Support the Food on Foot Charity Auction – Ben Edlund Needs Fans to Spread the Word
I just got word that "Supernatural" Producer Ben Edlund is participating in an auction for Food on Foot, a Los Angeles based charity providing help for the homeless in that area. He is offering as an auction item a lunch for 4 with him, and was hoping that "Supernatural" fans could spread the word about this auction and the Food on Foot organization in general.
Please note, this isn't a "Supernatural" related auction. Just an amazing celebrity based one. Some of the other items up for auction are lunch with Nathan Fillion, Michael Trucco, and JR Bourne, a Goodyear Blimp ride for 5 (did you know that the Goodyear blimp has it's home in Akron, Ohio and my house is directly underneath the flight path?), a Behind the Scenes set visit to "Community," and many more items.
Here's more info about what the auction proceeds will go toward from the website:
Money raised will go toward graduating the homeless in our Work for Food program to a life of self-sufficiency without the need of government assistance. Your Bids will help turn Tax Burdens into Tax Payers through Food on Foot's Work for Food program!
Bidding starts today (September 4th) and goes on until September 13th.
So Supernatural fans, help spread the word and make this the best auction yet!
Wait! You live in Akron? I live in Akron. Who knew! Waves from the Kenmore area.
Actually, I live outside of Columbus, just 1 1/2 hrs from Akron. Whenever the Goodyear blimp travels to the OSU Horseshoe or other sporting events here or in Cincinnati, we hear the rumble of that blimp going over our house every time. We’re directly under the flight path. Last time it followed us all the way from a Tigers/Reds game in Cincinnati. It was so weird.
Go Bucks!! (Sorry, I read “Horseshoe” and I can’t help myself sometimes!)
Yay Ohio, at least! I’m west of Dayton.