Supernatural Bingo – Episode 8.01: We Need To Talk About Kevin
And most importanly
B | I | N | G | O |
The Brothers have a heated discussion or argument |
Research is done on a laptop | Crowley spouts off his usual wisecracks and/or insults | Candles are lit or used | John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used |
Holy water is used |
Any form of alcohol is consumed |
A wall collage of a case is made and or viewed |
Castiel is referenced |
Dean turns up the Impala’s radio/cassette player |
Dean calls the Impala “Baby’ | Brothers find and assist Kevin | A new “Word of God” Tablet is acquired | Flashbacks are seen |
Crowley makes his presence known | Bobby is referenced | Kevin provides important information | Borax is used |
Brothers share a special moment |
Ruby’s knife is seen and/or used | Dick and/or leviathan’s are referenced |
Did you spot the Coffee maker, Antlers and rope? | A Church is used as a refuge |
Impala’s trunk is opened |
B | I | N | G | O |
Did you spot the Coffee maker, Antlers and rope? |
Candles are lit or used | Impala’s trunk is opened | Dean turns up the Impala’s radio/cassette player | Crowley makes his presence known |
Research is done on a laptop | A Church is used as a refuge |
Dick and/or leviathan’s are referenced |
Holy water is used |
The Brothers have a heated discussion or argument |
Crowley spouts off his usual wisecracks and/or insults | Brothers share a special moment | Brothers find and assist Kevin | Any form of alcohol is consumed | |
A new “Word of God’ Tablet is acquired | Borax is used |
Ruby’s knife is seen and/or used | Dean calls the Impala “Baby’ |
A wall collage of a case is made and or viewed |
John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used | Castiel is referenced |
Bobby is referenced | Kevin provides important information | Flashbacks are seen |
B | I | N | G | O |
Bobby is referenced |
Dean turns up the Impala’s radio/cassette player | Flashbacks are seen |
The Brothers have a heated discussion or argument | A new “Word of God’ Tablet is acquired |
Candles are lit or used | Kevin provides important information |
Castiel is referenced |
Research is done on a laptop | Did you spot the Coffee maker, Antlers and rope? |
Impala’s trunk is opened | A wall collage of a case is made and or viewed | Brothers share a special moment | A Church is used as a refuge | |
Brothers find and assist Kevin | Dean calls the Impala “Baby’ | John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used | Crowley spouts off his usual wisecracks and/or insults |
Dick and/or leviathan’s are referenced |
Crowley makes his presence known | Holy water is used |
Borax is used |
Ruby’s knife is seen and/or used | Any form of alcohol is consumed |
B | I | N | G | O |
Borax is used |
The Brothers have a heated discussion or argument | Any form of alcohol is consumed | Did you spot the Coffee maker, Antlers and rope? | Brothers find and assist Kevin |
Dean turns up the Impala’s radio/cassette player | Ruby’s knife is seen and/or used |
Holy water is used |
Candles are lit or used | Bobby is referenced |
Flashbacks are seen |
Dick and/or leviathan’s are referenced |
A wall collage of a case is made and or viewed |
Kevin provides important information | |
Brothers share a special moment | Crowley spouts off his usual wisecracks and/or insults | Crowley makes his presence known | Impala’s trunk is opened |
Castiel is referenced |
A new “Word of God’ Tablet is acquired | Research is done on a laptop | Dean calls the Impala “Baby’ |
John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used
A church is used as a refuge |
B | I | N | G | O |
Dean calls the Impala “Baby’ |
Did you spot the Coffee maker, Antlers and rope? | A Church is used as a refuge | Bobby is referenced | Brothers share a special moment |
The Brothers have a heated discussion or argument | John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used |
Research is done on a laptop | Dean turns up the Impala’s radio/cassette player | Borax is used |
Any form of alcohol is consumed | Castiel is referenced |
Dick and/or leviathan’s are referenced |
Ruby’s knife is seen and/or used | |
A wall collage of a case is made and or viewed |
Impala’s trunk is opened | A new “Word of God” Tablet is acquired | Flashbacks are seen |
Holy water is used |
Brothers find and assist Kevin | Candles are lit or used | Crowley spouts off his usual wisecracks and/or insults | Crowley makes his presence known | Kevin provides important information |
Here’s the .pdf to download the Bingo cards. Remember, gloating and excessive celebration over a Bingo is encouraged!
Supernatural Bingo – We Need to Talk About Kevin
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