The Winchester Family Business Supernatural Season 7 Fan Awards
Best Ending to a S7 Episode
Winner (by another big landslide)
“Survival of The Fittest”
Runner Up
“Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie”
Isn’t it great when the best ender is the season ending cliffhanger? What a doozy! Sam is left alone, completely distraught in the lab at Sucrocrop and Dean and Cas are in Purgatory. Holy crap! Most everyone else had the same reaction it seems, for the other nominees didn’t come close.
In a distant second, several thought that the goofy ending to Plucky Pennywhistle’s, complete with giant slinky and a not so resolved clown phobia, was good enough for them. In a distant third was Bobby’s surprise return in “Party On, Garth.”

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
my name is Kristin Williams I love the Show very much
This was fun and I’m happy with all the winners.
That guest star category really was the hardest. Even if Mark Pellegrino won it hands down, I’m pretty sure it’s because in most people’s minds he was just a nose ahead of all the other guest stars they also wanted to vote for. That is to say, it wasn’t close in the poll but it was close in our minds.
I enjoyed this poll a lot! Most of mine were there, and it’s nice to be reminded of the good S7 stuff.
The one that disagreed with me the most, was the Impala winning for Badass scene. I wanted so badly to vote for it, but didn’t, because in that moment Dean was not driving, Meg was. I admit I would have voted for it, if he had been.
I love Sera Gamble’s episodes (well almost all of them) but she never quite “got” the Impala, in my opinion. I can’t think of a single scene in any of her scripts where it was featured in any meaningful way.
Taking away the Impala all season long, and not having Sam be the one with Dean when they recovered her, and not having them clearly shown driving… was very disappointing and went a long way to leaving me feeling dissatisfied with season 7. All season I waited for a Sam & Dean bonding moment with their home, the Impala. It deserved a much bigger fuss. So the Badass scene was a disappointment to me.
I agree with you on that. I would have voted for the Impala if Dean had been driving at that moment, but it was Meg. I think I voted for Dean threatening Dick Roman outside the hospital.
I think they cut a scene to turn to the Impala comeback into a music badass moment – and it worked. Dean & Sam (stunt doubles) were driving at the beginning and they had a “don’t die” scene where they got dropped off that showed up in the previews. I agree that the Impala is only truly kick-ass when Dean & Sam are behind the wheel but that music montage really worked. Score a bad-ass win for the editors!
[quote]I love Sera Gamble’s episodes (well almost all of them) but she never quite “got” the Impala, in my opinion. I can’t think of a single scene in any of her scripts where it was featured in any meaningful way. [/quote]
Laurie, I have to disagree with this statement. One of my favorite Impala moments ever is the scene at the end of “Fresh Blood” where Dean decides it is time to “show his little brother the ropes” and has Sam do the repairs to the car.
Another favorite scene is in another Sera ep (and one that also included Gordon Walker) — the scene at the beginning of “Bloodlust” where Dean is driving the newly-restored Impala while AC/DC’s “Back in Black” is playing. Where Sam says “If you two want to get a room (referring to the Impala), just let me know, Dean” and Dean responds “Don’t listen to him, baby. He just doesn’t understand us.”
I also love the scene at the end where Sam and Dean have this wonderful conversation over the roof of the Impala:
Dean: No, but every instinct told me to. I was going to kill her. I was going to kill them all.
Sam: Yeah Dean, but you didn’t. And that’s what matters.
Dean: Yeah. Well, ’cause you’re a pain in my ass.
Sam: Guess I might have to stick around to be a pain in the ass then.
Dean: Thanks.
Sam: Don’t mention it.
and then it ends a long shot of the Impala driving off down a dirt road.
I know there are probably more, but these are the ones that immediately came to mind when I saw your post.
I totally voted for Luci — Mark Pelligrino. He’s the big bad to end all big bads and one of the best guest stars of the whole series, not just S7.
I’m not shocked at all by ‘Dean killing Amy’ not being the worst ending — I honestly never got what the fuss was about, either about Dean’s actions or that the consequences of it were a sub plot carried through several episodes.
These were fun. I’m glad we got the chance to vote and I hope we do it all again for season 8!!
wow , this was a very fun awards for me!! very cool poll , thank you for putting this together! and by the way , i think you should defiantly show these results to some of the show runners , maybe they understand that fans are clever and they know what they want from this amazing show!
I voted for the Impala badass scene, because it was long past due for the Impala to be back and because I loved the every-angle Singer filmed it from. Normally, I would have voted for any scene with ADDC’ She Shook Me All Nite Long (maybe my favorite rock song), but Baby trumped it.
I voted for Julian Richlings, not Mark P., because I don’t like how the Show has turned Luci into a whiner and seemingly bugging what he wants to be his best friend. Mark P. is a good actor, it’s how they turned the character into anything but scary.
Darn, I was away and missed this whole voting process! But I am thrilled to see what made the list, and how much I have in common with my fellow fans. The love for “Death’s Door”, Sam and Dean in the warehouse, and Mark P. are well deserved, and “Time for a Wedding” also got its just deserts.
Looking forward to the editors’ review!
This was a lot of fun. I got some of the winners…not all, but that’s okay. I’m happy with the results. 😆
I guess I’m one of the only people not in awe of [i]Death’s Door[/i]. Admittedly, I was super disappointed in the season by the time DD aired.
I’m not in awe of it either.
I am pleased Time For a Wedding got worst episode.I am still baffled how that ever got made.
I most of my choices made it. Even the ones that didn’t I pretty much agreed with, except Time for a Wedding. IMO Defending Your Life was SO SO much worse.
I actually enjoyed the “Shut up Dr. Phil ” episode as well as
the maligned “Hammer of the Gods”. Maybe I’m just weird. Other than that, I’m ok with the other choices although I do prefer Death over Lucifer. I am over Luci now.
I think 5 or 6 of my vote came out the winner. 😀 😀 That’s like one third of the pool. My other choices are either in the runner up or close third. Only few didn’t make the pool.
I know it’s not a test but sometimes it felt like it. hehehe You won’t believe how much I love tests and pools.
I still think Shut Up Dr, Phil is useless. It can be written better by bringing up a comparative case of not a pair of warlock in a bitching contest. i don’t really get what’s so funny and what’s the irony in the episode.
I get the irony of Defending your life, and I like how the essence of The Mentalist. How they psychic are mirroring Sam and Dean, kinda. There are lot’s to digest in the epi.
Time for a wedding is a close second for me to the worst epi. It’s saving grace is the appearance of Crowley and the Wicked Crossroad Demon. I like how the actor portrayed him as a villain.
Death Door is well written but I won’t put it in The Best Episode. The script is good, I guess. If the title of the show is The Singers Supernaturals. Where Sam & Dean are adopted by Bobby ever since their mom died.
It’s not that I dislike Bobby. I like Bobby’s character so much. And it’s a good thing that they acknowledge a well loved and loyal character with an entire episode dedicated for him. (Two episodes been dedicated to Bobby, Weekend at Bobby’s). But putting that episode for the best episode in a SUPERNATURAL story in which SAM and DEAN is the center of the story is … blegh.
IF, it’s only if, the Show started only in season 6 and 7, regardless of the previous history between the brothers. Then, it can be the best episode. But there are lots and lots history for 5 seasons long before this season.
It’s ironic that the best episode of the season is the episode that depicting the life struggle of a supporting character. What’s that saying for the writer this season?
Just my opinion. Others can disagree.