Countdown To The Finale: A Supernatural Season’s End Survival Guide
We all know the last episode of the season is going to be extremely emotional. Luckily, I’ve got a handy guide of things you’ll need and things you’ll can do to help you get through them.
1. Kleenex.
2. Keep all throwable objects out of arm’s reach.
3. Chocolate.
4. If that doesn’t work, alcohol. Copious amounts. Find a liquor store and drink it, if you have to.
5. Warn all pets and other members of your household that promptly at 10:00, you will be yelling KRIPKEEEEE! GAMBLEEEEEE! very loudly. Board up windows, if necessary.
6. Second box of Kleenex. One isn’t going to be enough.
7. Curl up under a fuzzy blanket and repeat to yourself, “it’s only a TV show. It’s only a TV show.”
8. Laugh at Ardeospina for suggesting such a ludicrous thing. Even she doesn’t really believe that.
9. Hum Metallica to yourself. It’s supposed to calm you down.
10. Aspirin for the massive hangover you get from imbibing an entire liquor store.
11. Watch the Pilot again. Marvel at how young they are. Staunchly refuse to think about how bad things are going to get for them.
12. Third box of Kleenex. In fact, just buy a whole car full. Possibly buy stock in Kleenex as their stock is sure to rise the next few days.
13. Keep your computer handy so you can come to the WFB on a regular basis and commiserate with your fellow heartbroken fans.
14. Waterproof mascara. Unless you dig the raccoon look.
15. Draw a bath, light some candles, lock the bathroom door, and just let it all out.
16. Repeat any steps as necessary. Except the liquor store one. That should probably be a one-off.
17. This is the most important thing to do to get you through the end of the season, so if you do nothing else on this list, at least abide by this: under no circumstances should you listen to “Carry On Wayward Son” until you hear it in the finale. Just don’t do it. You’ll thank me later.
And remember, we’ll get through it together! You’re not alone! *gathers fellow fans in a big circle, starts singing Kumbaya*
Thank you VERY much, this list will be extremely helpful. Coulda had more kleenex though, I mean come on…
You could add coughdrops. You know, for the after effects of all the screaming.
Also, leave landlines off the hook and turn off all cellphones. (Or in my case, have SPN-clueless hubby screen all calls).
Thx.. specially for the 17th.. I¡m dying already :S can’t wit ’till friday *dying*
good advices. I have already planned to be ALONE when watching. A day off for mum, she has a finale of Supernatural to watch.
I will be a mess of cry, I’m sure.
check list : alcohol, cigarettes, a bunch of kleenex, and WFB to cry with somebody.
ok, I’m ready.
Everyone around me knows it’s wise to stay the hell away from me on that night so I can watch—and if they don’t remember they’ll find out the hard way.
Bring on Friday and then bring on July cause I want my vacation AND my convention already.
I have a work meeting that night, so I will be RUSHING home at breakneck speed to watch before I go to bed. I will not be able to concentrate at that meeting!
Oh lord! i just found out I have to be at a business meeting in Quebec on Fri-Sat. I will be skipping out of a dinner to run back to my room and catch this. Hopefully I won’t scare everyone in the hotel by yelling. I’d better start practicing. “Non. Je ne suis pas blessé. Ne font pas l’appel 911. Je pleure parce que je suis me suis inquiété de mon ange.”
1. [b]Kleenex[/b] – Check
2. [b]Keep all throwable objects out of arm’s reach[/b] – Check
3. [b]Chocolate[/b] – Big time check
4. [b]If that doesn’t work, alcohol. Copious amounts. Find a liquor store and drink it, if you have to[/b] – Ah come on now…. (cough, whispers ‘check’)
5. [b]Warn all pets and other members of your household that promptly at 10:00, you will be yelling KRIPKEEEEE! GAMBLEEEEEE! very loudly. Board up windows, if necessary.[/b] – It’ll be 5am here, Last time I did that I think the neighbours called the guards. (They don’t watch…)
6. [b]Second box of Kleenex. One isn’t going to be enough[/b] – I’m not that posh, I’ll just get a roll of toilet paper….
7. [b]Curl up under a fuzzy blanket and repeat to yourself, “it’s only a TV show. It’s only a TV show.â€[/b] – Might work for you, not for me!
8. [b]Laugh at Ardeospina for suggesting such a ludicrous thing. Even she doesn’t really believe that.[/b] – Mwah haw haw haw. Ardeospina, how could you suggest such a ludicrous thing!
9. [b]Make an appointment on Jas’ couch. She’s an amazing counselor and will help greatly. Be sure to pay her in chocolate, books, cookie-scented candles, or pictures of Sam looking hot[/b]. – I’m going to have to come to some sort of agreement with Jasminka to pay her in instalments cos I think I’ll be living on that couch. (Especially if there’s chocolate and pictures).
10. [b]Aspirin for the massive hangover you get from imbibing an entire liquor store[/b] – Diet Coke, a couple of runny fried eggs and potatoe waffles also work.
11. [b]Watch the Pilot again. Marvel at how young they are. Staunchly refuse to think about how bad things are going to get for them [/b]– Jeez, they’re nowt but likkle babies. Time has been good to them…
12. [b]Third box of Kleenex. In fact, just buy a whole car full. Possibly buy stock in Kleenex as their stock is sure to rise the next few weeks.[/b] – Might have moved onto the sleeve at this stage….
13. [b]Keep your computer handy so you can come to the WFB on a regular basis and commiserate with your fellow heartbroken fans.[/b] – Do harassing and commiserating both mean the same thing cos I’m pretty much down with the harassing thing.
14. [b]Waterproof mascara. Unless you dig the raccoon look.[/b] – Or be ultra prepared and just colour your eyelashes. Get the mascara look without looking like your eyelashes melted!
15. [b]Draw a bath, light some candles, lock the bathroom door, and just let it all out.[/b] – We just took out the fecking bath! Drat. Crying in the shower just doesn’t have the same emo factor to it.
16. [b]Repeat any steps as necessary. Except the liquor store one. That should probably be a one-off. –[/b] Not at all. We will need to prepare ourselves for the rewatch.
17. [b] This is the most important thing to do to get you through the end of the season, so if you do nothing else on this list, at least abide by this: under no circumstances should you listen to “Carry On Wayward Son†until you hear it in the finale. Just don’t do it. You’ll thank me later[/b]. – But it’s on my running playlist! Though, I’ll probably be so full of chocolate, alcohol, fried eggs and tears I won’t be running for a while. Maybe the boys won’t be able to run after this cos they’ll be so hurty and brokeny. Or they’re too sad to run. Or Lucifer/Crowley/Castiel/Moses etc won’t let them run.
Oh God, I’m crying again. And it’s only Monday. Those poor boys. Us poor fans…
Thank you so much for this list!! I am looking forward to and dreading this Friday at the same time…4 days left…eeeeeekk!!!
Stellar advice, especially about throwable objects!
I think Kripke enjoys our tears, because I am so scared for this finale. Forget 3 boxes of tissues-I’m going to need 30.
I’ve stocked up on almost everything that you listed today and so I’m all ready for Friday. I’ll wait on the alcohol run until Friday, tho…As for “Carry on My Wayward Son”, I can’t get away from listening to it. That song is my 10 yr. old son’s favorite song and we listen to it on the way to and from his school every day. So, I’ll have to just suck it up on that one and eat extra chocolate! Is it Friday, yet? 😆
I’m gonna have to watch the finale and the 1 before it at work on Itunes on Saturday morning, since my roommates are gonna be around Fri night and they dont need to see me flipping out at the TV. Anyways, I already am planning on brining my tissues and thinking of what to watch after the episodes to keep me from crying at the desk of the dorm i work at
Believe it or not but it looks like poor me has to wait till Monday morning to watch it since I am going to be at the con in Mannheim. Still hoping they will show it there but somehow I don’t think Rogue will do that.
So torn up inside. Looking forward to the con but not being able to see the final till Monday. But I take you up on those Klinexes. Quick everybody rush and buy some Klinexes stocks.
Hi Yirabah
I´ll be there too and I bring my Laptop along so we can watch together, if you like. 😀
That would be great!!!! 😆
Meet me in the cbox tonight or tomorrow night.
Oh, dear, sweet Flamey… bringing up the finale destroyed my avoiding strategy *looks grim* (but with a twinkle 😆 )…
I already have my weep boxes (that’s what the Kleenex boxes are called at my home and at my office, patients love it), still need to stock up on chocolate and booze… oops, wait, y’all be paying me soon in chocolate… hehehehe (*evil scientist’s snicker 😉 *)…
nay, I’m just joking. I’ll be most happy to provide my very comfy couch for all the broken or breaking hearts out there.
Joining in your Kumbaya-circle, lovingly, Jas
P.S.: great thing you wrote here, Flamey! Love it to bits
Don’t fret, Dany, dear! You’ll be fine, since all of us will be damning Gamble and Kripke for everything 😉 ,
Love, Jas
Thanks for your advice! first I have to get a day because what I am anxious that my heart will explode before!
I´m at the Con in Mannheim watching SN. The only thing I don´t know is how to come back to “normal life” after such a big, big, Supernatural weekend with season final and Con.
I’m going out today to stock up on supplies. Family & friends know not to disturb me during those 2 hours this Friday, although I expect I’ll be getting a few calls to commiserate as soon as it’s over. I think the Kleenex may be needed as soon as I hear “Carry on Wayward Son”…
Going out to stock up on weep boxes right now! 🙁
sniff, Jas (already pretty emotional…)
Great list!
I can only imagine how many of us will need Jas’s couch when the show ends completely 😥 !
Ice cream, definitely ice cream- and something fancy too. Man, I can’t wait for the finale. I’m dying to see it and at the same time a little nervous…
Hi Ardeospina
Love the list!
I think I pretty much have everything I’m going to need to survive these last two episodes.
Then of course there is the (whispers) ‘hiatus’ to content with next. 😮 😥
Thanks for the heads up! I’ve been really ‘nervous’ about the upcoming finale lol it’s driving me mad. I don’t know how I am going to be able to get through this season break heck i barely made it through the “hellatus” lol Tanks 🙂
Good advice. I’m stocked up and awaiting with equal amounts of anticipation and dread. Going to the Nashville Con, so at least I will see the boys live and well in a few weeks! Planning to take ALL the advice on your list, except the drinking. I’m going for the chocolate, personally!
Thanks for your kind words, everyone, and glad I could help!
Hi Rince1wind. Just so you know, if you go to you can download all of the episodes of Supernatural 🙂 I usually wait until about 10 – 12 hours after it airs on the CW and usually wait for the torrent that shows: [] – Supernatural.S0*E*.HDTV.XviD-2HD (the * are the season numbers and episodes). Here in Canada it doesn’t air until a few days later but my friends and I can’t wait that long to see it!! 😀 Hope that helps save you time trying to figure out when it will show in Chicago or Amazon 🙂
where in Canada are you? Here in Toronto we get The CW CHCH channel 11 and Space airs it Sunday night. But thanks for info on downloads I’ll be using that 🙂
I read this hilarious study (well, hilarious to Supernatural fans anyway.)
In Britain researchers were trying to prove that hard rock/heavy metal music provokes aggressivity. So they played loud rock music to monkeys all day long and observed their behaviour.
None of the bands played had any effect whatsoever, except for Metallica. It calmed them down.
So Dean was on to something. Absolutely, hum Metallica to yourself.
Thanks for the list. I know nothing about the finale being a spoilerphobe, but the vibes I’m getting say we are going to need the kleenex, the chocolate and the liquor store. And the Metallica.
That’s completely hilarious!
Forgive my lack of faith. I went looking for your research Mickey, and it’s TRUE!!!
Thank you for bringing it up.
Oh you found a link! Great, I’m gonna save that. 🙂
It does sound just too perfect to be true, doesn’t it?
Wonderful advice! 🙂 I’m adding, just chant to yourself, “it’s gonna be okay, Supernatural is coming back next season.”
So – I have to share… I was reading this wonderful countdown and was totally mindboggled at how many people had already commented on it when I never even realized the article was up. Next I noticed the date on a few of the responses … 05/16. Well then my brain just goes to crap as I’m trying to figure out how in the hell I have lost a day this week. I looked at my calender several times before finally grabbing my cell phone and checking the date there. Upon realizing I had not lost a day (and was not one day closer to Friday, dang it!) I looked back at the comments and realized this article was from last year. I’m mentally worn out already. Don’t know how I’m going to make it till Friday. I think I’m going to go find that liquor store now….
Ha ha, yeah, sorry about that. I guess I wasn’t clear enough, because I only put the “from the archive” part in the front page when I reposted this. But yes, I wrote this last year and just reposted because, well, still valid!
That was hilarious!
We’re having a Supernatural themed Mother’s day party (we all had to work on Mother’s Day) despite the fact that everyone BUT my mother watches. And we’re only going to eat organic non-processed foods. That way we won’t be comatose for the big viewing -Damn Sucracorp. But there will be PIE.
It’s just a show, it’s just a show… it’s difficult.
Thanks for the list. Everybody I know has already been warned NOT to phone my house anywhere near 9:00. My cats being the smart little beings that they are already know to stay away from me in case I either: scream, throw something, start crying or all of the above. I can’t believe it’s only Wednesday, all day every day since last Friday that’s all I can think about. And yes, Arde, it’s only a TV show…as if.
Thanks for the hug felt around the world.
Oh no, I broke one of the cardinal rules! I had my iPod on shuffle and it played “Carry on Wayward Son”. I wish I had a Delorean so I could get to Friday right now!
Someone made a pic that is relevant to our interests.!/GrimReefer313/status/202843166892752896/photo/1
Thanks for the list I have everything ready except the liquor store quit drinking 28 years ago. Thinking hearing Wayward Son & watching finale might very well be good reason to drink a liquor store LOL just kidding. how about 10 pots of coffee???