinging. Smart move. By doing this, Dean allowed it to be Sam’s choice and only his. No longer was it because his brother came,got him and dragged him back into a hunter’s life.
Side note: I do hope that near the series end that both guys will find some sort of happiness whether it be Amelia for Sam and Lisa for Dean or some other women we’ve yet to meet. Although, I doubt it. They probably will meet their end in Thelma and Louise fashion…which is most sad.
However, back to this episode, I did like that there seem to be some character growth shown by both characters. It’s a start…a must needed thing…in order for both of these men to move past all their histories with each other and be able to conquer what is to come. Whether that be Naomi and Crowley or some other big bad that we’ve yet to meet!
What responsibility did Sam need to take? He didnt actually do anything wront other than not trust Benny and why should he do that just because Dean does? Well Sam trusted Amy and asked Dean to trust Sam and Dean couldnt even do that, Dean asked Sam to trust Benny withiout giving hima reason to he didnt ask Sam to trust Hhim (Dean).
I thought it was pretty obvious Dean didnt feel that he needed to apologize for Martin because he immediately though the ‘if you had just trusted me none of this would have happened’ line at Sam. He blamed Sam. Therefore no responsibility was taken by Dean.
I disagree about the jelously thing, I dont think Sam is or has any reason to be jelous of Benny or how many new BFF’s or brthers Dean has. Bsed on what Jared and Jeremy Carvwer have said Sam’s attitude towards Benny comes down to 2 things-he has been burned for trusting a monster himself in the past (Ruby) and he has been told tby Dean repeatedly that a monster is a monster and they all give in to their monster natures in the end (Amy) he was told he was wrong for trusting Amy so why would he suddenly turn around and be OK with Dean trusting a monster himself? Again gonna point out the fact that Dean asked Sam to to trust Benny and not Dean himself and then gave no reason to trust Benny. Sam was right not to trust Benny, he’s been struggling with his blood lust since he got back and it was only a matter of time before he fell off the wagon. Sam was only doing what Dean has done in the past, difference is he didnt just kill Benny behind Dean’s back without telling him.
I agree it was in the end up to Sam what he chose to do and I for one already knew at that point that Sam would stay for the hunt, he clould see that Cas and Kevin clearly needed him. I think he’s already made up his mind in the hotel room with Amelia, it was written all over his face, he knew he had responsibilities and he couldnt walk away from them and he couldnt lay that life on Amelia either. I think he also already learnt from Dean’s mistake in season 6 when he tried to keep one foot in both worlds only to have it back fire.
If Sam wants normal he’s going to have to be sure its at a time when there is no longer any risk of him being dragged back in or someone he loves being hurt. But he’s Sam Winchester the boy above all others that was chosen to host Lucifer, a guy that unlucky isnt going to just be able to live a nice life and be happy. He either has to learn to be happy with hunting or just remain unhappy. I personally think that Sam will be content and thats the most he can ask for.
I have a problem with Amelia and especially Dean telling Sam he has to keep both feet in one world. Sam WAS doing that until Dean told him Amelia was in danger. He made no attempt to see Amelia when he realized she was fine. He hadn’t been calling her. He had stopped the college applications. He had been doing his job. Now I understood Amelia’s telling him you need to stay or go, because from her POV, he left her and then he suddenly with no warning popped up in her life again.
But Dean is asking a lot. He’s telling Sam that Sam can no longer go to a farmer’s market and get organic food. He can never even think about Amelia for 2 seconds. If he gets a call that Amelia IS burning on a ceiling somewhere, he has to let her die without flinching. He has to give up the idea that going back to college will ever be an option, because those are the only ways Sam hasn’t been totally in hunting since he signed up to close the gates of Hell. Sam said that when this hunt is over he wants out and then he went back to acting like a hunter. This latest fight was because Sam was acting too much like a hunter not because he was distracted by not being in 100%.
I’m sad because for Sam, this decision has no outs except death.
[quote]What responsibility did Sam need to take? He didnt actually do anything wront other than not trust Benny and why should he do that just because Dean does? Well Sam trusted Amy and asked Dean to trust Sam and Dean couldnt even do that, Dean asked Sam to trust Benny withiout giving hima reason to he didnt ask Sam to trust Hhim (Dean).
I thought it was pretty obvious Dean didnt feel that he needed to apologize for Martin because he immediately though the ‘if you had just trusted me none of this would have happened’ line at Sam. He blamed Sam. Therefore no responsibility was taken by Dean.
I disagree about the jelously thing, I dont think Sam is or has any reason to be jelous of Benny or how many new BFF’s or brthers Dean has. Bsed on what Jared and Jeremy Carvwer have said Sam’s attitude towards Benny comes down to 2 things-he has been burned for trusting a monster himself in the past (Ruby) and he has been told tby Dean repeatedly that a monster is a monster and they all give in to their monster natures in the end (Amy) he was told he was wrong for trusting Amy so why would he suddenly turn around and be OK with Dean trusting a monster himself? Again gonna point out the fact that Dean asked Sam to to trust Benny and not Dean himself and then gave no reason to trust Benny. Sam was right not to trust Benny, he’s been struggling with his blood lust since he got back and it was only a matter of time before he fell off the wagon. Sam was only doing what Dean has done in the past, difference is he didnt just kill Benny behind Dean’s back without telling him.
I agree it was in the end up to Sam what he chose to do and I for one already knew at that point that Sam would stay for the hunt, he clould see that Cas and Kevin clearly needed him. I think he’s already made up his mind in the hotel room with Amelia, it was written all over his face, he knew he had responsibilities and he couldnt walk away from them and he couldnt lay that life on Amelia either. I think he also already learnt from Dean’s mistake in season 6 when he tried to keep one foot in both worlds only to have it back fire.
If Sam wants normal he’s going to have to be sure its at a time when there is no longer any risk of him being dragged back in or someone he loves being hurt. But he’s Sam Winchester the boy above all others that was chosen to host Lucifer, a guy that unlucky isnt going to just be able to live a nice life and be happy. He either has to learn to be happy with hunting or just remain unhappy. I personally think that Sam will be content and thats the most he can ask for.[/quote]
Absolutely agree 100% with this post. I’ve never felt that Sam was jealous of Benny. I just think he’s learned his lesson where monsters are concerned.
I don’t see what Sam should apologize for either. Would someone explain to me what they think he should apologize for. If it’s Martin, I don’t see how as he was just accomodating Martin with a job that Martin asked him for. And I think Sam would see it as a simple job..watching Benny. He told him to just watch him. Martin made the choice to do more than that.
Dean did owe Sam an apology for that text as he scared Sam in relation to someone he cared about. If Sam had done that to Dean re: Lisa, I would feel the same way. You don’t use someone’s feelings for someone else against them. How any of you feel if someone did that to you in relation to your spouse and/or you children? You’d be angry just as Sam was.
I agree with this. Apology or not I think that Dean really didn’t take into account how frightening that was for Sam. I think he realises it now, and would probably never do something like that again – but his response to Sam’s anger on this issue was not an apology.
When you are feeling self righteous and someone throws an accusation at you that hadn’t occurred to you it does take a while to sink in :D. Maybe that was what had happened for Dean by the time it got to the cabin at the end and Dean saying ‘if you want to be with Amelia then you should decide’.
I admit the first time I saw the episode I totally thought Dean was being passive-aggressive about that, basically continuing the argument from earlier. I had to be convinced he was being honest. But I believe it now! 😀
Sam also dropped the counter-argument about Benny. He didn’t mention it again and it didn’t factor into his decision about Amelia or the job.
I thought Dean was have a dig at Sam in the cabin with how Sam could just leave hunting where as Dean couldn’t. It sounded like a passive aggressive dis on Sam’s (in Dean’s eyes) lack of feeling responsible for other people and the world/basically anything hunting related. What convinced me he wasnt was his comment to Benny in episode 9 about how guys like them didnt get to have a home/family or be happy? Something like that. Otherwise I thought he sounded pissy when he said it.
Sam absolutely dropped his argument that Dean had to give up Benny. He came back because he decided that he was all in. Sam had no idea what Dean decided to do about Benny and he came back anyway.
Sorry I disagree. I think Dean was taking his share of responsibility for the huge mess caused by Benny and Martin. He even tracked down Sam to further his explanation and to discuss the phone text. Sam, however, has never said that bringing Martin in on that situation in the first place was a bad idea. Martin had just been released from the hospital and that type of hunt was not the type of assignment that should have been given to him. Too much could go wrong and did. That’s what I find so disappointing about Sam. Both guys needed to take responsibility for the mess not just one and to even entertain the idea that Sam had no responsibility at all, I find that concept…strange.
As for jealously…Dean admitted to being jealous of Sam. I really think that envy comes from Sam having a successful relationship with Amelia while Dean’s relationship with Lisa was not. After all, Lisa was almost killed by one of Crowley’s demons who possessed her. I truly believe that Dean really wants Sam to be happy and to do what’s best for him even if it goes against everything that he truly wants for himself. Dean has been trying so hard since he got back to treat Sam as a grown up and not as the little brother who has been dragged around in the past. A couple of years ago, Dean wouldn’t have given him any options…it would have been my way or the highway! In this episode tho, he allowed Sam to make a choice and even if he didn’t agree with it, I truly believe that Dean would have honored his brother’s wishes if Sam had chosen to go back to Amelia and end their hunting partnership. He wouldn’t have liked it but he would have gone along with it. Just like many of us in our lives have gone along with choices made by our love ones that we may have agreed with or not. To me that shows real character growth on Dean’s part. As for Sam, I saw a little of this during the episode, just not as much as I would have liked to see.
Oh… and back to that old subject of Amy…Sam knew her years ago and for a short period of time…maybe a week. Dean knew Benny for close to a year and even fought beside him during that time. They were fox hole comrades. I think that distinction needs to be made. Plus Sam used to think that monsters weren’t all evil…remember Lenora and Madison. However, I think that when it comes to Benny, Sam’s judgment is very clouded.
[quote]Sorry I disagree. I think Dean was taking his share of responsibility for the huge mess caused by Benny and Martin. He even tracked down Sam to further his explanation and to discuss the phone text. Sam, however, has never said that bringing Martin in on that situation in the first place was a bad idea. Martin had just been released from the hospital and that type of hunt was not the type of assignment that should have been given to him. Too much could go wrong and did. That’s what I find so disappointing about Sam. Both guys needed to take responsibility for the mess not just one and to even entertain the idea that Sam had no responsibility at all, I find that concept…strange.
As for jealously…Dean admitted to being jealous of Sam. I really think that envy comes from Sam having a successful relationship with Amelia while Dean’s relationship with Lisa was not. After all, Lisa was almost killed by one of Crowley’s demons who possessed her. I truly believe that Dean really wants Sam to be happy and to do what’s best for him even if it goes against everything that he truly wants for himself. Dean has been trying so hard since he got back to treat Sam as a grown up and not as the little brother who has been dragged around in the past. A couple of years ago, Dean wouldn’t have given him any options…it would have been my way or the highway! In this episode tho, he allowed Sam to make a choice and even if he didn’t agree with it, I truly believe that Dean would have honored his brother’s wishes if Sam had chosen to go back to Amelia and end their hunting partnership. He wouldn’t have liked it but he would have gone along with it. Just like many of us in our lives have gone along with choices made by our love ones that we may have agreed with or not. To me that shows real character growth on Dean’s part. As for Sam, I saw a little of this during the episode, just not as much as I would have liked to see.
Oh… and back to that old subject of Amy…Sam knew her years ago and for a short period of time…maybe a week. Dean knew Benny for close to a year and even fought beside him during that time. They were fox hole comrades. I think that distinction needs to be made. Plus Sam used to think that monsters weren’t all evil…remember Lenora and Madison. However, I think that when it comes to Benny, Sam’s judgment is very clouded.[/quote
How did what Martin do become Sam’s fault? He only brought him to watch Benny. What Martin did was his choice.
I don’t think Sam’s judgement is clouded in relation to Benny. How can it be when he doesn’t know him as anything but a vampire? Wasn’t it Dean who said that you can’t change what you are and will always end up being a monster in the end?
Well that is the key isnt it because people see Benny has a sympathetic individual and someone that fought with Dean in Purgatory to such a degree that Sam’s attitude towards Benny is unwelcome .
Sam has received mixed messages about monsters and trust from Dean and then his own mistake in trusting Ruby which still hasnt been totally forgiven it seems natural to me he wont be entirely be open to Benny and then be expected to just automatically trust him because Dean wants it.
Sam at this moment feels he cannot do that whether it is seen has wrong or unnecessary or even jealousy or Sam being selfish which I dont go along with is down to how that person views it.
I think the problem is the dialogue, they basically need Sam to say (like he was speaking to a small child) the reason why he doesn’t trust Benny. The writers are leaving to much to fan interpretation. Lehman’s terms is what is needed here.
I so agree with you moats8621. To some, Sam seems to be seen as never doing anything wrong while Dean takes the blame for everything Sam does do wrong. It seems some would be happy if Dean dropped dead and left Sam really alone at last. As for that, Sam seems to resent the fact that Dean came back again from the dead to interfere in his life. There has to be something we haven’t been shown yet as I cannot believe Sam has become that kind of character. No way!
They are both fallible humans and Sam is not godlike in his virtue any more than Dean is. They’ve both had their moments of expressing their true feelings about each other right from the get go, usually with some supernatural help. (eg: Skin, Asylum, Scarecrow, Sex & Violence, The Mentalists and the one from this season I’ve forgotten the name of where Dean was possessed by the spirit). In spite of this they have continued to love and value each other and I hope that we will see that return soon. At the moment though, Sam is being selfish and self-righteous up the wazoo and not listening to anybody else.
The final scene of them together was not very joyful in any way and both are as tense and stiff as cardboard cutouts.
I just don’t see Sam and Amelia’s relationship being successful in any way at all. Their chemistry was non-existent. Was it supposed to seem that way or was she just a bad actor? Sam hooking up with her while her husband is away is not something the Sam I know and love would ever consider. And what does that say for her character that she should even suggest it? Sam can do so much better and he has had better. Jess, for a year or more, and Sarah for an episode which had more chemistry between them than the whole of this season so far with Amelia. Even Madison. 😮
Yes I don’t get the antipathy Sam has for Benny. Because he is a vampire? And you are right about Lenore and Madison and Amy and the werewolf girl. He once said something like this to Dean. “We’re not hunting monsters, we’re supposed to be hunting evil” was in defense of Lenore and her nest. I’d be happy to get that Sam back in the series.
I hope we get some smiles from next week’s episode.
With respect that works both ways [b]Bevie[/b] where who is wrong or does wrong so that is not a argument that goes anywhere or one that anybody wins at because it depends on pov as for Sam being selfish in what way? selfish to who Dean , Benny , Amelia? all three ?.
The sad truth will be if Benny falls? because of the way it has been seen Sam will be the go to guy to blame for some in the fandom because it will be seen that Dean cut ties with him because of his brother to keep him happy to appease him and poor Benny and poor Dean .
I dont believe Dean did it to ‘appease’ Sam by the way.
Things were simpler in Season 2. Evil was evil because it manifested itself that way. It didn’t try to disguise itself as a lamb, nor tried to manipulate others with a speech of good intentions (as Ruby did, and Sam can’t be sure Benny is not trying to do the same).
Much water under the bridge since then. And I still believe they are hunting evil, not monsters – just now is more difficult to discern what is evil worth killing, and at what cost.
Dean also said that a killer/monster is a killer/monster and will always return to their true nature. He has also lambasted Sam for trusting monsters time and time again.
Can I just point out that every time Sam has sided with a monster he asked Dean to trust HIM whereas Dean asked Sam to trust Benny? If Sam had asked Dean to trust any of the monsters he saved over the years do you think Dean would have? Do you think that Dean would have just taken Sam’s word on Benny being a good guy if the boot was on the other foot and Sam was the one who befriended Benny because he saved Sam’s life?
I like Benny very much, and it seems that he is trying to be a good guy, not a killer vampire.
But we cannot forget that he fought side by side with Dean in Purgatory and saved his life, but he also had a very good reason to keep Dean very much alive.
To be honest, I thought a little shocking that Benny didn’t give his vampire girlfriend a chance to redeem herself, especially when he loved her so much and changed himself into a better person because of her. So, maybe she wasn’t into it at that moment, but it was possible that it was because she had to adapt to that life in order to survive with that horrible vampires. The exact same happened to Benny. So why not be a little more patient with her? For what Benny told Dean, she seamed to be a nice person before she was turned.
[quote]Good review, but unlike you, I can see how Dean came to his change of heart. Actually, it started at the beginning of the episode. Dean went to Sam after Sam hung up on him. I think he really knew he was in the wrong in using the phony text message to draw Sam away. He also didn’t figure on Martin going after Benny and that whole situation turning so horribly wrong. So, he went to apologize…sort of. The way that Dean has in the past. Saying he’s sorry without really voicing it just like some people say they love you by showing it, not saying it. However, this time it didn’t work. Sam didn’t budge. Sam was angry and yes, some of it was justified, but Sam needed to take some responsibility for his part of the mess and I for one was disappointed that he didn’t. Anyway, I think after leaving Sam and going back to Rufus’ cabin, Dean had a chance to think everything over and that continued on even after joining Cas to look for Alfie. Once Sam joined in on the search and rescue mission, one could really see the underlying issues were boiling under the surface even while the two brothers were trying to assist Cas. However, when it was all over, I think Dean reflected and further realized that maybe he had let his jealously rule his head and that some of the decisions he had made had been based on that. (Sam needs to come to this realization too) So, he did the only thing that he could do to try to make up to Sam. Dean gave him a way out and a way to rejoin Amelia. Sam had been saying to Dean since Dean got back from Purgatory how much Amelia meant to him and that the normal life was the life that he wanted back again. ie. a wife, family, school… Now the ball was in Sam’s court to decide…take it and walk away or stay in the game and keep swinging. Smart move. By doing this, Dean allowed it to be Sam’s choice and only his. No longer was it because his brother came,got him and dragged him back into a hunter’s life. [/quote]
I agree with this wholeheartedly. Dean seems to have grown so much since his time in Purgatory. He can stand back from a decision he’s made and analyze it properly and see that he may have been wrong. As you’ve said, Sam needs to see this too. He needs to at least try and understand the bond between Dean and Benny, just as Dean now can understand the bond between Sam & Amelia.
[quote][quote]Good review, but unlike you, I can see how Dean came to his change of heart. Actually, it started at the beginning of the episode. Dean went to Sam after Sam hung up on him. I think he really knew he was in the wrong in using the phony text message to draw Sam away. He also didn’t figure on Martin going after Benny and that whole situation turning so horribly wrong. So, he went to apologize…sort of. The way that Dean has in the past. Saying he’s sorry without really voicing it just like some people say they love you by showing it, not saying it. However, this time it didn’t work. Sam didn’t budge. Sam was angry and yes, some of it was justified, but Sam needed to take some responsibility for his part of the mess and I for one was disappointed that he didn’t. Anyway, I think after leaving Sam and going back to Rufus’ cabin, Dean had a chance to think everything over and that continued on even after joining Cas to look for Alfie. Once Sam joined in on the search and rescue mission, one could really see the underlying issues were boiling under the surface even while the two brothers were trying to assist Cas. However, when it was all over, I think Dean reflected and further realized that maybe he had let his jealously rule his head and that some of the decisions he had made had been based on that. (Sam needs to come to this realization too) So, he did the only thing that he could do to try to make up to Sam. Dean gave him a way out and a way to rejoin Amelia. Sam had been saying to Dean since Dean got back from Purgatory how much Amelia meant to him and that the normal life was the life that he wanted back again. ie. a wife, family, school… Now the ball was in Sam’s court to decide…take it and walk away or stay in the game and keep swinging. Smart move. By doing this, Dean allowed it to be Sam’s choice and only his. No longer was it because his brother came,got him and dragged him back into a hunter’s life. [/quote]
I agree with this wholeheartedly. Dean seems to have grown so much since his time in Purgatory. He can stand back from a decision he’s made and analyze it properly and see that he may have been wrong. As you’ve said, Sam needs to see this too. He needs to at least try and understand the bond between Dean and Benny, just as Dean now can understand the bond between Sam & Amelia.[/quote]
How can he understand the relationship when he doesn’t know Benny and Dean has never explained anything about him. He didn’t even tell Sam that Benny was a vampire. Sam found out when he shook his hand.
This is two completely differend scenarios IMO because Amelia is a human being as far as we know who can’t hurt Sam in the same way that Benny can hurt Dean if he gives in to his nature.
Yes, I see what you mean about Dean never telling Sam anything about Benny. I think he was apprehensive about it, afraid of Sam’s reaction, especially after what happened with Amy, and that’s exactly the reaction he got. What I’m saying is that Dean seems to have grown IMO and in the past Sam wouldn’t be as judgmental as he’s been this season. Dean told him that he got out of Purgatory thanks to Benny, that right there should mean something, and the fact that Benny was in Purgatory in the first place meant that he was a monster, what kind shouldn’t really matter. But, yeah, Amelia is human, although she acts a little like a robot, no? 😆 Sorry, I never did like that actress, I’ve seen her in other things.
Dean has revealed next to nothing about Benny, and what little he has revealed has been under duress. Dean hides facts, evades, sneaks around and lies about Benny and his connection to him, then expects Sam to just go along, not question anything? No wonder he’s suspicious. The fact that Benny is a vampire is not even really the point….it’s Dean’s behavior that is ignighting alarm bells in Sam more than anything.
It’s like your 15 year old daughter telling you that she’s madly in love with a new boy, then she won’t talk to you about him, wont let you meet him, and then sneaks out of the house to be with him. As a parent you’d be going out of your mind and there is NO WAY you’d trust this guy or like him no matter what she tried to do to defend him. I totally get where Sam is coming from in this conflict about Benny.
In reply to rmoats8621 [i]way[/i] back up!
I don’t see how this was a dangerous hunt, it wasn’t even a hunt. It was a ‘sit on your ass and watch’ job. Had there not been a death then Martin could have been sitting in the diner for the next two months watching Benny make coffee. However, Martin is a hunter and he was anxious to get back in the game. Perhaps Sam felt this would be a safer way to get him back into things (Dean did trust him, after all), rather than to send him off after a wendigo or something like that.
In relation to responsibility, Dean accepted responsibility for the text, not for Martin which is only right because, for me, Dean is no more responsible for Martin’s actions than Sam is. Martin isn’t a child, he isn’t a Terminator that was set to ‘Kill’ by Sam and Sam and Dean are not so influential that they can dictate what people do even in absentia, so I am at a loss as to why either Sam or Dean should (or would) accept responsibility for what he, an adult, chose to do.
If Sam was thinking at all, he’d surely never have imagined that Martin would go after Benny on his own because both he and Dean were taught (and had learned) to not do that. He probably assumed that Martin would just go back to town (using the ‘vehicle’ God gave him, his own two legs!) and it seems he was right. We didn’t see Martin go to Benny’s abode, when we saw him he was out of the woods and walking back to town. While talking to Dean he knew that Benny was in the wind but he had already made up his mind that he was going to do. How is this Sam’s responsibility?
However, in relation to the text, for me, Dean[i] is[/i] responsible for it and he [i]was[/i] wrong to send it. There were other options available to him. He could have rang Benny and told him to get out of town, he could have texted Sam to tell him that they were going after the ‘real’ vampire. He didn’t. This is the course of action Dean chose to take and while Dean might have said that he was wrong to do it (and the delivery of the ‘I was wrong’ came across as if he was placating Sam in order to get him back in the hunt, not because he meant it), he was not sorry that he did it.
However, what I objected to most in that scene was when Dean said ‘If you’d have just heard me out, if you’d have trusted me then all of this could have been avoided’. I’m sorry, but for me, that’s a crock. Dean set the wheels in motion for this text message plan ‘a while’ back, most probably before Martin even came on the scene (because [i]Citizen Fang [/i]was a one day job) so how can Dean then go and say that if only Sam had trusted him then what happened could have been avoided? To me, that just reeks of ‘Yeah, I was wrong to do it but I wouldn’t have had to do it were it not for how you acted therefore you are responsible for my actions.’ Where is Dean accepting responsibility there?
I also need to respectfully disagree with you in relation to Dean treating Sam like a grown up this season. Even putting aside the amount of crap he threw at him in the early season, with the Benny situation, I don’t feel he was treating Sam as an adult either because he just expected Sam to put aside his mistrust and his doubts and trust Benny based on nothing more than his word. That’s akin to a parent telling a child what to do and then being mad at them when they do something different. Dean showed character growth at the end of the episode when he told Sam that he needed to make a decision, but all season? Not for me, sorry.
Sam has been different this season too. He’s not taking judgmental crap from Dean and he’s not going to feel guilty for how he chose to live his life. Add to that, he’s learned from his cataclysmic mistakes of the past and has decided he’s not going to repeat them. For me, that’s definite character growth from Sam and it’s one of the reasons I’m liking the writing for him more this season.
In relation to the relationship aspect, I don’t think there’s any reason to believe that, if Dean were fully out of hunting, he could not have a relationship akin to the one he had with Lisa or the one Sam had with Amelia. Demons went after Lisa because Dean was hunting and getting too close to Crowley. However, they didn’t go near Sam or Dean during their respective years out. Why would they? What sort of dumbass demon would shake the Winchester hive if it’s sitting peaceful?
With Lenore and Madison, yes, Sam did trust them (and so did Dean. With Madison it was because he believed she had been cured and with Lenore it was because he saw her, after being tortured, refuse blood. He didn’t trust them on Sam’s word alone) but was he wrong to do so? Madison killed, as did Lenore.
In relation to Amy and ‘clouded judgment’, perhaps Sam’s judgment is clouded because he’s had a lifetime of being told, and he learned, that he was wrong to trust monsters, and things have never worked out well for them when they do that. He said this in [i]Citizen Fang[/i]. Pretty much every monster they’ve ever trusted has burned them badly.
I don’t believe that the distinction of how long Sam and Amy knew each other makes that much of a difference. This is based on the circumstances in which trust was developed, not on the length of time they knew each other. Sam trusted Amy, maybe because she saved his life, maybe because he empathised with her situation or maybe because, up until that point, she had a long history of [i]not[/i] killing to feed so it’s possible that, based on that, Sam was fully justified in trusting her.
Dean evidently trusts Benny because they are, as you said, foxhole comrades. However, Dean did not keep tabs on Benny after he got out and any contact between them was initiated by Benny. It was easy to trust Benny in Purgatory because (a) there was no temptation there and (b) Benny had a vested interest in keeping Dean on side. Benny didn’t end up in Purgatory because he got lost on the way to the toilet. He was there because he was a monster, and he was a monster because he killed; the exact same as Amy. Benny has now killed to protect family, the exact same as Amy. Would he do it again? Well, the precedent has been set. If another hunter threatens Elizabeth, or any of Martin’s kin, would Benny be equally as justified in killing them? And would Dean absolve Benny from blame in [i]that[/i] situation?
Add to that, Sam and Ruby were also foxhole comrades. They were fighting their own war at home and she saved his life. They came to an understanding based on necessity and a shared purpose (the same as Dean and Benny) and that didn’t end too well for anyone. Once bitten, twice shy and all that. Trust built in extreme situations like that can be shaky because when one variable changes it’s hard to expect the relationship to not change.
Apart from Dean’s word does Sam actually have a reason to trust Benny? He has never spoken to him and Dean has said very little about him beyond that he’s the reason he’s out and he’s the reason that he’s not roasting on a spit in Purgatory. Is that reason enough? Sam knows less about Benny than we do, and we know very little. Sam doesn’t know how long they were fighting together. Actually, [i]we[/i] don’t know how long they were fighting together because it was never said on the show. It might have been a year, it might not but it would be even more suspicious if Benny met Dean day one in Purgatory. However, there is still a lot about Benny that he has chosen to keep secret from Dean as well ie how he knew how to get out of Purgatory. He didn’t tell him Desmond’s name yet he knew who he was. He didn’t call Dean after the first vampire kill and the story he told him had so many holes in it you’d fit a bus through them. Why didn’t he tell Dean those things? Should we also be asking if Benny really trusts Dean?
What we do know is that Dean chose to keep Benny secret from Sam and he chose to lie about him. Why would Dean feel the need to do that if he trusted him? He didn’t bring Sam, but he did bring a machete and hid it behind his back, when he went to see him in [i]Citizen Fang[/i]. I don’t get why he’d do that if [i]he[/i] fully trusted Benny (and if he wanted Sam to trust Benny).
Sorry but I still disagree. You make a valid argument. It’s just not one that I buy.
I agree with all of this. You have explained it far better than I could.
Nice review. I don’t think they’ve patched up completely. I think there is still a lot more work to do on their relationship.
Okay, I don’t understand why some think that Dean is being mistreated by Sam. I personally think that Dean is being very hypocritical. Back in season 7, Dean killed Sam’s friend Amy, when Sam begged him not to, to understand why Amy had to do what she did only to save her son’s life. Sam said if Dean couldn’t trust Amy, at least trust him, but Dean went behind Sam’s back and killed her anyway. Yes I understand Benny and Dean were buddies in Purgatory and Benny saved Dean’s life, but Amy also saved Sam from being killed by her own mother, she even killed her mother, so how is that any different? Why is Dean asking Sam to trust him any different from Sam asking Dean for the same trust earlier? Sorry, I think that Dean is the wrong one here.
Absolutely agree with this.
Absolutely disagree with this.
Sam knew Amy about 4 hours tops. She was on her way to her next kill when he confronted her in the park. She tells him she is working with dead bodies and doesn’t have to kill. She is killing to keep her son alive. Where is his father? He is probably a pituitary gland in her refrigerator. Dean finds her red-handed from killing and ganks her. There wouldn’t be such a fuss about it if she had been an ugly broad instead of a pretty little thing.
Dean and Benny fought side by side at each other’s backs for a YEAR! Dean wouldn’t have come back to Sam if not for Benny. Has Sam ever asked about Benny? Does he want to know what went on in purgatory? Not that I’ve seen. He resents Benny like Dean resents “the girl” Sam hooked up with. They both don’t ask and they both don’t listen! Garth was right with “they’re talking but no one is listening”.
As for trust, Sam asked Dean to trust him about Ruby. That worked out well, didn’t it? Sam asked Dean to trust him about Lenore and her nest. Dean did against his every instinct. Why can’t Sam trust Dean about Benny? Why is that different than with Lenore? The only difference seems to be that Sam is jealous that Benny rescued Dean and Dean values Benny’s friendship. Dean has had to abandon Benny to appease his brother. That will probably come back to bite him on the ass when Benny, with no support, reverts to his basic nature. How sad!
Sorry, I think that Sam is the wrong one here.
Dean made his decision with Benny not knowing what Sam was going to decide regarding Amelia. He didn’t do it to “appease” Sam. To me, it looked like he made his decision after hearing Kevin say that he couldn’t be distracted from saving the world by his mother. He seemed to realize that he couldn’t be distracted by Benny either. Sam came to the same conclusion independently of what Dean had decided about Benny. Benny’s name didn’t even come up during their last discussion before Sam left to think things over.
About Amy, yes, Sam only knew her for a short time, but he was also an impressionable teen, she was his first kiss, and she killed her own mother in front of him and saved his life. I’m sure it has a huge impact on him. Sam didn’t believe that she would kill again and felt she deserved a chance because of what she did for him in the past. It meant nothing to Dean however because he believed that monsters couldn’t change and would eventually revert to what they truly are. Sam eventually admitted the he was maybe too close to the situation and maybe Dean was right. Now Sam thinks that Dean is not objective either and that Benny has and will kill again. I also think there are hurt feelings and jealousy from Dean’s comments about Benny being a better brother and never letting him down, but I also think that Sam has good reasons for his feelings about Benny.
I disagree that Sam is jealous of Benny. Your psot pretty much highlights the hypocricy Dean is showing in this situation. Sam trusted Amy not to kill again but Dean killed her because he thought monsters couldnt change and would kill again. Sam admitted Dean was right. Therefore Sam not trusting Benny to not kill but Dean siding with Benny makes Dean a hypocrite. If Sam had disagreed with Dean in season 7 about Amy then that would make Sam a hypocrite.
I like Benny very much, and it seems that he is trying to be a good guy, not a killer vampire.
But we cannot forget that he fought side by side with Dean in Purgatory and saved his life, but he also had a very good reason to keep Dean very much alive.
To be honest, I thought a little shocking that Benny didn’t give his vampire girlfriend a chance to redeem herself, especially when he loved her so much and changed himself into a better person because of her. So, maybe she wasn’t into it at that moment, but it was possible that it was because she had to adapt to that life in order to survive with that horrible vampires. The exact same happened to Benny. So why not be a little more patient with her? For what Benny told Dean, she seamed to be a nice person before she was turned.
Sorry, doble post!
I don’t like the value judgement placed on the two relationships in this way… It’s not about how long Sam knew Amy and Dean knew Benny, it’s about how important they were to one another. As kids Amy and Sam were in the same class at school and knew one another for months, maybe even the whole school year. They bonded over being “different” and having difficult families. Amy made a huge sacrifice for Sam and was crucial in his developing sympathy for monsters (cause he sure wasn’t finding that attitude at home). To say that Deans relationship is “better” or “more important” because the knew each other longer is an unfair comparison, and may not not even be accurate.. Amy was as important to Sam as Benny is to Dean. And as to why Sam isn’t willing to trust Dean in regards to Benny , it may have something to do with the fact that Dean killed Amy and then lied about it for weeks afterwards. If Dean had trusted Sam about Amy, or even been up front about why he felt it necessary that she die, then maybe Sam would be more willing to trust Dean about Benny.
Totally agree with you RW. One of my bigger problems is that Dean believes he can never be wrong in judging a monster. If he says Amy will kill again, then she will kill again. If he says Benny is safe, then he is safe. In any case God help Sam if he comes to a different conclusion. Dean believes Dean’s word is law and Sam must bow to it when it comes to hunting.
ok, it ate most of my comment, will try again later 😉
This episode left me with mixed feelings, really.
Angel tablet was a surprise for me, although since the demon tablet I knew that there are lots of tablets on every single creature and monster. Simply have to be. Leviathans were huge and Purgatory was created for them, but demons? Ok, they are sons of bitches, but they are just Lucifer’s petty offsprings. So if there is a tablet on something powerful that even God had feared and there is a tablet on demons, there has to be more of them. I just didn’t expect the angel tablet.
Naomi has to be working for someone, she seems like a little perfect soldier, not as a mastermind. But who? God? No, I don’t think so. God has left Heaven. But maybe one of the archangels? Ok, so far there were four of them, but then we got Metatron, so maybe there are more?
Castiel… My heart is crying for him, especially when he wanted to save Samandriel because he had killed so many angels… He was devastated and as many more fellow fans, I just hope that Sam & Dean will see this and actually try to do something about it, not just acknowledge it with just one scene. I keep wondering what his status is, how much power does he really have now. Remember when he was improved by God in “Swan Song”?
I have a problem with Crowley here. Viggo had to be his trusted servant, because Crowley trust only himself and no other. Here he gives his precious angel to another demon and translates the secrets in his presence… Strange and very unlike Crowley. Of course, he could have Viggo killed afterwards as he in fact did, but it was kinda reckless for me.
Angel programming? Wow. Very Golem-like, I like. But as one of my previous commentators, it’s really strange – is vessel’s mind a CPU of an angel?
Also, the biggest plot hole – Samandriel was imprisoned for weeks. So only now he is able to contact Naomi? And why no hunter took notice of the strange happenings that were supposed to happen around tortured angels? Dunno. Makes no sense to me.
The angel tablet was not a major reveal for me, I saw it coming a while back. Actually I’m anxious to find out how many other tablets there are. I agree with you Sofia that Naomi must be working for some higher power than herself. I’m also wondering if the tensions are so high in Heaven because now some angels might be questioning their place in the grand scheme of things, somewhat like Lucifer did. It’s like management clamping down on employees trying to get unionized! 😀 Don’t ask questions, just do your job.
Was I the only one who clocked onto the Angel tablet back in season 7? I posted a thoery about anither tablet being about closing the gates to heaven beofre season 7 had even finished, I thought the storyline was quite predictable and given all the angel interference thought others would have found it obvious too? I mean why would the angels care about Sam and Dean closing the hell gates otherwise?
Thanks Sofia. I liked the episode. Thought the 2 leads did a great job! Going to re-watch it this weekend. So glad the show is back!
Kind of glad the Amelia story appears to be over for now. I did not have a problem with the story, but frankly did not think there was any chemistry between the two actors. Sometimes the chemistry is just not there. And since we have seen Jared paired with several women where he had great chemistry, the story never worked as well as it could have.
As for the angel tablet – as soon as they said there was a demon one to go with the leviathan one, I knew there had to be an angel one! I did not, however, see it coming last season like some of you.
Really glad the brothers are back together! I don’t want to start a fight here, but want to share my thought on some of the angst I see in the comments. I find it interesting that we as fans seem to have more trouble getting past the characters’ fights than the characters themselves do. Chill out, be happy, as they say. Come on gang. People fight and make up. It happens. Whether we agree with each character’s reasons or not (I am not going to tell you my thoughts on each because I don’t want to add to the disagreement), we can take their feelings as fact and accept that they have decided to move on. I must say that when a close friend is upset about something, I listen and try to make them feel better. I don’t try to explain why their feelings are wrong. I cannot tell someone else how to feel. That being said, I am not telling anyone here how to feel either, just sharing an option that may help when you feel frustrated by the way a character is portrayed. Just a thought, trying to help here.
Question for everyone – the demon torturer – to me, he looks a lot like the actor who played Evan in The Usual Suspects. Is that the same actor?
I think you meant “Crossroad Blues”? Yes, that was the guy who played Evan who had made a deal.
And thank you for your excellent advice about the disagreeing comments and all the angst. We do like to defend our favourites when they seem to be unfairly treated, but your way is much better. I’ve had that experience with disagreeing friends and trying to help without taking sides. It is a difficult position to be in!
Yes! I meant Crossroad Blues! Thanks Bevie. Confusing myself now! Glad it is the same actor and I am not seeing things too!
Thanks. I know my suggestion will not be everyone’s cup of tea (or shot of scotch, as the case may be), but hope it is helpful to some.
My husband deleted from our DVR before I could see it and I was not happy….had to watch it on Amazon. I WAS NOT a happy camper.
Sam needs to be careful with Amelia, cause Crowley could come back and get her, whether or not Sam’s with her….remember that Crowley took Lisa and Ben.
This episode broke my heart again — but in a good way: Dean breaking off his friendship with Benny; Sam having to end it with Amelia; Benny losing his “line to earth” ties with Dean (Ty did well the ‘broken’ thing with his voice); Amelia losing Sam; the tear of blood tracking down Cas’s face as he realized he had been used and betrayed, also over killing Samandriel; Samandriel’s torture and death.
The episode is fulfilling for me — a good start. THere were no rushed scenes for me. Knowing the brothers’ past, their very strong bond, as well as the things at stake in their world, they will always choose each other when push comes to shove. (Plus, we fans hate it when someone comes between the brothers. Castiel survived because he was no threat to the relationship and the angel is darn cute!)…
(THere are rumors of a Castiel-centric spin-off series. I like the idea. Maybe he can be teamed with Benny and Bobby — this time dealing with the mad machinations of Heaven and Hell over the centuries.)
The Cas centric spin-off has already been quashed by Mark Pedowitz. The rumours arose because fans bitched that TVD was getting a spin-off so why isnt SPN?!
If anything they could offer Misha Collins a role in one of their new pilots, however with Jensen about to become a dad and Jared having already reduced his working hours on the show they need Misha and some of the other guest stars to pick up some of the slack to allow both J’s more time off.
I know for a fact Jared has not gotten reduced hours. That is a rumor started by Sam fans who felt Sam wasn’t getting enough screen time this season. If anything, he and Jensen both are working a few less hours a week. I’m very strict on this site about rumors being stated as fact. I’m editing your comment so people know that is rumor.
Yes! Thank you. Hope that means more complicated. but well written, episodes.