Final Ratings for “My Heart Will Go On”
The final official ratings for “My Heart Will Go On” were released later today. It’s not bad!
– 2.257 million viewers
– 1.4/2 HH
– 0.9/3 A18-49
– 0.9/3 A18-34
– 0.9/3 W18-34
Considering that Supernatural was on a six week layoff, came back with little hoopla and an episode that didn’t exactly scream “must watch” I think the ratings turned out pretty good. ”And Then There Were None” had 2.14 million and but a 1.0 in the demos. The last time Supernatural got a .9 in the demo, the ratings were below 2 million. Of course none of this is relevant, since the ratings were better than other nights on The CW (except naturally for The Vampire Diaries). These are nothing more than a show of consistency, which makes fans happy, the network happy, and all but assures another season.
For those of you curious about Smallville, those were marginally better, proving CW Fridays rule.
– 2.374 million viewers
– 1.4/3 HH
– 1.0/4 A18-49
– 1.0/4 A18-34
– 0.8/3 W18-34

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Glad the viewers didn’t drop below 2.0 mil. Will be interesting to see what CW does on Friday in the fall with SVL ending.
How about showing ‘classic’ SPN at 8, then season seven (yeah 😀 ) at 9????
Double SPN. What is there not to love? 😆
I just miss the days when SPN had ratings of 3.0 and better. I’m sure if they measured in all the DVR-ing and TIVO-ing, we’d be way above these numbers, but I guess for Friday, these aren’t bad.
Someone wanted to friend me on Facebook and listed her favorite TV shows. She loved everything that should ALSO have made her a SUPERNATURAL fan, and when I wrote and asked her about it, she said she watched SPN all the way through season 5, but “forgot to watch” when they put it on Fridays. Since I’m only friending SPN fans these days, i politely declined, since I can’t imagine “forgetting” to watch our show!