What’s Your “Supernatural” Scene #10
I have four more episode titles from my trusty Tupperware container and have put my thoughts on each.
I have four more episode titles from my trusty Tupperware container and have put my thoughts on each.
What are your thoughts on the following episodes?
Is it a scene, a moment, a line or song?
And why? It is your favourite or is it the emotional impact it has on you?
Maybe it simply makes you laugh or hide under the covers.
“Dream A Little Dream Of Me” – Wow, so many moments with this episode.
We have Sam’s naughty dream with Bela and his reaction when she actually shows up.
There’s Dean trying to convince Bobby that he is dreaming and pleading with him to wake up.
Dean: You need to snap out of this. You’re not going to die. I’m not going to let you die.
You’re like a father to me. You’ve got to believe me. Please.
And Jensen’s magnificent acting of Dean’s intense conversation with his dream self.
But for some reason the scene that stands out for me is when they are in the hospital room when Bobby is explaining how stupid he was for taking the beer and Dean saying it wasn’t all that stupid. It was such a Dean moment for me.
Sam: How did he get in there in the first place? Isn’t he supposed to have some of your hair or DNA or something?
Bobby: Yeah. Before I knew it was him, he offered me a beer. I drank it. Dumbest frigging thing.
Dean: Oh, I don’t know. It wasn’t that dumb. Ha.
Sam: Dean, you didn’t?
Dean: I was thirsty.
Sam: That’s great. Now he can come after either one of you.
Dean: Now we’ll just have to find him first.
“Point Of No Return” – Ok, along with my choice, I also have to give honourable mention to the opening scene with Zachariah in the bar talking about losing his job with the other patron, Stuart. Kudos to Kurt Fuller in his portrayal of Zachariah. He played that character beautifully.
Zach: All they care about upstairs ain’t it? Results, results, results.
They don’t know. They’re not down on the ground in the mud nose to nose with all you pig-filthy humans. Am I right?
Stuart: Absolutely…Filthy what?
My favourite scene goes to Dean waking up in the panic room and finding Sam sitting there waiting on him. That scene really got to me.
Sam: How you feeling?
Dean: Word to the wise. Don’t piss off the nerd angels.
So how’s it going?
Sam: Adam’s gone. Angels have him.
Dean: Where?
Sam: The room where they took you.
Dean: You sure?
Sam: Cass did a recon.
Dean: And?
Sam: And the place is crawling with mooks. It’s pretty much a no-shot-in-hell, Hail-Mary kind of thing.
Dean: So the usual. What are you gonna do?
Sam: For starters bringing you with. (Sam unlocks Dean from the handcuffs)
Dean: Excuse me?
Sam: There are too many of them. We can’t do it alone and you’re pretty much the only game in town.
Dean: Isn’t that a bad idea?
Sam: Cass and Bobby think so. I’m not so sure.
Dean: Well, they’re right. Cause either it’s a trap to get me there to make me say yes. Or it’s not a trap and I’m gonna say yes anyway. And I will. I’ll do it. Fair warning.
Sam: No, you won’t. When push shoves, you’ll make the right call.
Dean: You know tables were turned, I’d let you rot in here. Hell, I have let you rot in here.
Sam: Yeah, well, I guess I’m not that smart.
Dean: I don’t get it, Sam. Why are you doing this?
Sam: Because. You’re still my big brother.
“Caged Heat” – This episode had some pretty intense scenes.
When Castiel reciprocates Megs kiss by kissing her back: “I learned that from the pizza man.â€
Meg’s well orchestrated killing of Hellhounds.
Dean glaring through the pane of glass at his Grandfather Samuel, warning him that when they meet again he will kill him.
However, the scene I have to go with is when Sam captures the demons in the devil’s trap he made from his own blood. Seeing him grin with his teeth covered in blood was chilling.
Karen, these are actually four of my favourite episodes, and you and I must think alike because you are spot on with the best scenes.
I enjoyed the Dean/Bela banter throughout Red Sky, but Dean’s panic attack at the though of losing his Baby was priceless: “Can I shoot her?” – “Not in public!”
I like the scene where Sam points out that Bela only conned Dean, not ‘them’, this brotherly dig made me giggle.
The graveyard special effects with the ‘water ghosts’ was awesome as well.
Dream a Little Dream of Me is also a treat, as is Jensen’s execution of his Dean/Dean conversation. But you are right, the hospital scene is so Deanisque.
In the Point Of No Return, my favourite scene is when Dean changes his mind in the green room, and you can actually see it happening on his face. My favourite lines though happen between Adam and Dean when they are talking about saving the world: Dean ‘We’re working on the power of love.” Adam asks ‘And how’s that going for you?” “Mmm..not good.” (Little did he know!)
Caged Heat is one of my favourites, we get to see some real badass Dean here. Love his conversation through the door with Samuel: “Whatever gets you through the night.” But my favourite scene is the one where Meg is being tortured and starts laughing: “Why are you laughing?” asks Christian, “Because Dean Winchester is behind you meatsack.” Just love this! I also like this scene because even though Meg is vunerable here and has caused Dean and Sam great angst in the past, he sticks to his part of the bargin and still unties her – a deal is a deal to a Winchester.
I really like all four of these episodes a lot. They’re near the top of my list.
Red Sky in the Morning – I loved Dean in that tux. Bella looked great too. I thought they made a great couple and Dean’s look when Bella stated they should make some “angry sex” after it was all over….was priceless!
Dream a Little Dream of Me – I agree with you. I really liked all those scenes.
Point of No Return – I like this whole episode although my favorite part is near the beginning where Dean is in the motel room and planning out his next course of action and writing his goodbyes. I liked how Sam came in and called him on it. The fact that Castiel was along proved to me just how much Cas cared about both brothers. Sam and Cas worked together to find Dean.
One thing has always bugged me about this episode and I’m sure it’s been discussed to death…but Dean killing Zachariah with the angel blade. I just keep remembering how Uriel said that only an angel could kill another angel. Yet, Dean was able to kill Zachariah with the angel blade. I’ve always thought there was more to this that the show decided not to address. It let us draw our own conclusions which has a good and bad side to it. I would have loved to see them explore it. We saw Sam being possessed by Lucifer. I would have liked to see what would have happened if Dean had been possessed by Michael.
Caged Heat – The scene between Cas and Meg was great! I may be twisted, but I think they’d be an interesting couple.
I thought even when Uriel said that he was being hyperbolic, basically saying that because they are so powerful and fast that’s its unlikely that anything could kill one except another angel. Because if it was an straight out fact then why would the angels have been investigating to begin with. They would have known that it had to be an angel.
Kelly, your reason makes perfect sense! I hadn’t thought about that!
My fav scene in Point of No Return has no words, and that’s why it’s my fav!!! Jensen is looking at Sam lying on the floor, and you can see soo much in just his facial expressions. first pain and sorrow; then you can see that he changed his mind; then you see that he has a plan. All without him saying a word!!And then he winks, and it’s on. I LOVE that. Most actors can’t even do that with pages of dialog. But with Jensen that is it, isn’t it?
I agree with these four episodes, I liked them all.
Red Sky at Morning – definitely the scene where Dean has a panic attack over his missing Baby! LOL. Dean walking down those stairs in a tux, be still my beating heart, the only other time I felt like that was with the zoot suit. Sam’s sex dream about Bella, too cute. The classic bitch faces over Gert, ha!
Dream a Little Dream – the Dean on Dean conversation at the end is just so bloody good, why doesn’t Jensen have an Emmy already?
Point of no Return – the scene you quoted, this is why we love these brothers. I do love Dean’s line when Cas is glaring at him “Not for nothing Cas, but the last person looked at me like that, I got laid”! I bet he did.
Caged Heat – SoullesSam running to save his brother from the ghouls. Dean’s chilling glare to his grandfather, would not want to be on the other side of one of those! The WTF moment when Cas burns Crowleys bones, my jaw dropped.
Good deal, Karen. With RSaM, the MOTW was kinda lame but there were so many good scenes surrounding that, you just can’t toss this ep. I’d take this over Bugs, even though that too has some sweet stuff around the corny bug infestation.
DaLDoM – One of my absolute favs and watching Jensen play off himself is so. darn. awesome. That is the one scene I watch that episode for and I will rewind it a few times before I let it go on.
PoNR – I just like Dean being the one everyone is trying to beat some sense into – ha! literally! It’s one of those times when Sam is acting like the sane one and Dean is like some little kid on punishment. It’s cute and I love seeing him wrestle with whole saying yes thing. And snatching it back at the end, managing to say yes and but ultimately say no. Priceless. I really like Zach and I wish he could have stayed, but alas, even the fun ones have to go sometime.
Caged Heat, yeah, I like that scene with Sam too. But I think it’s Cas and Meg and just the weird possibilities with those two that lingers the whole time.
Or maybe it’s just me and I’m the weird one. Time to lock up my psyche now. I think I showed too much. 😳
Red Sky At Morning – There are many. I loved this episode. Love Sam’s bitchfaces. Love Dean hyperventilating over thinking Baby had been stolen, and Sam’s delayed reaction/double take when he looked over his shoulder at Dean.
Love the visual effect shot of the ghost jumping through his brother and the two of them turning to water.
Love Bela; I thought she was a terrific foil for the boys. I love to hate her and hate to love her. Snarky, snippy, snobby. Lauren was so good in this role, I remember yelling at the TV, ‘Gimme your gun, Dean, I’LL shoot her.’ And when they’re all leaving the party, Dean gives Sam the quick onceover, “You stink like sex.†I was eating a piece of chicken the first time I saw that, and yep, I choked on it.
Dream A Little Dream of Me – This one has many too. Definitely Dean’s showdown with himself, and of course his demonic moment at the very end. As second nature as the black eyes have become on this show, it’s still very very unsettling when Jensen’s the one with the contacts. I still really cringe.
Also, Dean dreaming about Lisa wanting to have a romantic picnic with him, and the vulnerable look in his eyes.
When Sam is outside Bobby’s house looking around for him, and Jeremy beats him to the ground with a baseball bat. “You should be nicer to me. In here, you’re just an insect. I’m a god.†That gave me chills.
When Bobby had barricaded himself in the closet, and he’s screaming for help, and the small room elongates into a vast, empty, undefined space.
And lastly, can’t forget Dean just after the boys drink the dream root –“Maybe we got some bad schwag.†I howled laughing. My brother and I look for any excuse to use this line.
Point of No Return – Mr. Ackles FLOORED me in this one. Poor Dean. He was so beaten, so drained, so completely overwhelmed, and Jensen brought all of that and more through his eyes as he was facing off against Zachariah. My heart shattered for him. And then the very next thing—he looks down at Sam, his whole expression, and demeanor, and aura…THAT WINK…all of it, a seamless shift, seemingly without him moving a muscle. I don’t know how he did it. I study his face every time I watch this, and the transition is so smooth and perfect, if you blink, you miss it. Jensen is outstanding here.
Caged Heat – Absolutely Sam biting his own wrist to make a devils trap, and grinning with blood on his teeth. It doesn’t get any better than that.
And oh my, after reading everyone’s comments here, I SOOO want to go rewatch PoNR now! But I’m at work. Still, thanks for getting me all excited, huh? 😀 What did the Leviathan dude say to Bobby when he was torturing him? Touch me in the morning then just walk away! (So funny! Thank you, SPN ,for reaching back for some one-liners that force me to go back too.)
Hi everyone!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I always enjoy reading them. I love that there isn’t one episode that hasn’t left some kind of impression or had some kind of impact on me. I think that is what is so great about this show.