Seven Badass Women of “Supernatural”, Or Why You Need to Know Women Kickass on This Show
2. Pamela Barnes
Pamela’s rock and roll heritage is a nice change of pace from the other women of “Supernatural”. Pamela’s psychic powers were kickass, but it was her attitude and persistence that makes her more endearing. Even after she’s blinded by Castiel, she still returns to help the Winchesters at her own peril. And her death at the hands of demons has to be one of the most understated and underrated scenes of the series. Her death scene was poignant and her absence is felt even now. Rock on, Pamela!
You had me up until Krissy. 😛 Nice list.
Hi Bookdal. I’m glad we’ve managed to meet so many strong, badass women on this show, which is such a change from how women have often, in my experience, been portrayed in TV.
I have to admit though, one thing that really coloured my impression of Bela was that it kind of pissed me off how she always got one over on the boys. I guess that shouldn’t be a slate against her personally, but it certainly decreased my enjoyment of the character. I thought nothing of it the first time, was slightly irked the second, hated the third. I mean, really, they let Bela get a glimpse of the Colt and then they leave it unguarded (and I say unguarded because there would be no way she didn’t know how to pick a safe) when they know how valuable it is and what Bela does for a “living” and then on top of that, they walked right into her trap in JIB. It’s not that I thought she wasn’t smart enough to do it, just that it happened once too often and Sam and Dean should’ve known better. But yes, ignoring all that, a good strong character, though maybe slightly underdeveloped.
And I second you about killing off Jody i.e don’t do it, Carver 🙂
Enjoyed this Bookdal. I agree with most of your choices. I would like to add Sam and Dean’s grandmother Deanna (sp?). I would loved to have seen more of her.
Bela was strong, but she betrayed too easily. I know she had an awful backstory. Still she was more bad than badass to me.
I liked Krissy. I enjoyed her scenes with Dean. She was a younger female version of him.
Yeah, no killing Jody, The show need some strong females around and she is great! It is scary to get too attached to any character these days though. Usually means their days are numbered. That is an article in itself!
Ah, the great badass women of SPN. RIP to some of my favs, I’m looking at you Pamela Barnes. And I will join you on the hunt for M. Carver’s head if he dares kill off Jodi Mills. He wouldn’t dare!
Great list but I would have to make a few changes. Add Annie and Charlie both were one-offs, but both held a lot of appeal for me in different ways.
And if were going for villains, Ruby totally kicks Bela’s ass, either of the Ruby’s. I didn’t completely hate Bela(didn’t really like her either), but Ruby was by far the most effective bad guy the show has ever had. She broke up Sam and Dean. Brothers who had literally died for one another and she turned them against each other. That pretty badass to me.
On Jo in DYL, that scene with her and Dean was just about the only good thing about that episode. Abandon All Hope is a fantastic episode, but I can barely watch because her and Ellen’s death are just so horrible and yet heroic. Very Depressing. Pamela’s is pretty bad too and I really like as well.
But Jody is probably my favorite female character. I don’t necessarily ship her (although it wouldn’t bother me), but she seems so real and honest. I really love her. Though I really love all the women on the list with the exception of Bela.
If we are including demons, original Meg for me.
Annie and Charlie good also. Charlie, spunky a little more than badass to me but still a great ally.
I think the villagers would come after Carver with pitchforks if they killed Jody. Enough is enough with the killing of friends!
Ruby was by far the most effective bad guy the show has ever had. She broke up Sam and Dean. Brothers who had literally died for one another and she turned them against each other. That pretty badass to me.
Definitely. Best badass female role(s) on the show – even if she was evil!
Im a guy and I find Woman very important lol:))
A great list, and the ones I miss the most are Ellen and Jo. Oh why did they get killed off?
No killing of Jody! Not allowed! Read that, Jeremy! 8)
Yes, the Rubys (both actresses) were good, and Ruby really twisted the Winchesters against each other. I hated her for that, more than hating Bela. But Ruby was a clever and persistent and brave (really) demon who was an amazing undercover operative for Lilith. May she stay dead!
Loved and admired Lisa for her kindness for Dean and accepting him into her home when he would probably have killed himself without her and Ben to care for. Too bad she can’t remember “The best year of my life” or “The best night of my life”. 🙁 Hope some day she will be allowed to remember.
Thanks for the comments! I had thought about Meg, Ruby, and even Tessa, but decided not to include them on my list because I think of them as supernatural beings. However, yes, all of them are kickass characters.
Now that I think about it, Madison was pretty awesome too.
I loved Bela, to be truthful, even though she was bad. I just thought she was a very interesting obstacle for the boys and I loved the idea of someone trying to make money off hunting.
I would replace Bela with Ruby, but that’s to be expected with the only Supernatural fan ever who loved Ruby.
I’d say my thoughts on Ruby are very much that I either “love to hate” her or maybe “hate to love”. I haven’t quite figured that one out yet, but it’s definitely some mix of love and hate. I did admire her for being able to play both sides so well, made people doubt if she was bad or not, and well, yeah, she has to get some credit for breaking up the Winchesters. And she almost succeeded on all fronts (I’d imagine 100% success would’ve been getting to live to see Luci rise). I was still cheering as loudly as anyone when they killed her,though.
Great List but Krissy???? She was fun and a cool character but their are many more women that deserve to be on this list while she doesnt. Charlie(Felica Day), Ruby, Meg, Anna,Becky(very controversial character and not the first one that ide put on the list, but anyway), Lilith, Eve, Sarah Blake.
There are many more on my list:))
In my opinion , Mary , Ellen , Bella stand for being bad-ass ! good list though
Awesome list! And Jody must stay alive! She simply must. Other SPN women I adore (or love to hate but are still admittedly badass) are Meg, Tessa, Anna, Charlie, Sarah Blake, and even Ruby. I think Krissy will be fantastic if they ever bring her back.
Thanks for the article! Ellen is my favorite, but Jody Mills is a very close second. I’ll add my voice to the chorus against killing Jody. She deserves to live!
To be honest I’m not so enthusiastic for Bela and Krissy. Bela isn’t the annoyance to me that she is to some fans, but I didn’t start to find her interesting until her last episode, when we finally saw her history.
I’d rather see Madison on the list, since she willingly gave up her life so that she would not hurt anyone. And Tessa deserves a nod.