New Video from The CW – Jared and Jensen Say Thank You For 10 mil Facebook Fans
I love this! New from The CW, here’s a little thank you in a way only Jared and Jensen can do, with some help from DJ Qualls. A lot of fun for our Friday!!!

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Their friendship is the best! I love how Jared decides he better run away after the “punch”. 😀
Yeah, JP had better run after punching JA like that. How could the big meanie hit a guy that much shorter than him? Sorry but if JP is 6’4″ and JA is 6’1″ then that’s the biggest 3″ I’ve ever seen!
Jared is really 6′ 6″. Some people have concluded that after having photo ops with him, but Ben Edlund let that slip too at Comic Con. I think 6′ 4″ looks better when trying to get acting roles.
Yeah, I think Alice is right. Jared has to be at least 6′ 5″. There is a Gilmore Girls photo of Jared and Edward Herman standing together and their heights are nearly identical, and it’s well known that Edward Herman is 6′ 5″. Jared was only 18 or 19 at the time so he could actually be a little taller now. Jared has also said at cons that his older brother is 6′ 7″ and his sister is 6′!
There’s a recently picture out there of Jared and his family, and his brother is right next to him. There is only an inch difference. His brother is 6′ 7″. Then there’s the picture in Folsom Prison Blues too that showed him at 6′ 5″. I guess that was only a prop wall though, and he was probably wearing boots. It showed Jensen at 6’2″. So that’s not very accurate.
Oh man, I swear I could end up doing a lengthy essay on this. All that’s really required is a tape measure at the next con! 🙂
Yeah, I’ve heard that 6′ 4″ is some weird kind of cut off for tall actors… so many bigger guys will downplay their height a little especially if they want to participate in a broader range of roles than just “bad guy.”
I love how much crap Jensen, Misha, Mark Sheppard, Richard Speight Jr. and etc.. give Jared about is height. There are great con videos out there that are very funny and warm hearted. Misha seems particularly offended at how tall Jared is.
Also, DJ Qualls doesn’t look that short in the video either!!
I just read over at Tumblr that Jared says he’s 6’5″ on a commentary on the new season 7 DVD. I haven’t heard it myself, but if that’s true, then we have final confirmation.