Supernatural Preview – 7.15 “Repo Man”
Putting the leviathans on hold, the brothers take time to settle some unfinished business when a demonic possession returns to a town they exorcized four years earlier. And they will find they have their work cut out for them this time around.
Sam will also have to deal with his own demon when his hallucinations of Lucifer (Mark Pellegrino) return. The devil will once again try to have Sam envision things that are not there, and eventually he will succeed in an episode a few weeks down the road.
Four years ago, Dean and Sam helped Nora (guest star Nicole Oliver) exorcise a demon that was systematically killing women in a small town. They saved the postal worker, Jeffrey (guest star Russell Sams), while vanquishing the demon but now it seems the black-eyed monster has returned. The brothers visit Jeffrey, who has been locked in a psych ward since the incident, to see if he can remember any of the demon’s plans while he was possessed. And whenever I hear demons now, I immediately think of Crowley. Have to wonder if he isn’t behind the demon’s return, or if he will appear to help the boys with their demon problems again as he did in “Time for a Wedding.”
The trailer opens with an exorcism of Jeffery (played by Russell Sams,) an event that took place in the original hunt 4 years earlier. Here he is tied to a chair weeping about the ‘things he made me do.’ That is superimposed with images of bodies; one is visibly that of a young woman.

The exorcism shifts back to Dean sharpening and blessing a knife, reciting an incantation, and a close up of Sam saying that they are going to ‘send that demon back to hell.’
How much of this is a flashback and how much is present time remains to be seen. Desaturating color is usually an indication of an earlier time, but Sam certainly doesn’t look 4 years younger in this section and Dean is shown seen wearing his ring which he doesn’t do currently.
The scene shifts to a building with windows painted in magical sigils, mysterious doors, shadowy figures and a voice saying, “did you ever think that maybe I love being possessed.’ That is followed by a shot of Russell Sams (Jeffrey) who looks possessed, again.

Next we see Jeffery come up behind Dean and inject him in the neck with an enormous syringe. What is in the syringe? And who is the boy that has Dean’s attention? I’m guessing that is a demon Dean was exorcising when Jeffery snuck up behind him. And where is Sam?
Well the next scene is of Sam with clenched eyes trying hard to block out Lucifer (Mark Pellegrino) while we hear a taunting voice say, “I do believe you let me back inside.” Last we see is Sam and Lucifer in a hotel room with Dean unconscious and face down on a bed. Last we hear is the wicked evil laugh of the devil.
The photo stills released for the episode have more shots of Sam and Lucifer in this same scene.
Here’s hoping these are NOT the last frames of the episode. Not with the series going into a 2 week hiatus.
The CW also released a sneak peek promo and a producer’s review clip. Both of which explain more about the reason for the hunt, and give us information about Sam’s returning hallucinations.
The sneak peek promo opens with Dean and Sam in a hotel room. Sam is very pre-occupied displaying a large number of very bloody, gory files regarding the hunt while Dean talks on his cell to Frank. Dean is annoyed with Frank’s lack of progress on the leviathans saying he doesn’t care that they ‘have infiltrated the luxury boat industry.’
Sam research seems to confirm that this is a repetition of their past case. He says the ritualized murders “line up exactly’. The murders were woman, with the same missing parts and even the same old hunting grounds. Dean replies with a question. “Who down there would have let our demon out of the can?” for which Sam has no explanation. Dean continues that he (demon) squealed on his superiors and both Dean and Sam made sure of that. Dean feels he should be down under, “until trumpet day.”
He is also hesitant about taking the case, feeling their entire focus now should be on the leviathans. That exasperates Sam a little.
He agrees…but disagrees at the same time. Sam feels this case is theirs. It is unfinished business that they have to resolve. Dean sees this case is obviously very important to Sam so he goes with his brother.
Besides no one can resist Sammy’s puppy-dog eyes!
The producers clip is narrated by Robert Singer and repeats some of the information in the sneak peek promo but also explains the reappearance of Sam’s hallucinations. Singer explains the case starts as a mystery about a previous case where a demon comes back from hell.
Sam and Dean get separated (which we know never works out well) and Sam finds out that the only way to get to the bottom of the case is to let the devil back into his mind. (Yep…not a good decision.)

It helps in the case, but it is a dangerous place for Sam to be.

I have to wonder what is so important about this case that would make Sam want to take such a risk. There is a lot at stake here and a lot to lose. Guess we will just have to tune in Friday for the answer!
Official Synopsis — Four years ago, Sam and Dean helped a woman named Nora (guest star Nicole Oliver) exorcise a demon that was systematically killing women in a small town. They managed to save the postal worker, Jeffrey (guest star Russell Sams), while vanquishing the demon but now it seems the black-eyed monster has reared his ugly head and returned for a second helping. The brothers visit Jeffrey, who has been locked in a psych ward since the incident, to see if he can remember any of the demon’s plans while he was possessed. Written by CW Publicity.
Thomas J. Wright directed the episode, his first for the series. Though new to “Supernatural, he is not new to directing. The veteran director has 58 directing credits to his name, including, “Castle,” “NCIS,” “Bones,” “Criminal Minds,” and “Smallville” to name a few.
Ben Edlund penned this episode and well, if you don’t know about him by now, you don’t know SPN. His most recent episodes: “How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters,” “Hello, Cruel World,” “The Man Who Would Be King,” “The French Mistake,” and “Clap Your Hands If You Believe”.
Cast (IMDb) includes Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Mark Pellegrino (Lucifer), Jeffrey Ballard (Demon /Young Man), Nicole Oliver (Nora Havelock), Russell Sams (Jeffrey)
Socialite Life posted photos of the boys filming on location in raincoats in front of a coroner van and police car from ‘Kootenai County’, which is in Idaho.
To see all the photos, click here.
Susangittins posted some BTS photos taken the same day. She comments that the location of the shoot is downtown Vancouver in Richards Parkade.

The promos and sneak peak videos are below:
Official promo photos can be found our photo gallery.
Promo Sneak Peek:
For spoiler updates, follow me on Twitter at @sblgrn
Everything I’ve heard about this episode makes me think of an episode of Angel, where a little boy was possessed by a demon and it was making him do things, like try and kill his sister. In the end when they exercised the demon, they realized the boy was just a sociopath, more evil that the demon possessing him. That’s what the shot of the guy saying he liked being possessed makes me think of.
Thanks for the write up! I’m excited to see this episode, but sad it’s our last one before hiatus.
That preview just gave me chills! A good old demon hunt, but with the devil himself. I love Mark Pellegrino, so happy to see him back, even if it means bad news for our “little” Sammy.
I think Sam lets in Lucifer as a means to save his brother.
Good job Elle. You called it. And good episode was it. Episode was smooth, evenly paced and well directed. I couldn’t believe an hour went by so fast. Nice job by Edlund and Wright.
Loved seeing the amulet and Baby again…we need more of both. Also glad to see Dean was only asleep..
Did NOT like seeing the dog die, but for those of you without Twitter, Jim Michaels tweeted that Boomer is alive and well and did a great job of acting. Just so cute carrying his cone like that.
And how did you like the promo. Cas seems to be back. That was also good to see!
Any comments..Post away!
Wow! I don’t know about anyone else but I was on the edge of my seat through out this episode. I definitely need a second watch, if not more.
Talk about an episode full of ‘Lies and Deception’.
Jeffery (King Sociopath) ruled over that one.
Then Nora…mind you if it was my child being held by the likes of Jeffery I would probably have done the same.
Then poor Sammy! He is so screwed. Blindsided by his own mind/hallucination aka Lucifer.
I don’t know how I’m going to survive the next couple of weeks.
Damn you mini-hiatus’s!
I LOVED this episode. It was fantastic. The writing was phenomenal and I just love Ben Edlund. He’s my hero! (in a totally horrific screwed up way…) The cast and crew did an amazing job! And the poor dog…..He was so cute and a rescue dog just like my Dexter….Oh, I hated that part! I’m glad Jeffrey got the permanent boot! His butt needs to fry in Hell just for that cruelty!
All in all I give this episode an A+ and think this second half of the season is a WHOLE lot better than the first half! AND I really liked the first half, but I’m loving the second half!!! Now, I’ve got to wait for 2 weeks until the next new episode, but at least the CW is going to be showing some re-runs to help ease the wait! Let the mini-hellatus begin! 😀