Supernatural Bingo – Episode 7.14, Clown Edition
This week you’re in for a real treat. It’s not just Supernatural Bingo, it’s Supernatural Bingo – Clown Edition! See all the creepy scariness that can turn a tough guy like Sam Winchester into pure jello. It’s not pretty!
A mythical creature makes an appearance
Dean has an unpleasant experience with food/drink
Brothers go undercover
John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used
A picture is drawn by a/both brother(s)
Sam makes his bitchface
A spell is performed
The brothers stay at a Motel
Brothers talk together on the cell phone
Dean says SOB
Dick is referenced
Flashbacks are seen
A brother talks to Frank over the phone
The brother’s banter/tease with each other
The brothers reference Ellen and Jo
Dean makes a movie/tv reference
Dean chases down a Lion
A shark kills in a questionable way
See guns/rifles get loaded with ammo
A summoning ritual is used
Sam presses on his palm
Sam confronts his fears with Clowns
A death shown with mere blood splatter
Brother(s) open/drink a coffee

B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
Dean makes a movie/tv reference
Brothers go undercover |
A picture is drawn by a/both brother(s)
Dean says SOB
The brothers reference Ellen and Jo |
Dean has an unpleasant experience with food/drink
The brothers stay at a Motel
A shark kills in a questionable way
See guns/rifles get loaded with ammo |
A mythical creature makes an appearance
Brothers talk together on the cell phone
Dean chases down a Lion
A summoning ritual is used
A spell is performed
Sam presses on his palm
Sam confronts his fears with Clowns
A death shown with mere blood splatter
Brother(s) open/drink a coffee
Sam makes his bitchface
Flashbacks are seen
John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used
A brother talks to Frank over the phone |
The brother’s banter/tease with each other |
Dick is referenced
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
See guns/rifles get loaded with ammo |
A picture is drawn by a/both brother(s)
The brothers reference Ellen and Jo |
A mythical creature makes an appearance
Sam presses on his palm
Brothers go undercover |
A shark kills in a questionable way
Brother(s) open/drink a coffee
Sam makes his bitchface
Dean makes a movie/tv reference
Dean says SOB
A death shown with mere blood splatter
Flashbacks are seen
The brothers stay at a Motel
Sam confronts his fears with Clowns
John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used
The brother’s banter/tease with each other |
Dick is referenced
Dean has an unpleasant experience with food/drink
Dean chases down a Lion
A brother talks to Frank over the phone |
A summoning ritual is used
A spell is performed
Brothers talk together on the cell phone
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
A picture is drawn by a/both brother(s)
Dean makes a movie/tv reference
Sam presses on his palm
See guns/rifles get loaded with ammo |
Sam confronts his fears with Clowns
The brothers reference Ellen and Jo |
Brother(s) open/drink a coffee
Dick is referenced
Dean has an unpleasant experience with food/drink
John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used
A mythical creature makes an appearance
The brother’s banter/tease with each other |
Dean chases down a Lion
A shark kills in a questionable way
A brother talks to Frank over the phone |
Sam makes his bitchface
A spell is performed
Brothers talk together on the cell phone
Brothers go undercover |
A death shown with mere blood splatter
A summoning ritual is used
Flashbacks are seen
The brothers stay at a Motel
Dean says SOB
B |
I |
N |
G |
O |
Sam makes his bitchface
Sam presses on his palm
Sam confronts his fears with Clowns
See guns/rifles get loaded with ammo |
A brother talks to Frank over the phone |
John and/or Bobby’s Journal is used
Dick is referenced
Brothers talk together on the cell phone
Brothers go undercover |
A picture is drawn by a/both brother(s)
Dean makes a movie/tv reference
A spell is performed
A death shown with mere blood splatter
Brother(s) open/drink a coffee
A summoning ritual is used
Dean has an unpleasant experience with food/drink
The brothers stay at a Motel
Dean says SOB
The brothers reference Ellen and Jo |
The brother’s banter/tease with each other |
Flashbacks are seen
A shark kills in a questionable way
Dean chases down a Lion
A mythical creature makes an appearance
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