Huffington Post – Detailed Interview With Jeremy Carver
Here's another interview with Jeremy Carver. Laura Prudom asks some great questions here and asks him quite a bit. She gets some really detailed answers too. My favorite question though was the very last one. After the S7 finale I sent a tweet speculating that Sera Gamble wrote that ending, chucked the script at Jeremy Carver and said "All yours!" Turns out, that's pretty much what happened. So score another one for Laura Prudom!
This was an excellent interview. I thought Mo Ryan was injecting her views onto the Show in her interview, but this one is well-balanced. I have to admit, I thought Jeremy had some input in S7 finale, so that was a surprise.
I still have some lingering concerns, based on the limited and secretive spoilers, but I have to say that Jeremy sure seems like he has a [i]plan[/i], a clear vision, for both the characters and the story, and he definitely appears to be working with the structure of the show. I like all of that.