Supernatural episode 7.18 “Party On, Garth” Sneak Peek
Here’s a few ambiguous teaser photos from next week’s upcoming episode, “Dog Dean Afternoon.” Dean with a dog. Never a good idea! He’s got a bad history with canines. Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSaveAlice JesterAlice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. …
Pictures for episode 18 Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave
Here is the promo for next week’s episode. Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave
Ok… Baa haa haa! Spoiler alert: Sam’s hair! Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave
As we wait for this last hiatus of the season to be over, the CW is giving us a taste of Meta Fiction with these promotional pictures. Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave
We have seen Alice’s great writeups of the table interviews she was part of at Comic Con. People who were at other tables have published their interviews. Share on FacebookTweetFollow usSave
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