Ugh, Not Again! New Commenting System Coming…Now
Updated – Success! All the comments from the old system have been successfully moved to the new one. I’ll be monitoring over the next few days and putting in some improvements (the white box will become darker grey and fit our look better) but in the meantime, articles are opening WAY faster and there haven’t been any server timeout errors. Enjoy, there are many new features.
Updated 6:30pm EST – Comments system offline temporarily for about 20 – 30 minutes while we import the old comments. Stay tuned…
Hey everyone, as you may have noticed, our little server timeout issues had improved recently, but have not gone away. Today, the problems have come back in full force. The entire issue revolves around our commenting system, which has now been officially tossed.
The old commenting system was a simple one meant for small little blogs. We’ve grown quite a bit and plain and simple, the comments archive is now so large it’s taking every scrap of memory on our server to run it. Plus, this system didn’t come with a lot of security and other controls for the administrator and cool features needed for the changing online community world, something that’s becoming more and more important as we grow. For example, I couldn’t turn off comments by article. Now I can! There are some cool features too, like a Quote button that will allow commenters to easily quote other posts. The smiley icons are even better!
I’ve been testing this new system for a few days now, and while the look and feel is not perfected as of yet, I’ve had to go ahead to put it in and disable the old one. I promise it’ll look much better in days to come. This is the same commenting system I’ve been running on The Supernatural Crossroads and TV For The Rest of Us and it runs faster without dragging the system down.
NONE OF THE OLD COMMENTS HAVE BEEN LOST. I have them safely on our server. I’m working today and getting those transferred over to the new system and that should be completed by this evening (Eastern Time). Sadly, you won’t have access to them for most of the day today. I do apologize for that. I honestly hoped I would have this implemented with a smoother transition, but the server didn’t give me the time.
In the meantime, feel free to post comments today. Our system glitches shouldn’t affect anything that you post.
Thanks for being patient during all these bumps, and the goal is to have everything back running smoothly by Friday so we won’t have to deal with these problems while marveling over the new episode (and you will!).

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
You see, it works pretty well, huh? Notice how much faster the comments post? This will be a great system once it’s running the way that will work best for us. :sigh:
Alice, it works great! Thanks. 🙂
Nice, nice. I like it Alice.
Thanks for being patient Yuri. It was from your comment explaining the issues that I knew the old system had to go. It was just way too slow.
Also, do you all see how everyone can reply to specific comments now? Not just the admin!
With this new system I can easily in one admin tool track users and ip addresses (I had to go through the hosting provider before). Banning anyone is easy now! I did take the profanity filter off. We are adults! I can post comment policies for easy access in the comment section, and now everyone can report a specific post easily to the moderator if it’s offensive.
Yeah, I’m configuring things as we speak. Great minds think alike, huh?
Alice, there’s a little too much glee in the [b]banning[/b]!
[i]we can use italics?[/i] and add videos?
I can’t say I’m struck on the white boxes, though,I liked the look of the old page better.
The white boxes are DEFINITELY not staying. On my test system they’re darker grey. The code just needs a few more tweaks. I figured white boxes was better than no commenting at all. I’m glad you like some of the features!
This looks very sophisticated, Alice! Way to go, woman! 🙂
In Alice we trust, you know. Whatever you’ve done for this site has been nothing short of amazing. Thanks so much – again, and for the umpteenth time – for all the work you put into this great site!
I’m curious to explore all the new items here! And I love the smilies, too. I need to find out which one is my favourite.
You once had this smiley that was laughing and rolling on the floor… do you think, that might be available? I just loved the sweetie!
Love, Jas
Yes, I’ll be able to load a lot more smilies. That’s another feature I have in test that I haven’t been able to put into place here yet. I also have been dying for a long time to have one drooling or a thud on the floor. I’ll see what I can do!
Hi Dany, I just wanted to try the reply-to-a-comment thing.
This is going to be exciting. love, Jas 😉
Pretty. 😀
I like. 😆
A new comments system to celebrate the second half. 🙂
That is so cool. 8)
Don’t forget to watch CW tonight. 🙄
I especially like the smiley faces. :sigh:
Can’t you tell. 😆
Okay, I will stop now. 😀
Cool new commenting system, Alice you are the best to always be looking for ways to make this place bigger and better and more fun. 😀
Wow Alice, this looks great.
Thank-you for all your hard work.
Loving all the smilies… 😆 😮 :-*
Nice work, Alice! This new comment system is fantastic. Can’t wait to see the final product.
Alice once again thanks for all your dedication to this site
I love the fact that you have given us all these new toys to play with, Italics! and underlining so we can get over all our views even more forcefully!!!!!!!! The new smilies are very cute, and even a secret button to make us feel like spies. I like the fact we can reply to individual posts, this can makes things feel more personal and hopefully friendly. I also think it is a good idea to have the function to report to you and I know I live in cloud cuckoo land but I hope that no one needs this again! Thanks Ju
Just ignore. I’m only playing [b]here[/b], seeing what everything does. [i]Tee hee[/i] [s]What does striked look like?[/s]
This is such fun. :zzz That will be me in 4 hours. 😆 That will be me Saturday morning (minus the jaundice!)
Alice, [hide]you’re the bomb! The bestest bomb!![/hide]
Lovely! This new system it’s just lovely! Italics and bold and images and smileis and link and quotes… WOW! A big urrah to Alice! 😆
[b]Ooooohhh[/b] Alice, too cool. You are amazing. The stuff you go through for us. Thanks again for all you, and the wonderful people that work with you, do to make this a lovely place to visit! This one of the reasons I keep coming back. Your commitment to our lovely show and us.
Sorry, I’m a bit behind on replies.
That’s a great suggestion for an article. I’ll do some research. From what I heard, the anime was only going to be released in Japan. Not sure if an English version was planned. Chances are this is a Warner Brothers only venture. I doubt The CW is involved at all.