Moments From Season Six That Make Me Smile
Clap Your Hands if You Believe – Robert Piccardo’s turn as the baddie
Appointment in Samarra – Death, any scene he’s in
Like a Virgin – the hug and the talk at the end – yeah, it’s two but give me a break, the brothers are finally back together!
Unforgiven – the burning that Sam endured in hell, so reminiscent of the flashes that were in Dean’s mind
Mannequin 3, the Reckoning – the montage scenes as Dean says good bye to Lisa, in my mind this is where their story ends
The French Mistake – the entire episode
And Then There Were None – all scenes Rufus was in
My Heart Will Go On – all scenes Ellen was in
Frontierland – the whole episode – sure, there were a few ‘sticky bits’ but overall, Sam on horseback and with Samuel Colt, Dean in his duster at high noon, it’s a keeper
Mommie Dearest – all scenes that Samantha Smith was in
The Man Who Would Be King – Castiel messing up and revealing that he’d been eavesdropping when he mentions red kryptonite and Superman going dark and how Jared, Jensen and Jim showed their characters’ reactions
Let It Bleed – Jensen’s acting
The Man Who Knew Too Much – Jared’s acting and the part about “I won’t leave my brother out there alone†(yeah, that’s two there as well but my goodness, when I went back and rewatched the episode, I realized that there it was, the brothers were back, the long wait was finally and irrevocably over!)
So there you have it, my 22 (24) favourite moments from Season 6. Hit the reply button and leave yours, I’d love to have more gems to pull out.
As always, thanks for reading; Elle2
I agree with everything. just miss this!
No doubt that is a ‘moment’ to remember!
This is an excellent and well thought out post. I, too, come into these things late. Life is busy, I get caught up in work, school, projects, raising children. Thank goodness I have cool kids who introduce me to wonderful things like Supernatural. I have a long story about how I became obsessed, and it involves an actual metaphysical experience. I became interested in the mythology behind the stories. It’s my nature to be attracted to spiritual/mystical/magical things. The Winchester boys grew on me. I’ve had to go back to the beginning because I missed so much, when the show was on television but I was busy. I know I’m still missing stuff. This is a much deeper story than most television. I’d love to know more about why the creators went the way they did in the first place. The interpersonal relationships, the spirituality, the mythology…it’s all part and parcel of a world that is attractive on so many levels.
Yes. me too. I met him for my son. SPN now is my obsession I love the series and especially Sam!
I loved Castiel from the first – but as wierd as it might sound, it was the idea of the angel behind the character that attracted me. All of the angels seem to be based on actual angels from Enochian mythology. I was interested in that. Then, I learned about Misha Collins and the things he is involved in, and I became really interested in both him and his character.
At first, I just thought Sam was whiney and Dean was a bitch. They’ve totally grown on me. I admire their dedication to one another, and especially Dean’s dedication to family and his responsibility for his brother.
I love Bobby for his spunk and the fact that he’s actually closer to my age than the others. Oh, and then there’s Crowley. Closer to my age, too, and definitely hot.
I’ve decided that Supernatural is the only TV show in history that has ONLY hot guys. AND hot girls, to be fair.
You’re at the right place for a Supernatural obsession!
There is so much to the story of the Winchesters, I think that’s one of the reasons I hated to leave it in my rear view mirror and what ultimately brought me back…there’s more story to be told!
Hmm. This could take me awhile—mostly to whittle down.
1) Clap Your Hands If You Believe—the entire freaking episode. Seriously. Soulless Sam is a dickbag an a half but damn is he ever funny. I’m actually working on my review of the season and so far I’m in Soulless Sam mode. So yeah. This episode was my favorite of the season after seeing it, and strangely it still is.
2) “These aren’t vampires. These are douchhebags.” Thank you, Dean, for encapsulating ALL of my feelings about the Twilight series in one simple quote. No really. I can’t thank you enough.I HATE Twilight.
3) All of Sam’s bitchfaces in Frontierland, especially after Dean drags that damn posse joke out forever. “Are you done?” I’d say the whole episode, but you already claimed it. I didn’t realize how much I missed them during the Soulles period. I tend to have favorites from each season, and these were grade A bitchfaces.
4) Hearing the song Play with Fire in the Man Who Knew Too Much. Hardcore Stones fan. Check. Hard core Supernatural fan. Double check. Having the two combine in a beautiful and kick ass manner? Priceless.
5) Anything with Crowley, really. Sure, he’s the King of Hell and a bit of an ass, but he’s witty and clever. And anytime he points out that Sam is a big moose, I give him total props. I love Mark Shepphard’s acting so much. Please, please say he’s not gone or killed off instantly in season 7.
6) Balthazar. I have to admit, at first all I saw was Gabriel and it hurt, but then I saw the snarky Brit for himself and damn was he snarky. He also tried to do the world a favor by exorcising that damn Celine Dion song. So I give him props.
7) Seeing Meg again. She’s been there since the beginning, really. It just seems right that she’d be the sole survivor out of Azazel’s gang. And she’s just as snarky as we remember. I mean, honestly, “hugs and puppies, all around!”
8) Seeing the Swan Song montage in The Man Who Would Be King. It was nice to see that episode tie in beautifully with that one.
9) Jefferson Starships. No seriously. Bobby, I hope you learned your lesson. Don’t ever ask Dean to name anything ever again. Please. Seeing Sam actually say it with a straight face? Absolute genius.
10)Sam and Dean’s atrocious acting in the French Mistake. It’s a good thing they have a day job. We praise the crap out of Jared and Jensen, but let’s be honest here. Sam and Dean SUCKED at being Jared and Jensen. I don’t think they could have acted their way out of a paper bag.
11) Even though it was faked and I already said I want Crowley to stick around, it was still kinda cool watching those bones go up in flames and the “death” that followed. I had to admit that kind of ruled. Ruse or no ruse, Crowley should get acting props for making it look good.
12) Finding out Crowley’s real identity. I loved the entire sequence with Bobby allowing Gavin to confront dear ol’ Dad. It just was such a wonderfully well written piece.
13) Knowing that even when Sam’s a soulless asshat that he still can find ways to get himself choked. No really. What is it with everyone going for his throat?
14) The Back In the Saddle montage when Sammy gets his soul back. Perfect. Amazing. It made me cheer. What’s not to like?
15) Sam in the black cowboy hat. Is there any way we can possibly get him to wear that once a season from now on? Please?
16) The fact that no matter how cruel or vicious Soulless Sam could be to him, Dean wouldn’t give up. He knew it wasn’t Sam’s fault and that something had to be done. It was nice to see him never say quit. Say what you want about the brothers, they don’t quit.
17) Watching Misha say all of his tweets out loud—especially the one in the car before he gets jumped. Like, if I ever get into tweeting, I hope I never act this ridiculous while doing it.
18) Seeing Sam manage to get through the jugglers juggling deadly objects without even getting his hair cut or damaged. That look on his face as he enters that gauntlet is just amazing.
19) Seeing Dean come up with the ingenuity to blow up the rock holding the sword. Actually, the whole sequence with him fighting to get the sword out and failing.
20) Two men, one wailing baby, no way out. Think what you will about their futures someday having families, but here they showed how they just don’t know what to do with a wailing baby. Just be thankful that Soulless Sam was still trying to hide or he might have been the one making baby stew.
21) Rufus. All season until his untimely death. It’s a shame they offed such a great guy. He’s cynical but funny. Hell, he fits right in.
22) The fact that, even though we had to go through a long winding road to do it, the brothers are back as a single unstoppable unit again. And not only that, but stronger than they’ve ever been before.
And that’s my moments.
Far Away Eyes,
Love your top 22 moments (and it made me realize that I missed and episode *face palm*) So, I’ll add that I love the effect of Crowley’s bones burned by Cas (as well as Cas’ entirely bad*** manner in which he did it)
You’re Number 22 warms my heart, this is where Season 7 begins!
You’re welcome. It was hard to keep it to 22, actually.
I do so look forward to season 7. The brothers are one united force and that can only bode well for the storylines to come.
Hi Elle, like you my first episode of Supernatural was Mystery Spot. I first saw it in January of 2010. It had me hooked from the get go. I loved the relationship between the brothers, the humor and the fact that they pulled off Ground Hog Day so well. When it was done I just had to know what Sam had to save Dean from. It couldn’t actually be THE hell, could it?
Shortly after that I discovered my sister-in-law had the first 4 seasons on DVD. I didn’t even know there were four seasons, and, I didn’t know it was still in production. Needless to say I was in Supernatural Heaven.
I must go on record to say that I have loved all of season 6 and I loved soulless Sam (most of the time) until I saw Unforgiven. That made me very uncomfortable and changed me earlier feelings.
It made me feel bad that you and others were so disappointed in season 6 and were possibly choosing to stop watching. I always knew that Sam would get his soul back and that the brothers would be back better than ever. So I just sat back and enjoyed the ride. I’m glad you chose to review the entire season as a whole and I am especially happy that you came to appreciate what it had to offer. I think this show requires patience and season 7 will be no different.
I’ve read several comments during this last season where people are wanting to have Sam and Dean back to where they were relationship wise in seasons 1 and 2. Not me, they have grown and matured so much since then and are now better than ever.
My sincere thanks to everyone who writes the reviews and comments. Reading everyone’s points of view has helped me to have a greater appreciation and understanding of the show. I look forward to reading more.
Hi, Linda,
Like you I have no desire for the character growth and development through experiences to be washed away and a return to Season 1 and 2. What I hope for when I wish for some aspects of Season 1 and 2 is a lighter feel to the show, Season 6 was so dark (and I don’t mean the lighting).
I purposely overused the word ‘bleak’ in my letter to Sera and Co. so they would get the repetitive nature of so much…uh, bleakness (desolation is synonym.)
I’m returning to my earlier approach to this show which was to simply sit back and enjoy the ride. This is why I’ll be spending the summer hellatus looking back at earlier seasons and also why I’m suspending my desire to write reviews as the new episodes air, it sort of forced me to change how I approach the show and instead of enjoying it and looking at it as a whole (as my Road So Far series did when I started it during the Season 4 to Season 5 hellatus) when it was complete I found myself trying to figure out where it was all headed. I used to say Supernatural is best viewed by season as a whole, that’s my intent going forward again.
This. I agree totally with this. Sitting down with a full season of the show is the best way. I enjoyed season 6 and played a bit of a guessing game with it, but I reserved ALL judgment until I’ve seen it from start to finish as one package.
I have always taken the ride for the ride and thus far it seems to be the best way.
I’m so glad that you found something to smile about in Season 6. As others have already stated, I liked Season 6, too. While there were some episodes that I liked more than others, I decided to sit back and see where the bus was going to go during the past year. It was a great ride! Although, I think one thing in my mind would have made it perfect and that would have been another visit by Death. Hopefully, he will appear again in Season 7.
As for my 22 favorite moments, I think they’ve all been covered. 😆
I did like Death, he was excellent. Do hope to see him again in Season 7.
I agree! Death was/is awesome! I think the reapers are cool, too. Tessa’s a good character.
On another note, I also agree that the boys should never go back to their early relationship. They have grown immensely, each personally and in thier relationship. They’ve gone through stuff – they will never be the same – but realistically, would any of us be the same after going through so much. Are we?
If they didn’t grow, change, and even become more independent, the show would never have become what it has. It would have remained a simple show about demons and hunters without developing the depth that it has now.
I´m so happy that you stayed! I felt so bad that you didn´t enjoyed them as much as I did.
Thanks, Junkerin,
I’m happy to be spending the summer hellatus with you all. I’d missed the fun. Now that I remember to simply ignore that which frustrates and instead celebrate that which excites, all is looking good.
Did you see all of Buffy? It’s funny how Season 6 of that show greatly divided fans immediately, as Season 6 of Supernatural has. I actually thought of that after the season final. When things are all strange, out of sorts, or darker than usual, my friends and I (to this day) will say “It feels so Buffy Season 6.” And hey–Supernatural Season 6 was “very Buffy Season 6” feeling. So a few days later I found this article. It was an “ah-ha” moment for me. It really put Season 6 of Supernatural into a better perspective for me. Sam and Dean were born to play a part in the Apocalypse. They stopped it. Where can you possibly go from there? Of course the show would change….just like life does. Read it and I’d love to hear your comments. You too fellow Supernatural fans!
Funny thing, Nate in Mpls,
I didn’t start watching Buffy until Season 6 and it really caught my eye when they aired the musical episode. It’s funny to me to see it so panned because to me that’s the episode that caught my eye and caused me to look deeper. After that, BTVS was ‘appointment TV’ for me (it was in syndication then) and I couldn’t wait to see the episodes. Pretty sure I saw the final season ‘live’ but everything else was all reruns for by then that I caught.
The article was quite interesting and impressive, proves the point I finally learned which is that it’s all in your experience, for I bet if I was a new fan coming into this show midway through Season 6, with Sam already re-souled or soon to be, and then I went back and caught up with the prior five seasons, I likely would have had no issue with soulless Sam. It’s similar to how I never had an issues with Jo or Bela or Ruby for by the time I find the show, all those characters were already sort of defined in their roles (b/c I’d read Kripke interviews where he stated that they’d erred with Bela and would be fixing that but that Ruby drove a large portion of the storyline and she was staying put, so I never minded the Jo sort of Dean love interest but poorly written and the Bela, convenient con who fit in awkwardly.
Now that the “bromance’ is fully intact (and likely to remain that way here forward) I am watching this season again every Friday night with the hopes of having my prior angst and disappointment melt away.
Thanks for pointing out the article.
Thanks, Col,
I hope you enjoy Season 6!
I’m right there with you in the bawling part, I wish that Lisa and Ben were still ‘out there’ for Dean. For me their story ends at Mannequin, Let It Bleed goes into the category of Hookman and Red Sky, I’ll only watch it when I’m watching the entire series from start to finish.
As for the rest, well, perhaps makes me smile isn’t as accurate as parts of the season that I enjoyed. It was Jensen’s acting in LIB that I enjoyed, nothing else, it was the treatment of Sam in hell (the burning) that I liked for the special effects — much like Dean’s flashes of hell, I like the special effects for our imagination will add so much to what we see.
Glad you’re enjoying TWFB. I’m spending this hellatus curled up with my DVDs from start to finish and I’ll be doing some short articles on past episodes, exactly like I did last summer when I took a look at The Pilot and Hell House, I’ve got Bloody Mary and Skin lined up as my first ‘retro reviews’.
Thanks for the comments, Jus In Bello, still one of my ‘go to’ episodes to watch (it was my second after all.) 🙂
Elle2 I am glad you are back on board. It made me sad earlier this year when you said that you about to quit on our show. I am happy that you took to my suggestion to stick around till the end of the season and see it as a whole.
Hi, Yirabah,
I’m glad I took your (and others’) suggestion as well. I’ve actually having a lot of fun with my S1 discs right now…they were so young!
Hi Elle2, I’m so glad you decided to stick with SPN season seven. I read the review where you said you were getting off the train and it made me kinda sad. I love reading all reviewers on this site, it brings out so many things from the show that I would normally not even think of. I’ve watched SPN from its inception, and I’ve loved it ever since. But it’s when I bought all four seasons on DVD that it became an obsession with me. My colleague at work thinks I’m a little strange for it, but hey, if I’m going to obsess over something, I figure SPN is a great place to start.
I love the letter that you sent out, it was so heartfelt. I intend sending one too, it will be my first letter ever to anything. I loved season 6 from start to finish, I think I’ve already watched every episode at least four times! But my favourite part is the hug that Sam gives Dean in “Like a Virgin”, that made me tear up.
Anyway, love that you’re going to be continuing on with SPN and TWFB. I’ll be looking forward to reading what you have to say.
Hi, Sylvie,
Thank you so much for your kind words. You’ve been there since the beginning…wow, has six years gone by pretty quick, I still get amazed that it’s been three for me.
The letter I wrote was from the heart and hopefully it will be read as such that’s all I can hope for and for me, I feel at rest with Season 6 having written the letter, it’s all in the rear view mirror now.
Yeah, that desperate clutching hug in Live a Virgin, so close to what we got in Mystery Spot (though it didn’t make me tear up the first time I saw it (in MS that is) ’cause I had no idea what was going on…but now both of those hugs get me good.
Glad you like all the writing that happens here at TWFB and I’m glad I’ll be spending this hellatus with everyone, it’s my third one here, wow, time really does fly!
Hi Elle2. Thrilled to be given the opportunity to read something you’ve written again!
I loved your list. I wish I were able to make one but I’m indecisive (to say the least). I’ve tried coming up with 22 best moments but then I think of another one and my entire list goes assways!
There are so many touching moments in this season though, ones you don’t fully appreciate until you’ve seen the whole season. You’ve mentioned so many; the Exile hug, the souled up hug, (the hug that will surely come when Dean realises Sam is wholly Sam again), the phenomenal acting, the strength and development of the minor characters etc. I can’t believe ‘nipples’ didn’t make it on your list but I guess you were spoilt for choice (or that whole ‘nipples’ thing might be funny only to me……)
Anyway, I’m glad you’re back. At this time of the year we should be united against the common enemy. ‘The Judean People’s Front?’ ‘No, no, the month’s of June, July and August’. Only together can we overcome them. (Jeez, I kinda feel like marching now!)
Tim the Enchanter,
You are always a joy to read, please don’t ever change. 🙂
You might not have been able to put together 22 moments, but you did add some gems in there.
Yes, this darn June, July, August and most of September thing does require us all to be united and we’re on our way through this hellatus (truth be told from someone who lives in the northeast of the USA, I don’t want this time to go too quickly, it’s beautiful here (and it’s not snowing!!!) after this brutally long, cold winter)
Thank you so much for your kind words. See you on the site. 🙂
Not yet read the article..but just wanted to say i was glad to see a article by you…
Thank you so much for your comment, I am very touched by this and hope you enjoy the article.
Have a great hellatus (there is such a thing after all with TWFB so busy again this year. 🙂
Thank you again, I am very appreciative.