New Zap2It Spoiler: Dean’s Plight in Season 8
This is the latest from Carina MacKenzie at Zap2It. I have been hearing some rumblings over things said at VanCon this weekend, and I'm not sure if this will add relief or fuel to the fire, but this might be some helpful information nonetheless. I'm actually encouraged by her comment that the brothers' relationship remains central to the season, but it still is a vague spoiler nonetheless. Speculate away!
"Supernatural": Hey, fans who have been waiting to see Dean have a storyline separate from Sam's plight — your patience will pay off this season. Sources tell us that Dean's return from Purgatory and his relationship with Benny the vampire will give him a strong connection to the season's overarching themes, without Sam serving as a middle-man. It opens the door for the boys to spend some time apart as Dean digs himself deeper into that world and Sam… well, tries to maintain a relationship. Of course, even as their priorities shift, the brothers' relationship remains central to the season. Their time apart has given them the tools to live separately; but that doesn't mean they want to.
Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
I like that last line..Their time apart has given them the tools to live separately; but that doesn’t mean they want to. Now that sound interesting!!!
Take care,
Yes, I love that last line, too. I like the idea that the boys might have the choice to leave each other of they want to, but decide to stay together anyway.
Alice,I know this article is about Dean but do you have anything more on Sam (specifically him having/does he have the POV this season)
From all I’ve heard about Sam, it’s going to be about him having a normal life for a year and trying to get back into hunting. He wants to hunt with his brother, but there are distractions. He’s going to have some lingering relationship issues with Amelia, which will be his backdrop to getting back into the swing of hunting monsters with Dean. After that, it’s about this mystery quest that both Sam and Dean will be deeply involved.
As for Sam having a POV, I’m looking at it this way. From what I know about using flashbacks, and if they do use those as heavy as Mr. Carver has said, flashbacks always must take the POV of the person having them. So I imagine we will be getting Sam’s POV more than we have the last few seasons. I’m thinking it’ll be like “I Know What You Did Last Summer.” Is that enough? Not sure yet.
It should be noted, Carver is holding back a lot in his statements. I’ve heard from numerous sources that things are going to be twisty this year and not what we expect. They really have some cool things planned. We know nothing about these twists, or how it affects Sam and Dean. This is also supposed to be a multi-year arc, so expect focus to fall on the character impacts. What does that all mean? I guess that’s what we’re going to eventually find out. They aren’t saying.
Thank you for the reply Alice,As far as the article goes it tells that Dean is going to have a big part in the myth arc…What i wanted to know and eager to find out when the new season starts is that are we going to get Sam’s POV about Dean’s involvement in the myth arc and how it affects him..i.e a complete reversal in the way the characters were shown especially in seasons 1 and 2.
“I Know what you did last summer” the displeasure i have towards this episode…well, I have told about it many times
even though it was what Sam did we got it through Dean or more precisely because of Dean and that i did not like as it gave importance to on Dean’s reactions to that and not on sam’s reactions to Dean’s death
I agree on I Know What You Did Last Summer, which was one part glorifying Ruby, one part how Sam felt after Dean died until he hooked up with Ruby and one part Dean reacting to what happened to Sam and stopping Sam from telling him everything with his TMI moment. So, if Sam’s part is like IKWYDLS, it will be a let down.
All the spoilers seem to be dismissive of Sam’s story. Now in season six and seven the spoilers sounded as if Sam would have an in depth story and that didn’t work out well, so maybe Sam only seeming to get “doing normal” means we will get some meat, but I’m not holding my breath.
The last sentence is the only hope I see. Well, I’m still in for now.
I don’t mind Dean having the Myth arc, I am kind of glad but then Sam should have the POV like Dean had, I would really like to know what are the songs that Sam likes, which are his favourite books,whether he still listens songs from his I Pod etc..what he thinks of Dean’s involvement with Benny like we got of how Dean thought about Sam’s involvement with Ruby and his actions and so on. I would really like to know how Sam is with the mytharc involvement but not the center of the mytharc.
Actually anonymous, this was a good post. I never realized we never do see those kinds of things about Sam. I would like to know what kind of music Sam likes since I bet it’s opposite from Dean, what kinds of things he likes to do for fun, now that he’s not hunting. We do know what Dean likes to do for fun after all, drinking and whoring! LOL. No really, this would be interesting.
I highly doubt you’ll see Sam w/the POV about Dean’s role in the mytharc.
Honestly, to me, it sounds like Sam doesn’t have a story/arc this year . . . . at least not one I’m interested in seeing. I couldn’t care less about his relationship issues as I don’t watch Supernatural for romance. It doesn’t sound like Sam is doing much this year. All his Hell/Cage/Soulless issues are gone. We might get to see him react to Dean’s issues, but who knows?
I hope you’re right, alice. Because honestly, this whole ‘Sam has a relationship’ thing sounds so damn dull to me.
[quote]I hope you’re right, alice. Because honestly, this whole ‘Sam has a relationship’ thing sounds so damn dull to me.[/quote]
It is horrifically dull! Of all the things they could have done w/Sam, I’m not sure why they chose to dump him in a boring, doomed to fail relationship. I was hoping to get a MS-like Sam. Oh well.
There’s something about how that article is worded that makes me cringe. i guess the author is looking for fan reaction, but still…
Anyway, I hope the last line is true!
[quote]There’s something about how that article is worded that makes me cringe. ![/quote]
yeah me too! almost insinuating that Sam is not welcome in her Supernatural world( middleman??.. oh come on..)..but perhaps i’m reading too much into it…i just want equal amount of importance to the storyline for each brother.. both POV..
Yeah, that’s what I got from it too. Some dislike for Sam, maybe.
Ugh. Or maybe I’m over-protective of Sam, but whatever.
[quote]Yeah, that’s what I got from it too. Some dislike for Sam, maybe.
Ugh. Or maybe I’m over-protective of Sam, but whatever.[/quote]
I got that feel too so it’s not just you!
Carina’s a huge Jared/Sam fan so, yeah, don’t read too much into it. 🙂
When Sam was doing his thing with Ruby, Dean was not his middleman so to speak. What he was doing with Ruby was totally separate from Dean.I don’t think it means that Sam is not going to figure prominently in Dean’s story at all just because he’s not immediately involved in the Benny situation, in fact, I believe at some point Dean will need to be saved from Benny and the only one who can do that, I truly hope so too, will be Sam. I believe that Jeremy Carter knows that the engine that runs SPN is Sam and Dean, not apart but totally together, if not always in sinc.
Gee, is there anyone on here that cares at all about Dean?
I think the spoilers have indeed been giving us info about Sam. Is it so bad to hear something about Dean as well? No thats not vs wank just frustration.
[quote]Gee, is there anyone on here that cares at all about Dean?
I think the spoilers have indeed been giving us info about Sam. Is it so bad to hear something about Dean as well? No thats not vs wank just frustration.[/quote]
I guess it depends on your perception. I am a bi-bro fan. I like both brothers equally. You’ll see me post more about Sam b/c I worry about his role on the show.
I don’t, and have never, worried about Dean’s role on the show. From my POV, Dean is always front and center. Yes, he may not have the coveted mytharc, but he’s gets the POV and the best emotional scenes, etc. He’s a really well-rounded out character.
Sam, on the other hand, at least in my view, doesn’t get a whole lot of POV. He’s not as well-rounded out. When they stuck Dean w/Ben and Lisa in the 6th Season, I never feared that Dean would be “lost,” and he wasn’t. I have NO clue what will happen to Sam now that he’s been removed from the Supernatural world. Sam has no friends or outside allies. Dean does have friends other than Sam. He gets to interact w/other characters a lot. Sam doesn’t. In my eyes, it doesn’t seem like Sam has any story this year, which sucks.
Dean has an arc, which is good for him. All I can say is I never worry about Dean. The writers will ALWAYS, in my opinion, give him something to do, and I usually enjoy it. I can’t say the same for Sam.
[quote]Gee, is there anyone on here that cares at all about Dean?
I think the spoilers have indeed been giving us info about Sam. Is it so bad to hear something about Dean as well? No thats not vs wank just frustration.[/quote]
I read the spoiler and was irked about the wording towards Sam.
Doesn’t mean i don’t care/love Dean i do, but i tell you whats also frustrating is to be accused of not caring just because i posted about Sam……
Look, I don’t want to fight ok? I just asked a question, I apologize, can we just drop it. I won’t bring it up anymore.
[quote]Look, I don’t want to fight ok? I just asked a question, I apologize, can we just drop it. I won’t bring it up anymore.[/quote]
no probs hun ((((huggles)))..didn’t mean to start anything either…apologies from me too x
Also squidgy, I’m sorry if you misunderstood, I totally love Sam as well. Didn’t want you to think I didn’t care about him. I do. I love both these boys like crazy.
I think some people here are sick of the sam being pushed aside again because it was the 1st and 2nd season it was about sam’s story and then it was all about dean in season 3,4,a litte bit in 5,6 7 who the hell know and now 8 and I am sick of it they even made sam to be the bad guy in season4 and that hurts and make everyone hate him and it sucks. dean’s storys are fine but for god sake even them out to have sam’s story to thats all I want thats what I was thinking the show was all about both of them.
And see kerinda, when I watch it seems completely the other way around, that it is all about Sam and Dean gets a few bones thrown at him. Season 5 and 6 were every bit as much about Sam. Interesting that we see it so differently. Season 7 was about neither brother.I agree that it should be evened out, give Dean something as important as Sam.
And percy, the only one I ever see get criticized is Dean, from my point of view. I see everybody defending Sam . And Its good that they do. I don’t want him bashed at all. I I too love both guys.
Guys, I know this is my fault. I didn’t think just tossing that question out there would really start this. I was in a bad mood too when I wrote that. And like I pleaded earlier with squidgy, and she/he gracefully agreed, can we drop it now? Apparently we will never change eachother’s point of view and it doesn’t matter.
Also percy I apologize. I meant to reply to you via e-mail post but it got on here instead.
yes we see thing differently to like I said season one a 2 was sam story and then came season 3 DEAN”S GOING TO HELL story and what happen to sam’s demon blood thing should that come up in season 3 we had to wait untell season 4 please and then season 4 DEAN’S OUT OF HELL AND CRYING ABOUT IT! and he gets picked by cas to be the big hero to take down lilth really like dean was ever going to do that and then season 5 I think it was both of them but then season 6 came along and it was dean having a great life and hating it and the dean thinking hey whats up with sam thing and the I have to get sam”s soul back not thinking or careing how much pain it will be if sam”s wall came down to at the end my best friend cas betrade me and let see season 7 and here a BIG one DEAN KILLS SAM’s FRIEND AMY! and do not have the balls to tell sam and damn clone had to tell sam and I got not a damn thing from sam’s hell thing but 4 eps the new book that came out I got more of then this season so season 8 dean dean dean! ok love the show but like I sad even it out please I like to know the sam has feelings to and I hope the girl and the dog can do that for him. but we all have are point of views too I go to other websites and see so many samhater that I get sick and I do like dean I do sometimes the man is funny but to me it was sam that I got right away and I do not know why. his story was why I seen the show in the 1st place because was good and pure and had a great heart and then it all turn to crap but I say way to much because I care to much it just a tv show right.
Why do you think Dean was never going to take down Lilith? Just because you don’t like as much as Sam? And I’ve all the episodes dozens of times and can’t for the life of me see where it’s ever been Dean Dean Dean. As for being the hero, they took that away from him and gave it to Sam, Sam got to stop the apocalypse all by himself so I don’t know what you’re complaining about. Also Dean wasn’t having a great life with Lisa, he spent the whole time heartbroken over Sam and trying to find a way to save him.
I’m tired of fighting with you guys. All I did was ask a simple question, and it was valid to me because all anybody here does is talk about Sam. If positions were reversed you’d all be coming to the support of the poster, but since it was Dean I was defending I get slammed as usual.Look, I love Sam but I disagree with all of you and no matter what any of you say, I will not change my mind. As you won’t either You guys can give your opinions but I can’t give mine.. So, again, let’s drop it, please.
so wait so CAS and god himself say that dean was a big part of it he broke the 1st seal and then he needs to save from breaking more seal or am I wrong about season 4 even anna said to dean you are hear to save us all to dean right? And in season 6 we did not see a damn thing that tells us that dean did anything to try to save sam he seid it yes but all I seen was him making eggs with lisa and fixing the car with ben and that to me was a great life. I am not fighting with too misty I just want to make point too hear ok I been on one website and the bash sam left and right its all dean love there and I need some sam love to so too find a website that has some sam and dean love is great so I will drop it and say its ok from here.
You didn’t see anything Dean did to try to save Sam because it was after the fact. And where on this site, please tell me, is the Sam bashing? I’ve seen NOTHING on this site but Sam love. I’ve seen no Dean love at all. Sorry but scratching my head over that one.
well not this one but others you do not see it is one and is another all I get is bad you should read the stuff they say this is the only website that I like and if you do not like fine OH and buy the way just found out what the name of ep 8 season 8 is can you guess? Oh thats right it has dean in the name so you was saying theres no dean news theres one for you.
Me too.This is the only site I come to for supernatural news and discussion.I find the articles here friendly to both Sam and Dean.But there is Sam Bashing here too in the comments section ,but it mostly does not matter to me…but other times it get very annoying.
Yes, Dean did, unknowingly, break the first seal, and he was torn with guilt about what he had, again unknowingly started.
Just like Sam didn’t know that killing Lilith would break the final seal. I forgive them both.
happy that you forgive them me too but alot of people can not get over it and that sucks really really suck they fight about it alot and I am sick and you are too just lets forget it and move on to season 8 and how much we can bitch about that.
You say you have watched all of the episodes “dozens of times” but your comments prove otherwise. Sam stopped the apocalypse all by himself? Really? Dean saying “NO” to Michael didn’t have anything to do with it? I am beginning to think that maybe this show is too subtle for some of the fans. The key to the entire apocalypse being avoided was in Dean saying “NO.” I don’t understand why more people don’t understand this. He is the true hero as he was the only one to NOT CONFORM TO HIS DESTINY. Even Eric Kripke said in an interview how surprised he was that so many fans seemed to have missed the whole point of the season 5 finale.
Despite how heroic it was of Sam to jump into the pit, he still said “yes” to Lucifer just as everyone said he would, just as the angels and demons planned. He conformed to his destiny and did just as predicted. Dean on the other hand defied them all, the angels, the demons and everyone, to halt their grand scheme in it’s tracks. He put family first, and refused to let anyone ultimately sway his position. He was true to himself to the end, which is the mark of a true hero. They couldn’t have avoided the apocalypse without him doing what he did. Perhaps you wanted explosions or a fight or Dean in a halo or whatever obvious trappings a lesser television show might have stooped to, but this show has always been better than that, more creative and more clever. I thought the season 5 finale was brilliant. I was glad that Sam got the chance to redeem himself and thrilled that Dean got to be the one who stopped the whole thing singlehandedly by being Dean.
What is more concerning to me though, is that you seem to be having trouble coming to this post to have a nice debate where people give apposing views without getting your feelings hurt and becoming defensive. By all means, continue to support Dean. I’d love to continue to see things from your prospective and then answer them from mine, as is the nature of a healthy discussion. It doesn’t bother me at all that we will probably never agree, that is the fun of debating. But it seems that you want the security of like views and for no one to argue with you.
Furthermore, NO ONE here is telling you that you can’t give your opinion; where on earth did you get that idea? There are several posters who don’t agree with you, but that’s not the same thing as stoping you. If we were stopping you from giving your opinion you would be banned from the site… since that isn’t happening, your right to say what you think is intact, you are just feeling attacked right now because there are so many Sam supporters on this thread. You should keep arguing, but try and keep your emotions in check. If you get defensive, you diminish the power of your position and we won’t be able to take your arguments seriously, and I for one, want to hear what you think.
Ok, you know why I get that way? For one thing all kerinda does, in every single one of her posts, is bash Dean, all the while complaining about people bashing Sam. Double standard galore.But she’s just giving her opinion, right?
I’m tired of all her Dean bashing, as well as others on this site. So yeah, it pisses me off. And I was right, all anybody talks about on this site is Sam. Now again, I do love Sam, but I thought this was a site about all characters on SPN, not just one.
I have finally learned my lesson about this site: It is largely
a Samgirl site and as long as nobody bashes him, fine.(By the way Alice, you were wrong, Dean and Jo DID have a lot of chemistry but of course you wouldn’t have said that!) But bash Dean and everybody will rush to your defense, saying you have a right to your opinion. So this time, I will really stay away from this site and only read ones that have fans of both Sam and Dean. Nobody respond to this because I don’t want to have to reply. If it was a real discussion, instead of the one-sidedness here, I would think differently. And do not post about me either. I’m really done for good with this biased site. Just forget about me.
Okay, I’m putting my foot down. I’ve really allowed a lot of latitude, especially since this is a spoiler thread and not available for viewing on the main page.
I’ve gotten complaints, especially about you Misty. Just please. Quit insulting our board and other posters just because people don’t agree with you. We’ve had plenty of Dean threads and articles here. They’ve been very pro Dean. We have many pro Dean writers here. Most of our staff actually. You’re generalizing a bit too much by saying this is a Samgirl site. Sounds like this is more of a Samgirl thread. If you don’t like it, move on. Our community at large, our typical site visitors, don’t hang out in the spoiler thread. So I think it’s your perceptions of this site that are biased.
Also, I’m still scratching my head over where I said that Dean and Jo have no chemistry. Perhaps an old review? I don’t know, I don’t ever remember saying that. Maybe I did when watching a season two ep once, but that easily changed in season five and DYL and I said so.
You are always welcome here to debate things, but try not to take things so personally.
Ok Alice, all your episode reviews, Sam always in your opinion has great chemistry with just about every female, but never Dean! Cassie and Anna, ok, but the woman many believe he did indeed have lots of romantic chemistry with Jo, of course, you would not admit to or see. I guess in your mind Sam is the only romantic heartthrob of the two.
Sure you get these complaints because it IS a biased site, starting with you, so anyone like me who says that straight out, you people can’t stand it! And for the record one more time, if I saw a strong Dean bias, which is laughable here, I would feel the same way. I maintain that I love both boys. But I hate this site. So again, no more posts about me, or to me , I have already stated I want nothing more to do with this biased site,I will go away, will no longer post, so just leave me alone! End it!
[quote]Sure you get these complaints because it IS a biased site, [/quote]
You are not unbiased enough to make this comment and ..Oh ..Bye.
I’m not gonna bother addressing all this, just to tell you that yes, I have watched all of the episode many times over.
Also kerinda, Dean wasn’t crying about being saved from Hell. He was crying about the fact that he broke and became a torturer. It was the guilt of that. And he tried hard not to talk about it, but Uriel forced the issue and then he knew he had to tell Sam.
he sould of told sam right away come on thats what I would do he waited so long and to just come out with it would have made him feel alitte bit better.
You think Dean’s a prick because he killed Amy, a monster who had killed and would kill again? Well kerinda, I thought it was lousy that Sam willfully chose a demon over his own brother and almost beat him to death in the process, a betrayal that hurt Dean terribly. Of course I forgave Sam but to me this is so much worse than what Dean did.
and dean chose cas over sam there you go.
Huh? Are you referring to the episode after Sam and Dean mutually agreed to split up after Sam left hunting saying he didn’t trust himself? And Dean worked exactly ONE case with Cas? Do you really think this compares to choosing a demon over your own brother and then, being roided up, beating him half to death?
As I said, I forgave Sam right away for this but I’m sorry I can’t see how Dean working one case with Cas equals a betrayal like the Sam/Ruby situation.
But you know what? It really doesn’t matter to me anymore, think whatever you will. I just want to move on.
No Misty, we think Dean was wrong in that moment that he killed Amy because he LIED to Sam. Sam asked Dean straight to his face to trust him, and Dean said he would, then went behind his back. He could have said “no Sam, your judgment is clouded and I am going to do what has to be done.” But he didn’t, he snuck off and did it on the sly. He wanted Sam to depend on him as his “stone number one” but Sam’s “stone number one” lied to him, mistrusted his judgement and then kept it from him. I feel that Dean was right to kill Amy, she was a monster, and that is what the boys do. But, he was wrong to lie to Sam, to betray him in this way, and then in a later episode blame Sam for being angry.
Try not to bring four year old events into a current discussion. The “Sam chose a demon over his brother” argument is old and outdated. The fact that you bring this up again shows that you haven’t forgiven Sam even though Dean has; you say you have forgiven Sam, but clearly you have not, or you would not use this against him now, a loooooooong four years after the fact. Sam has paid for those mistakes and has grown since then. Dean, seems not to have grown so much, though, as his betrayal is current and indicative of the fact that he still doesn’t trust Sam. I am not sure that he ever has.
No [b]Misty[/b] Dean wasnt a prick because he killed Amy he was wrong to lie to Sam.The Ruby situation is completely different and something that happened 4 seasons ago.
It is the lying esp after the stone no1 statement Dean made to his brother .Sam has been admonished by parts of the fandom for his lies to Dean and Dean himself hated Sam lying.So to see Dean do what he did was disappointing but it doesnt mean in disliking Dean doing that he is hated .
I think it would be hard to deny Dean has the meat of the storytelling.It doesnt matter what sl Sam gets the bulk of that sl is seen through Deans eyes .Sam’s mytharc was never exclusive to him it involved everybody else John and Mary and Bobby and Castiel were involved and Dean heavily involved .
Sams wall sl was last season 4 episodes a case of poison ivy a touch of insomnia and a instant fix it didnt dominate last season and 90% of the time he was walking around fine IMO Dean rarely gets thrown a bone because it isnt needed.
Do any of us really believe Deans Purgatory will get written like that? . Some Dean fans prior to season 7 objected to the writers dealing with Sam’s wall coming down and at the moment although there is a less than stellar reaction to the spoilers where Sam is concerned I dont really see a attitude that Dean doesnt have a right to his story.
My disappointment in Sam’s storytelling as never spilled over into what they give Dean .
I’m sorry Sharon but it’s easy for me to deny it. I watched all the episodes numerous times and Dean still to me has never gotten anything as juicy as Sam’s storylines. And Sam also figured heavily into anything Dean was given. I’m not likely to change my mind, as neither are you, so we’ll just have to respectfully disagree and let it go at that.
BTW, I personally have never objected to Sam’s wall breakdown being dealt with in fact, it was one of my own disappointments about season 7, that what should have been Sam’s arc was given to Cas. and that Sam much too easily forgave him.
And ironically it seems to be me here, more than anybody, who is willing to give Sam slack. I never once saw him as the so called bad brother. I saw him as having made bad mistakes as Dean has also. And I seem to be one of the few who has complete faith that Sam will be shown to have gone to the ends of Earth to find out about/save Dean. I know, love, and have faith in that character. (Sam)
Really, was my one question that bad? Seriously, I didn’t intend to start such a debate and now I regret it. It’s not Sam love that I question. It’s why nobody ever seems to ask about or care about Dean’s character. And nobody here ever does. But really, I’m trying to end this now. I don’t wish to argue with anybody or make anybody upset.
I go to websites and all I get is sam bashing not dean bashing I even go to youtube and read the comments to that video that jared did to that song and all I read is Oh jensen is a better actor then jared come on that really pissing me of because there both great actors. demons I get people I don’t (ha Ha)
And I agree with this, because I think Jared is a great actor too.
Hi Misty, can you give some examples of why you think Dean’s story isn’t as complete as Sam’s using specific examples? It would be easier to see you point of view with some concrete examples from the show as you see it. The people here who have been arguing with you on this subject have provided multiple, detailed examples from the show that detail why they feel that Sam’s story is sometimes a letdown. Can you do the same for Dean? (I don’t mean this in a snarky way at all, I am being completely sincere here). Your opinion is stated very clearly in your previous post, but it’s only opinion, there’s no ‘evidence’ as they say. Just pull up a few of the times you really felt let down by Dean’s story and explain it. It would help me to see where you are coming from, because, I gotta be honest, I am in the Sam camp on the storyline issue.
It’s true that on this thread anyway, there is a slant toward Sam, but I don’t think that this is true of the whole site. (re; your previous post to Alice). This place seems pretty balanced overall to me with a peculiar, and wonderful lack of character bashing. I am new to posting, having only done so here and on one other site. I have lurked a lot though, all over the internet. And honestly, there are very, very, very few sites that are even civil towards Sam’s character and many, too many, sites that are downright vicious to the point of trying to get Jared fired. (The same is true recently with some non-Misha Collins fans, it’s just awful. I mean it’s one thing to prefer one character over the others, but another to hate the other character(s) so much that you turn your hate on the actor!). Try not to get too upset about a single thread, or even a few threads, that want to be kindly toward Sam, there are so few places for Sam fans to go to discuss his character without repeatedly being attacked, mocked, insulted and being called a ‘Dean hater’ just because you like Sam and are interested in his character.
Sorry [b]Misty[/b] but I dont agree but like you said it isnt a debate and it will have to be something we will have to agree to disagree on . Why you are seeing nobody caring about Dean is odd not liking Sam spoilers has nothing to do with not caring about Dean.
Well Sharon, I guess because even when the thread itself has a heading that suggests that the particular topic is about Dean’s character, the discussion almost immediately becomes all about Sam. See A Deeper Look At Dean Winchester. That and the fact that there’s 10 more articles about Sam than Dean. And three of those are the same article. So yes I thought it was a fair question. One I shouldn’t have asked because instead of just yes or no, people just get upset so again, I apologize.
Hopefully, we’ll both get our wish for season 8 that the writing improves, the storylines are better for both brothers, the myth arc, whatever it is is a hell of a lot better than the damn Leviathins,and for me, I want my epic reunion hug! And yes, I too want the boys together and in the Impala!
The spoiler mentioned both brothers, so both were discussed. Were they discussed indepth? No, however, there was very little in that spoiler re Dean that hadn’t already been mentioned in earlier spoilers. Also, there’s very little discussion in the way of spoilers because a lot of people don’t look at spoilers, so comments are limited. Apart from what was revealed from Comic Con, that’s been the case for most, if not all, spoilers so far this hiatus.
Also, on this site there are 19 very comprehensive articles on Dean, spanning four seasons. You’d be hard pressed to find another site that has that. Those articles alone have garnered well over 1000 comments. Have some of the comments related to Sam? Yes, and some of the comments in ‘Sam articles’ relate to Dean. Thats always been the case and probably will always been the case. However, multiple writers and multiple posters have written and commented on articles about Dean so I can’t understand how you think that no-one wants to talk, or cares, about him. Those who’ve put copious amounts of time and energy into writing about the character (and that’s most fans on this site) certainly do.
Ok Tim I’d like to point out that there are 29 articles about Sam. And I’ll bet they are all different articles, where one of them is not repeated 3 times.
I’m not trying to give anybody a hard time, but exactly where are all these posters who are discussing anything at all about Dean? You keep saying this but I’ll be darned if I see that anywhere on this site. The only time Dean is even mentioned is when everybody wants to complain that they think Sam is getting a raw deal if Dean gets any storyline at all. At least that’s the only thing I’ve ever seen on this site.
But again, I’m sorry I even asked the question. It wasn’t worth all the aggravation and believe me, I’ve already got real stress in spades so this really isn’t all that important to me. I’d really like to end this and move on.
[quote]Ok Tim I’d like to point out that there are 29 articles about Sam. [/quote] Whether Sam has 29 articles or 290 articles or 2,900 articles is irrelevant. The fact is that there are 19 articles on this site that relate directly to Dean and they are vastly commented on. Therefore, numerous people on here do care about Dean and frequently prove so.
[quote]And I’ll bet they are all different articles, where one of them is not repeated 3 times.[/quote] There are no repeat articles there (unless you consider the ‘A Deeper Look….’ articles to be repeats; and all those articles have different content because they’re based on different years. There is also an ‘A Deeper Look…’ series about Sam so if you consider Dean’s repeats then you’ll need to knock a few off Sam’s tally as well).
[quote]I’m not trying to give anybody a hard time, but exactly where are all these posters who are discussing anything at all about Dean? You keep saying this but I’ll be darned if I see that anywhere on this site.[/quote] Well, if you want then you can start by reading here; 9 different writers have contributed articles about Dean. [url][/url] The episode discussion articles also have ample commentary on Dean but most articles in the archive have comments on Dean in them.
[quote]I’d really like to end this and move on.[/quote] No bother. However, for future reference, may I just point out that asking questions in a comment generally indicates that you desire a reply.
god I am hoping that too but I think its going to be another one brother lieing to another and bitching at each other in the impala thats what we all get.
Misty, I remember when the Deeper Look at Dean article was posted and thinking that a lot of people who wanted to discuss Sam were posting there because its companion article, a Deeper Look at Sam, hadn’t been published yet. And once those discussions start, other people respond, and it’s soon hard to get those conversations back to where they belong, after the second article is published. The same thing happened in reverse earlier in season 7. Alice posted an article, Is Sam Winchester Really Okay, before its companion article about Dean was posted, and a lot of people used it to discuss what was going on with Dean. I guess it’s okay because they’re brothers and they’re used to sharing. 😉
[quote]Also squidgy, I’m sorry if you misunderstood, I totally love Sam as well. Didn’t want you to think I didn’t care about him. I do. I love both these boys like crazy.[/quote]
No it’s ok misty i know we’re equal opportunity brother lover…lol x x
The brothers bond and the amazing acting by the J’S is what has me hooked and ok, the eye candy.. 😆
and thats why I love the show to both the brothers together and love them equal to the then I go to sucky websites that have lets hate sam things and I have to defend him and dean is great and I was like no it hard to fight and I get sick of it the dean/girl the sam/girl and the cas/girls why can’t we love all 3 it be a great 3some.
Ok squidgy, I OFFICIALLY LOVE YOU! I personally wouldn’t kick Jensen, Jared, Misha, or JDM (John) out of bed! And all of them can act their asses off!
[quote]Ok squidgy, I OFFICIALLY LOVE YOU! I personally wouldn’t kick Jensen, Jared, Misha, or JDM (John) out of bed! And all of them can act their asses off![/quote]
I’m with you on the three J’S..BUT dont tell my hubby!!!
PS Love u 2 😆
My hubby doesn’t give a damn!He would totally be Salma Hayek Dusk Til Dawn and you know what? I couldn’t blame him cause Salma, come on! I’d even consider that! HELLYA! She’s hot! His other choice, the one he might consider switching teams for, would be Tom Jones! Even at 70, come on girls, HOT!
By the way, this last one was a joke LOL