It’s Here! The First Supernatural Season Seven Clip!
Wow, I was waiting for this to come out on Monday, but TV Line managed to wet our appetites a little early. It’s a two minute clip from next week’s Supernatural Season Premiere! I’ve got the video here.
Oh yeah, massive Spoiler Alert. This clip picks up exactly where we left off last season. It gives away the beginning. So turn away now, or be like me and scream to the high Heavens “WHY ISN’T IS SEPTEMBER 23RD YET???”
You like?

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Omigod, omigod, omigod, omigod, omigod (repeat for the next 6 1/2 days).
Oh. My. God!
I’ll just be in the corner, you know, freaking out.
‘brave little ants’, ‘pets’, WTF
Cas has completely lost his mind.
Poor Sammy. Dean so has to kick Cas’ butt.
One week left, one week left, one week left, one week left, one week left, one week left, one week left, one week left…
I think my heart just broke into a million itty bitty pieces. 😥
Poor Dean. Poor Sam. They are seriously yanking at my motherly instincts right now. Damn you, Cas! My knee jerk reaction is that Cas needs a serious beat down, [i]pronto[/i].
Oh, WOW. 😮 I can’t wait!!!!!!!!!
I’m very curious to see how this plays out. I caved.
I like Cas. I do. It’s interesting to see how they’ve put him into a situation examining the “Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely” idea. It won’t be pretty when the shoe drops–and while I have stayed largely spoiler free—it’ll drop and drop hard.
Is it next week yet?
Ohhh this spolier made my life even more hard for the rest of the remaining day (added i dont know how long i will have to wait for SPN to broadcast here..i dont have CW 🙁 )
Why Cassy Why …but as long his charcter is not killed off and he becomes a free will team again i am ok for this new turn of events…
Btw cant wait to see Sam Dean team trying to bring him back and not plan to kill him
Thankyou Alice for the clip
So sorry for Dean, losing yet another trusted friend. Sorry for Sam….What a putdown!
Sorry for losing our Cas as we’ve known him as well. Hope we can eventually get him back this season.
Just wowwowowowowowowow! Can’t wait!
Thanks for the clip, Alice!
Just like everyone else, I can’t wait until this Friday! It keeps getting closer, but not quite here. I’m getting impatient.
BTW – I’ll miss the old Cass. Hopefully, the guys will be able to pull him back before its too late. God!Cass needs a serious reality check and a serious beat down by Dean!
WTF & OMG & every other acronym out there, I can’t wait for Friday now, this week is going to be pure torture!
That is not Cas. I refuse to believe it. I think it’s some horrible purgatory monster just pretending to be Cas. I’ve convinced myself of this so that I don’t start crying. So excited!!
Well… Oh My God doesn’t exactly cover it… 😮 … for me…
This version of Castiel is freaking me out. And he needs ‘a damn good thrashing’! Looks like the guys will have to deal with a jealous, bronze-age god in the guise of one of their best friends…
It looks to me as if Castiel studied the rules of the inquisition diligently. ‘What’s the point, if you don’t mean it?’ Bah. Let’s give the witch to a test – throw the bound woman into the river, if the floats, she’s a witch and will burn, if she sinks, she’s not a witch, but she’s dead anyway. Either way, you can’t win. This ‘God’ doesn’t know honour. Not bad for a baddie… 😉
..however, when Castiel promised to fix Sam, he wasn’t God, yet, was he? Somehow I feel like we’re confronted with the divine version of Soulless Sam here… Soulless God… The true Cas has to be in there, somewhere. I want to believe that.
Ah, this is confusing! I can hardly wait till Saturday… well, for us Europeans it will be Saturday. I’m already stocking up on chocolate and the SAS of biscuits. Or something like that…
thanks for this clip! It truly did wet my appetite. And fired up my dread… Just want to hug the guys badly. Yes, I’m sentimental…
Wow. Jas
Poor Sam. He looks so stoned.
Except John Winchester. He’s perfect. Beyond perfect, really. Man, he’d make a great god (an official god, cos he already is a sex god).