Sera Gamble Interview – Comic Con 2011 Press Room
In deciding which interview to fully transcribe first, I picked this one, which was our third roundtable interview of the session. Why Sera Gamble's interview? Sera was the one making the rules about what to tell and what not to tell about season seven, and others were leaving much of the info to her. Since there are those that have concerns about the direction of Castiel, Sam, Dean, the brotherly relationship, etc., I felt compelled to offer more info on the matter. I'm still not sure if it's gonna give people the answers, but it's something. I think it's a pretty cool interview myself and should wet the appetite of most fans.
You all do know about the Spoiler alert right? Yeah, there's some here, especially about the episode Jensen is directing. Turn away now if you don't want to know!!!
Sera Gamble
What can you tell us about the start of the season?
What can I tell you about the first episode. I wrote it. This is one of the most fun collaborative processes I think we’ve had in a long time actually. To open the floor to all the writers and the brain trust of “Supernatural.” Let’s say, “You’re God, what do you want to do?” Cause that’s part of what Cas gets to be. He’s declared himself God, he’s really pissed at his Dad who’s never came home, he’s got a lot of problems everywhere, he went looking for him in that story line back in the day. Before God gets horribly horribly awry we have some fun with the things he might do with unlimited power. Yeah, you learn a lot about people when you have be a God.
(My question) You’ve done it to Sam again! I can’t believe going into seventh season and you’ve managed to find ways to put him through the absolute worst. What’s in store for him?
His wall just broke and he managed to pull it together to help his brother at the lab, try and stop Cas. He will start to see what that really means, that the wall is down. We were pretty specific what the repercussions of that wall coming down would be. Cas listed the terrible list, basically like you’re going to be a drooling mess, hallucinations, things cannot be fixed and Death also (warned) don’t even scratch the wall. We’re not going to let him off scot free of course and it becomes a pretty major story line. What’s wrong with Sam’s head?
Something that Dean points out when it starts to happen is that this is like not being attacked by a witch or something. This is a true break in Sam’s psyche and maybe it’s something that cannot be fixed. So it’s a different sort of problem that the boys have faced before. (It’s) the thing that Sam has now earned in a certain way over years and years of being pummeled with more than pretty much any other human being on earth. That was an interesting problem to look at and figure out to solve or at least work into the season.
(My question) What sort of toll is that going to take on Dean?
Dean has a lot to deal with in the first part of the season. As usual Dean is worried about Sam and Sam is worried about Dean, sort of like the core, the foundation on which “Supernatural” is built, these brothers worrying about each other. Dean has suffered an enormous amount of loss this season if he wasn’t running and gunning to try to save the world at all moments he would just collapse under the weight of it. Or you know, just buy drinks and pick up chicks, but that would be his version of collapsing, maybe. We find him in place where he’s got a lot of soul searching to do and he has to ask himself why does he do what he does. I think that he sees everything that has happened to him, everything he and has brother have seen, all stuff that happened to him in season six, we’ve brought him to the point where he asks himself why he’s a hunter anymore.
What are Sam and Dean’s feelings/attitudes toward Cas, especially Dean, moving into the season?
I think Dean especially, (although it’s) both of them we see it a lot in Dean, it’s a profound betrayal. They were so close, he tried to warn him, they consider Cas to be family. Sam is someone who’s been cut a couple of breaks by his family when he went off the rails, and Dean just feels like Cas is completely lost to them. Sam more likely is trying to give someone another chance in this instance but for Dean it just comes from a place of despair that he lost someone. He doesn’t have many people…they don’t have a lot of friends on Facebook. They have a lot of “In Memoriam” pages.
Regarding possible new characters, are there any you can talk about here? Any new female characters?
Yes. Are there new female characters. Nothing is popping to mind right now. You will meet an old friend of Bobby’s that’s a guy, who helps him from time to time. He’s hip to the supernatural but he’s a conspiracy theorist about it because he watches way too much “X-Files” A typical statement for him would be, ‘Yeah, yeah, yeah, there are shapeshifters but you know the government created them.’ He has his own take on things. Sam and Dean go seek some help from him and end up getting caught in a booby trap in his house because he doesn’t trust anyone because he’s a little off his rocker. But he’s a fun one. We introduce people throughout the season. We need a stable of them so we can keep dropping them down pits and mutilating them.
What about recurring characters? I know that Alona (Tal) would be coming back. Are there others?
Colin Ford is returning as young Sam. Jensen directed that episode, it will air third. We of course wanted to find an episode where Jensen wasn’t left heavy so he would have more time to be behind the camera. He’s actually in this episode more than the one he directed last season. It deals with a case that Sam was helping his brother and his father work in a nearby town. They dropped him in a motel and said ‘go to school’ and wouldn’t stop calling him for information and translate this Japanese book or whatever and he met a girl. It is about the girl he met when he was 14. Colin is amazing. He’s been working non-stop and we were really lucky he was available. We’re going to show a little scene, we’re cutting around so much spoilery material and its a fairly usual scene, but we wanted to at least pick something that showed you Sam and young Sam.
Will the Ghostfacers return at all?
Do you love them?
(Points to my shirt) She’s wearing the shirt, I figured I’d ask.
(Sera sees the shirt now). Oh yeah. We’ve got these ideas for them and we want to bring them we just haven’t had the right situation for them. But we love them.
(My question) You’ve got some new writers this year. Every time you bring in new writers you get a new creative flow going. Is that the same this year?
We lost a couple of writers under the best possible circumstances at the end of this season because they left to do their own show (“Ringer”). We’re incredibly stoked for them. You know here, they’re all comic book geeks, they’ll be in the audience in their stormtroopers uniform. The wonderful thing about Supernatural is that it attracts the kind of writer that has this vast love for genre and horror. People that come in to interview for this job who have this encyclopedia knowledge. We just sit and chew the shit for an hour about this sort of thing. It’s sort of like having coffee with geeky friends. After 120 something episodes it’s really good to have fresh blood and people are bringing a lot of interesting ideas into the room. We’re not even close to running out of themes. I think it’s fresh and non-redundant and I think it will be fun.
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Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
This was a joy to read for me, thank you Alice for transcribing the whole interview from the Press Room.
I’m very curious about the storylines Sera touches on, some back story and how (and why) they will bring Jo back. The new characters introduced sound interesting. I love conspiracy theories, and to get that kind of kick in this show sounds very promising.
I can’t help it, 😆 , my scientist’s brain keeps telling me ‘you’re gonna have a field day with the psyche of Sam and Dean’… I can’t wait to see how the show will treat these two incredible men in regard to what they have been through… Right now I have a couple of patients that suffer from the worst possible scenarios… I usually don’t compare patients I have with the characters of the show, but right now I see a lot of common ground. That’s going to be interesting…
Thanks again, love, Jas
[i]it becomes a pretty major story line. What’s wrong with Sam’s head?[/i]
What is fresh/new about the seventh version of “what’s wrong with Sam”?
Season 7: Sam and Dean fight monsters.
What’s new and fresh about that?
Thank you Alice. I’m excited to see what Sera has in store. I love that she is coy about spoilers.
[quote]Thank you Alice. I’m excited to see what Sera has in store. I love that she is coy about spoilers.[/quote]
She’s not coy. She has nothing to offer except the latest version of Sam’s problems. Gamble doesn’t feel any other character deserves a story. Season 5, season 6 and now season 7 have no spoilers for Dean because there is nothing for Dean. Plain and simple.
Gamble says nothing new and nothing fresh. The season will be once again, “What is wrong with Sam” and “Dean will worry about Sam” and oh…Dean who? Remind Gamble that Dean is a character of his own, and that some of us fans just are not interested in the 700th version of what is wrong with Sam.
How about Dean having his own story for once. Oh yeah, Gamble doesn’t think Dean is a charcter, just a prop for superspecialsnowflake Sam. Pft, Grimm it is. Fringe has already one up on SPN, they have a good showrunner who recognizes the importance of each individual character, not just one and everyone revolving around the special one.
And once again, Gamble is handing something of Dean’s to Sam. What a surprise.
Thank you so much Alice. I’m excited to see this season, more than the last one and even if I never like Sera, I like the way she talk about the direction of the show, about the guys.
Thanks once again for transcribing this Alice, and for the hard work this weekend keeping us all in the picture.
Can`t wait for Season 7 it sounds really interesting, it also sounds like we are in for much angst and torturing of our boys, but did we honestly expect anything else?
I also note that sadly people are already ignoring Rule 3 and trying to initiate the same old chestnut. [b]Please[/b] can we not go there again??? Ju
Uh-oh…I didn’t see Rule #3! But to my defense, I think I’m having a measured conversation about it. I hope, anyway! I’m a newb to posting here. GO TEAM SEVEN! :-*
What I love about Sera, et al, is the sense that they really enjoy telling the story and look forward to talking about what stories they could tell.
I especially love this quote, “People that come in to interview for this job who have this encyclopedia knowledge. We just sit and chew the shit for an hour about this sort of thing. It’s sort of like having coffee with geeky friends.” As I watched the panel coverage from Comic-Con, you could see that she, Jensen, Jared, and Ben seemed especially concentrated on the story coming up.
thanks alice!! that’s certainly more info than i’ve read anywhere else!! love it!!
Thanks for the transcription, Alice.
For the first time, I’m feeling really ambivalent about a season. Of course, Sera has the right to hold back spoilers but those are generally the means of generating fan buzz. Pretty much everything has been so vaguely worded and with little substance that it’s hard for me to feel a lot of real excitement.
It doesn’t help that I’ve always been most interested in the brothers’ storylines and even those aren’t doing much for me this time around. In continuing on with Sam’s supernatural storyline for the 7th year and to such extremes as we’re hearing, I’m finding that I just can’t relate to Sam at all anymore. And that’s kind of sad, considering relatability is one of the main criteria for a heroic character. I’d have much rather watch Sam deal with the trials of being human than this flashy storyline.
And on the flip side, the show’s human avatar/audience POV character doesn’t have a storyline going into the new season or, apparently, one coming up soon on the horizon. I’d like to believe that’ll change once we’re further along in the season but with Jensen himself being unsure and the lack of investment I’ve seen from Sera so far towards Dean’s character, I’m not betting on it.
But maybe we’ll get some cool monster hunting. At least that’s something to look forward to.
Anyone possibly mention Castiel being responsible for murdering the baby shifter Bobby John?
Oh, come on, guys…stop with the sour Dean grapes. Give the season a chance! They haven’t even written all the episodes yet.
Dean performs a very important function in Supernatural. He’s the ultimate Hero. He keeps hauling the weight of the world around on his shoulders with humor, sometimes pathos, always bravery.
I’m willing to see where Sera steers Show. Sam might be pudding, what with his scrambled brain. Dean will be all the more vital. Hang in there.
And thanks, Alice, for the great article. 😀
I totally agree with you! I’m looking forward to the new season and what the story lines will be.
Great interview, Alice!
Awwwwwwwww! I loved your comment! ?
Great post quickreaver.
Dean is the human hero who holds this show together in my opinion. Love him dearly. 😛
Just what exactly do the Dean moaners want him to be so he “has a story”? Jesus Christ maybe? I’ve never read any suggestions from these complainers about what kind of “story” they want him to have. I’m loving Dean’s story from the first episode on and have nothing to complain about.
Thank you Jensen and writers for making Dean such a viable vibrant extraordinary HUMAN hero! 🙄
Sour grapes? After seeing the character changed, until he has become unrecognizable in some episodes, yeah, as a Dean fan, I tasted those grapes and they are very sour.
Thanks, Alice! 🙂
I’m looking forward to the season! It sounds like fun!
I like the fact that Dean will be worried about Sammy and I’ll get my big!brother!Dean. He’s my favorite kind! *Sighs happily*
That being said, I’m sorry, I need to say this:
Quoting Sera: “I think that he sees everything that has happened to him, everything he and has brother have seen, all stuff that happened to him in season six, we’ve brought him to the point where he asks himself why he’s a hunter anymore.”
I’m sorry, but…. Again? They keep Dean doing that since Season 2, after John’s death. Especially Season 2, episode 20 showed us this. Season 3 he wasn’t trying to get saved because he kind of thought he deserved to go to Hell. Season 4 Dean didn’t think he deserved to be saved (yes, again) and we even had an episode to bust him into hunting again (The only episode I loved Zach). Season 5 he was “dead inside” and season 6 he spent his time wondering if he should be a hunter or stay with Lisa and Ben.
I think it’s time to the writers let Dean move on. And… Since they’re doing this to him AGAIN, I really want to know if this time they’ll accomplish this journey. If Dean will be proud to be the best hunter of the planet again, to be a Hero. Because he is. So… If you have the chance, Alice, would you ask her that? Please?
Please, understand that I’m not bashing anything or anyone. I just want to see Dean not angst over to be a hunter anymore. I think we had enough and I want to see him move on and be proud of who he is. Because he’s awesome. 😉
Just replying to myself to correct something I wrote (I can’t edit). It should have been:
“If Dean will be proud to be the best hunter (along with Sam) of the planet again”
My browser messed up. I’m sorry. 😳
Okay, I can totally see your POV about Dean and his weariness towards continuing All Things Hunting.
I honestly don’t think the writers know Show as well as the fans, sometimes! We see these arcs and repetitions whereas maybe the writers can’t, because they’re too close to the subject, or there are simply too many of them to keep it all straight. Sure, we get plot resolution but we don’t get character resolution, which is just as important when you’re talking The Big Picture.
Dean did admit he’d never be anything but a Hunter (during the Veritas episode) so maybe Show can commit to that in Season Seven. There were suggestions that Show would echo a Butch Cassidy/Sundance Kid vibe; boy would I love to see that! Uber-outlaws for the win. Simply too good a fit!
THANK YOU! Well said!
Oh my…
I honestly don’t understand why there wasn’t a single question asked about Dean’s storyline for this season. There are questions asked about Sam’s storyline and Castiel’s storyline, but the only reference to Dean involves his feelings about SAM and CAS.
I’m so very tired of the implication that the only thing Dean is good for is worrying about Sam and Cas. Yes, it’s a huge part of Dean’s character to worry about those he cares about, but it shouldn’t be the [i]only[/i] storyline for a main character.
And why do they keep sticking Dean with this “why am I a hunter” theme? Is it too much to ask to let Dean at least have some love for hunting again since they aren’t giving him any kind of actual story-arc?
Dear Show — please let Dean move on from this and FINALLY get back to the badass hunter he was in the beginning of the series. Dean is capable of supporting Sam (and Cas) AND having his own kickass story-arc.
Thanks for the transcript, Alice.
It just seems that there’s this sentiment among certain fans(including Sera) that Dean’s only real use on the show is to take care of little Sammy. Besides the fact that it’s kind of unsettling that a guy pushing 30 would still need that much caretaking, I just don’t see why that alone should define Dean. This isn’t a show about Sam and Sam’s brother, Whathisname. They’re both individuals who also have separate lives and issues. At least if both brothers had strong storylines, they could help each other in a mature, balanced, adult relationship.
(And if Sam is going to get all the flashy supernatural storylines and there’s the push for Dean to stay “human”, then I’m all for designating Dean as the best hunter. Sam has enough trophies under his belt- super brilliant pre law student, the Chosen One with superpowers who killed Lilith and Alastair, overcame Lucifer to save the world, endured the most horrific hell ever. Surely Dean can have one thing that’s just his own.)
Hmmm…I do like that idea! Dean was especially amazing when he tackled that den of vampires. Still one of my favorite shots, Dean’s boot on that vampire noggin.
[quote]It just seems that there’s this sentiment among certain fans(including Sera) that Dean’s only real use on the show is to take care of little Sammy. Besides the fact that it’s kind of unsettling that a guy pushing 30 would still need that much caretaking, I just don’t see why that alone should define Dean. This isn’t a show about Sam and Sam’s brother, Whathisname. They’re both individuals who also have separate lives and issues. At least if both brothers had strong storylines, they could help each other in a mature, balanced, adult relationship.
(And if Sam is going to get all the flashy supernatural storylines and there’s the push for Dean to stay “human”, then I’m all for designating Dean as the best hunter. Sam has enough trophies under his belt- super brilliant pre law student, the Chosen One with superpowers who killed Lilith and Alastair, overcame Lucifer to save the world, endured the most horrific hell ever. Surely Dean can have one thing that’s just his own.)[/quote]
This isnt about age this is about what Sam will be dealing with after Castiel pulling his wall down this situation isnt a joke or one that can yet again be hand waved away because it was done to Sam, he above any other character has had his pov, emotions, toll and mental well being puton the backbburner so Dean gets the pov, the emotional sl,s and the exploration. It has been long overdue for Sam to have some sort of breakdown and it is to be dismissed because Sam isnt a kid anymore so Big brother Dean can shrug his shoulders so oh well and go running after Cstiel.
Dean is a greta character but not the only one Sam deserves this attention paid to his damaged pysche not hidden away has been often not the case. . I have sat through 5 seasons of Deans pov and issues and how he feels now it is Sams turn as for Dean outside of the Lisa/Ben sl which was not done well for him he has not be written anything like Sam and this season wuill not be any different. I hope he does get a strong arc but not at Sams expense because he deserves finally to be treated like a person , and a seriously damaged one thanks to Castiel. . There is nothing wrong with wanting spoilers for Dean but Sam will get his pov and pain and it will be . seen for a change and not just through Deans eyes .
This isn’t criticism of the Sam spoilers. Those make me happy. The problem is totally separate. Dean fans are unhappy for a reason, because it seems like Dean’s lost here. It’s not taking away from Sam.
@ Ellie — do you really not understand that this isn’t about anyone denying Sam his own great storyline… it’s about the fact that no one, not one single person in any interview at Comic Con, talked about a storyline for Dean.
And no one here said they want an arc for Dean at [i]Sam’s expense[/i]. We just want an arc for Dean, [i]period[/i]. We want something for Dean that does not merely involve wringing his hands about Sam’s problems.
To say that Dean is the only one who gets the emotional story isn’t true at all. Sam has had his own POV presented, we have seen him reveal his feelings and emotions. We know, for example, that Sam was very upset when he found out about what soulless Sam had done. The show presented Sam’s POV on that.
Speaking for myself, my primary issue is that NO ONE, not Sera Gamble, or any other writer, or even Jensen, has indicated that Dean will have any kind of individual story-arc this season. The only thing Jensen has really even talked about is his directing experience. He was asked about Dean’s storyline, and he couldn’t answer because he didn’t know anything.
No one here said that Sam doesn’t deserve attention and a good storyline of his own, BUT SO DOES DEAN. And while Jared and Sera are talking about what’s in store for Sam next season, nothing is being said about any kind of story-arc for Dean.
I guess what I find confusing about the discontent with regards to Dean’s SL is that ‘hunting’ and being a ‘hunter'(a.k.a. ‘hero’) and all that means in the Supernatural universe IS Dean’s storyline and always has been. Its — to me — one of the two main themes of the show — how Dean defines himself, stays human and gets up swinging and keeps ‘hunting.’ (The other being Sam’s flirting with the darkside.)
When they’re talking about the boys being professionally challenged in S7 – I believe that they are talking about Dean’s SL.
[quote]It just seems that there’s this sentiment among certain fans(including Sera) that Dean’s only real use on the show is to take care of little Sammy. Besides the fact that it’s kind of unsettling that a guy pushing 30 would still need that much caretaking, I just don’t see why that alone should define Dean. This isn’t a show about Sam and Sam’s brother, Whathisname. They’re both individuals who also have separate lives and issues. At least if both brothers had strong storylines, they could help each other in a mature, balanced, adult relationship.
(And if Sam is going to get all the flashy supernatural storylines and there’s the push for Dean to stay “human”, then I’m all for designating Dean as the best hunter. Sam has enough trophies under his belt- super brilliant pre law student, the Chosen One with superpowers who killed Lilith and Alastair, overcame Lucifer to save the world, endured the most horrific hell ever. Surely Dean can have one thing that’s just his own.)[/quote]
This isnt about age this is about what Sam will be dealing with after Castiel pulling his wall down this situation isnt a joke or one that can yet again be hand waved away because it was done to Sam, he above any other character has had his pov, emotions, toll and mental well being puton the backbburner so Dean gets the pov, the emotional sl,s and the exploration. It has been long overdue for Sam to have some sort of breakdown and it is to be dismissed because Sam isnt a kid anymore so Big brother Dean can shrug his shoulders so oh well and go running after Cstiel.
Dean is a greta character but not the only one Sam deserves this attention paid to his damaged pysche not hidden away has been often not the case. . I have sat through 5 seasons of Deans pov and issues and how he feels now it is Sams turn as for Dean outside of the Lisa/Ben sl which was not done well for him he has not be written anything like Sam and this season wuill not be any different. I hope he does get a strong arc but not at Sams expense because he deserves finally to be treated like a person , and a seriously damaged one thanks to Castiel. . There is nothing wrong with wanting spoilers for Dean but Sam will get his pov and pain and it will be . seen for a change and not just through Deans eyes .
I think Dean has become the Voice of the Viewer. The narrator, almost. I mean, you HAVE to ask yourself: why on God’s green earth (ahem!) would a person keep up this job when it rips everything away from you?!
I won’t disagree, however, that he certainly deserves a strong plot arc that doesn’t end after, say, three episodes. I adored watching him struggle with normalcy, though, with Lisa and Ben. When he does get a chance to star, the character is thoroughly endearing. And touchingly human.
You know, the way I see it – it’s just not possible for Dean to return to the person he was in season one. Not entirely.
We’ve seen a lot of the badass hunter in him (it’s still there), for instance when he takes out the vampire nest, but he is also profoundly changed.
He’s seen so much, lost so much, suffered inhuman pain (perhaps beyond repair) that his psyche had to adjust to what was/is happening to him.
He’s still standing. He’s wounded, but he’s still not giving up. I think, he evolved so much as a character. He’s so much more than the big brother, from my point of view. He survived torture, he pretty much lost everyone he loved (in various ways)… Experiences like that leave scars.
Within the whole paranormal scenario this show takes place in, the development of the characters is quite realistic. When I take into account aspects of Dean’s personality, he reacts and behaves pretty much like a man of his character would be expected to behave.
I admire that about the show. The authenticity. The stories may be fictitious and grounded in fantasy, but the people depicted are very real.
Personally, I wouldn’t mind seeing more of the reckless hunter we’ve encountered in the beginning, but I love his character more the way he is now (and the man he is becoming) – stronger in soul, a true survivor and very matured human being. I think he’s the best person a man can be.
Cheers, Jas
I agree that I love the person Dean is now. The problem for us Dean fans is that they do nothing with the character story-wise except occassionally let him awesomely kill monsters, which is why we always ask for him to be the badass hunter from older seasons. At least he gets to do something awesome.
Writers have “angst-ed” Dean to death. I actually read jokes about it in reviews. I get Jensen does it so well, but it is also because they don’t have anything else for him to do. So tired of it, as a fan.
I understand, Laurie. I think we watch the show through different glasses.
I loved the Han-Solo-esque hunter from older seasons, too, I miss him and am overjoyed when we see glimpses of him again.
Personally, I find it absolutely ‘awesome’ to see what he’s doing now, how he’s coping and trying to survive despite all he’s been through.
The writers have put him (and his brother) through a lot, that’s quite true. In real life people sometimes also survive the worst of atrocities. I doubt that any decent person would make jokes about that.
I reckon those who make jokes about ‘angsted-to-death’ Dean have been lucky to never go through a terrible ordeal nor have to support someone who did.
I understand your personal frustration. I’d like to encourage you to try to watch the show with a slightly different eye. Perhaps you’d again find the joy you had…
Best, Jas
Thank you for speaking my mind for me Lianne.
Thank you very much, Alice, for the interview transcription. I feel like Sam’s spent the last 4 seasons taking care of Dean, so I am all for seeing Big Brother Dean finally return in a big way. I haven’t seen that Dean in a while. Mostly he’s been angry, bitter, and resentful to Sam. I’ve hated it. I love the brothers and would love to see their actual relationship be explored in new and old ways again.
As for Sam being Special, so what. He’s always been treated like crap by the writers and the audience for being “special” in any way. I mean, after 7 seasons, is Sam finally going to be treated like he’s been an actual hero on this show, the way Dean always is? Will we see things from Sam’s POV and see how and why he does or says things? Will Sam get to interact fully with the side characters, not just Dean? What I mean is, will Sam get sympathetic sounding boards ever, because he hasn’t so far. Which is mighty odd for a lead character on a tv series. Why did they isolate and silence Sam for so long? I never understood this.
But I’ve waited and been (im)patient. I am hoping that as Sera says, Sam has earned the opportunity to finally acknowledge all the horrible, horrible things he’s gone through. Sam is always having to suck it up and we never get to see his inner life. I’m ready to see it, though the tragedy is that Sam is now literally broken.
And think about this: at least with Dean they explore the many ways he hates hunting now. And when he loved hunting, they showed us why as well. But with Sam, they’ve never explored how he feels about hunting, ever, not even once. He just decided to hunt in ELAC in season 2, and that was the end of it. No journey, no self exploration or soul searching, nothing, nada, zip. Talk about neglect. So, I want to know why Sam hunts, besides not having a choice in the matter. If Sam hunts only because there is nothing left for him, how does it feel for him to give up his dreams of normalcy and happiness, his individuality and independence? Does Sam enjoy it at all, or is it simply the only life he’s ever truly known? It would be nice to know in a way that doesn’t sound like a put down of Sam.
Sorry for the double post my internet went wonky…
Thanks for the interview! Every time I see an article with spoilers this hellatus, I get more and more excited for season 7!
Alice, Thank you so much for this interview transcription.
So far I like everything I’m hearing about the season – especially the part where they are picking up right where they left off.
I’m glad that both Sam and Dean will be dealing with the aftermath of S6 – Sam in terms of his splintered psyche (can NOT wait to see what Jared does with this after the tour de force of the S6 finale)and Dean in terms of his resolution of the hunter vs ‘normal’ issue. Sera is very tight lipped about the direction Dean’s story will take, but I hope that his soul searching will deal with and hopefully resolve some of his self worth issues. In other interviews I saw it mentioned that their jobs would be harder – things would be different and that they would have to adapt to stay at the top of the game. I hope that this is Dean’s opportunity to show what he can do as a kick-ass hunter — you know the one – the guy from S1 who came up with the idea for rock salt rounds and built an EMF from an old walkman (not the buffoon of episodes like Yellow Fever and After School Special)
If the brothers are back as a team and Dean is back in big brother mode — needing to watch out for Sam — while they traverse the new landscape, I’ll be a happy camper.
I’m very happy with all the spoilers about Sam & Cas. I’ll happily watch season 7.
But Dean, my favorite = ??
I will wait and see. Maybe the silence promises something special. But truly all hope died long ago for me. Too, too often disappointed.
The only thing I ask is that Dean is written in character from now on. He’s been character raped so often in the past that I cringe in some episodes.
PS: I’m not 100% sure Sera understands Dean. Some thing make me scratch my head [howl at the moon.] Please stop the “why am I a hunter thing.” If you have nothing for him, fine. Write him some good jokes, don’t give him endless fake drama.
Thanks for this, Alice! I love reading all the sanctioned interviews, even though I normally eschew spoilers. I’ve been a pig in a wallow all weekend!
I think a lot of people don’t realize how very, very short a time each press table has to interview the guests, and how fast the opportunity sprints by. It’s no surprise to me that the things most on the top of both the reporters’ and the guests’ minds are the cliffhanger elements carrying over from the previous season to this one, so most comments are likely to dwell on those things rather than getting into longer-term events. I have no qualms about season 7, apart from having to wonder how the new writers in the stable will render Sam and Dean, since all writers are different. But I’m really looking forward to all of it!
While it is awesome that we (by proxy!) get to interview the actors and producers of SPN, have we actually gleaned anything new from the interviews at Comic Con? Very little, I feel. Producers and actors are professionals, they’ve been dealing with press and fan questions for years now; they’re not going to give away definite storylines for their show two months before it airs. Why on earth would they?
Imagine watching last season if during pre season interviews someone said ‘Well Castiel is going to work with Crowley, he’s going to betray the Winchesters, torture a load of supernaturals, open the door to Purgatory and eat their souls. Oh, and he becomes the new God’. How anticlimactic would that have been??
Gamble ‘revealed’ that Castiel considers himself a new god; we know that. She stated he has Daddy issues; we’ve known that from mid season 5. She said Sam would have to deal with hell; we know that. There’s nothing new there but it’s from here that we can discuss, ponder and debate what [i]might[/i] happen in season 7.
Take for example, the two questions asked about Dean. Gamble reveals the ‘profound betrayal’ he feels toward Castiel. There are 101 different storylines for Dean that might emerge from this. When Castiel felt betrayed he became a god, Dean might become the antigod? He might be so consumed with betrayal he starts dealing with demons for ways to take Castiel down. He might reject his brother in his quest for revenge. Or he might sell his soul to an angel to save Castiel, he might reopen the gates to Purgatory. He could end up going on an ‘all things heavenly’ killing quest. He might find an earthly way to get to heaven to help Castiel there. Perhaps the Castiel betrayal is one betrayal too far and Dean might end up taking his own little walk on the dark side. (Note the liberal use of the word ‘might’ in everything I’ve written here!)
I’m (sadistically) thrilled that Dean feels so betrayed by Castiel because it’s from the simplest of things, great stories grow. Gamble says that Dean felt as if he ‘lost someone’ and what did Dean do the last time he lost Sam? Oh, hello Hell. I mean, look at the storylines that acting on simple human emotions have bought us so far in the show; YED, Lilith, Dean selling his soul, Lucifer, Casigod etc. Dean has, in the past, moved (metaphorical) mountains when he’s acting on his emotions, I don’t see this season being any different.
[quote]While it is awesome that we (by proxy!) get to interview the actors and producers of SPN, have we actually gleaned anything new from the interviews at Comic Con? Very little, I feel. Producers and actors are professionals, they’ve been dealing with press and fan questions for years now; they’re not going to give away definite storylines for their show two months before it airs. Why on earth would they?
Imagine watching last season if during pre season interviews someone said ‘Well Castiel is going to work with Crowley, he’s going to betray the Winchesters, torture a load of supernaturals, open the door to Purgatory and eat their souls. Oh, and he becomes the new God’. How anticlimactic would that have been??
Gamble ‘revealed’ that Castiel considers himself a new god; we know that. She stated he has Daddy issues; we’ve known that from mid season 5. She said Sam would have to deal with hell; we know that. There’s nothing new there but it’s from here that we can discuss, ponder and debate what [i]might[/i] happen in season 7.
Take for example, the two questions asked about Dean. Gamble reveals the ‘profound betrayal’ he feels toward Castiel. There are 101 different storylines for Dean that might emerge from this. When Castiel felt betrayed he became a god, Dean might become the antigod? He might be so consumed with betrayal he starts dealing with demons for ways to take Castiel down. He might reject his brother in his quest for revenge. Or he might sell his soul to an angel to save Castiel, he might reopen the gates to Purgatory. He could end up going on an ‘all things heavenly’ killing quest. He might find an earthly way to get to heaven to help Castiel there. Perhaps the Castiel betrayal is one betrayal too far and Dean might end up taking his own little walk on the dark side. (Note the liberal use of the word ‘might’ in everything I’ve written here!)
I’m (sadistically) thrilled that Dean feels so betrayed by Castiel because it’s from the simplest of things, great stories grow. Gamble says that Dean felt as if he ‘lost someone’ and what did Dean do the last time he lost Sam? Oh, hello Hell. I mean, look at the storylines that acting on simple human emotions have bought us so far in the show; YED, Lilith, Dean selling his soul, Lucifer, Casigod etc. Dean has, in the past, moved (metaphorical) mountains when he’s acting on his emotions, I don’t see this season being any different.[/quote]
I hope you don’t take this the wrong way but, I sincerely hope none of the examples you listed ever happen. Why would you want Dean to reject Sam, why would you want the brothers seperated again? We had season 4-5 where the brother relationship was strained and half of season 6. The second half of season 6 the brothers got back on the same page again.
Jared said the brothers are stronger than ever now. I want to see the brothers working together, trusting each other and healing each other.
I think it could be interesting to have Dean do some soul searching and find his love for hunting things again. Learn to be able to trust himself again. Maybe even discover why he put so much faith in Castiel.
Also Sam and Dean will be running from the law, hunting monsters. And please no more selling souls.
I want the show to get the focus back on the brothers. I’m not interested in seeing Dean going insane because of the loss of the love of his life Castiel.
Don’t worry DawnM, I don’t take it the wrong way because I completely agree with you, both in terms of what you don’t want to see and what you would like to see.
The examples I cited there are certainly not examples of what I would like to happen, and I doubt [i]would[/i] ever happen. I do concede (however begrudgingly!) that the writers and producers have better ideas than I do. Those were merely examples of the kind of cataclysmic events and epic storylines that can arise from the most innocuous of details. Dean’s ‘loss’ in season 2 led to the storyline of him selling his soul and breaking the first seal. Sam’s ‘vengeance’ in season 4 led to him breaking the final seal and releasing Lucifer so who knows what Castiels ‘betrayal’ may lead the brothers to do.
The reason I gave these examples was because some felt that, based on the Gamble interview, Dean would be redundant in Season 7, whereas I feel the exact opposite. Just because we are not told Dean [i]will[/i] do X, Y and Z does not mean he [i]won’t[/i] do X, Y and Z. Like I said, that guy can (and has) moved mountains when he gets emotional so by highlighting Dean’s feelings of betrayal, loss and fear this early on, I think that we are in for an excellent year of Dean.
What you’re saying makes sense, Tim, and maybe you’re right that maybe it’ll be a good year for Dean after all. I hope so.
What has a lot of Dean fans concerned is how Jensen himself said at Comic Con that he didn’t know if Dean would have a storyline in S7. Considering both Jared and Misha obviously have an idea where their characters are headed, it would seem that neither the scripts so far nor Sera have given Jensen a reason to think Dean will have an arc: otherwise, it would have been easy enough for Jensen to dodge the question by saying “watch and find out!” or “sorry, Sera said no spoilers.” He did say that the individual arcs do tend to evolve by episode 7 or 8 but that seems a long time to wait for something tied to the main uberplot. And for Jensen to not yet know isn’t very reassuring.
There’s also this growing frustration among a number of fans that, as show runner, Sera really hasn’t shown much (if any) investment in Dean’s character. Kripke might have had his own issues as show runner but at least he was committed to both brothers. Sera’s predominant focus is on Sam; she goes on and on in her interviews about his storyline and speaks glowingly about his “beautiful essence”, his empathy, his heroism. Which is fine, except that when it comes to Dean, Sera only seems to remember to mention him (and in as few words as possible) if directly asked. I mean, when the only reason Sera thinks the audience can relate to Dean is because he’s scruffy and drinks a lot, that’s pretty sad. And from what we’ve seen so far, Sera’s attitude seems unchanged: giddy over Sam’s big upcoming storyline, a few words about Dean’s soul searching (which actually sounds about as promising as his poorly developed “hunting vs family” emo theme of last season.) Yes, it’s true that Sera might be talking more about Sam because with his soul storyline, there’s just more to talk about but whose fault is that? Dean could have easily been given a compelling storyline of his own last season; that didn’t happen and it looks suspiciously to many of us like it’s not going to happen in S7 either.
Sorry for the negativity- I’d love to look back in a few months and wonder what I was so worried about.
i dont think sera gamble gives enough attention to the dean storylines either its all sam this show is about two brothers and the supernatural not one the fact that he does nt know whats in store for him (jensen i mean) is nt very good to say supernatural starts back in a few weeks time i did nt really like most of what she did with season 6 and was hopeing that seven was going to be much better but i doubt it i can kind of understand why a lot of people stopped watching after season 5 i wont because i love the show but thats more about the guys not sera s silly stories everything is to rushed we dont get chance to get our teeth into it before the story shifts onto something else more thought needed more of an arc for dean as well as sam and i think she should give him his family back later in the season somehow.
i agree with you all im really mad with everything being about sam as much as i do like the guy its not on that as said there just is nt anything for dean he had his family storyline last season that could have been really good if gamble had done it right but no she has even taken that from dean she spends a whole season on dean lisa and ben and then just gets rid of them it showed a side of dean that we had nt seen before and that he had matured and grown and that as much of a great hunter that he is he would still like to have something more as well the last 2 seasons like everyone has said has been far to much about just sam if they want to keep everyone still wanting to watch they need to make the arc s a lot better and for them to be about both brothers etc having said that i will watch as long as they keep showing love the show but still think it was better with kripke doing it.