Postpone Our Shows? Fandoms Jump Into Action
Updated: Yikes, I forgot the Twitter hashtags! If on Twitter Wednesday, use #SupportSPNandSMV.
You know, I see a lot of the bitter part of the Supernatural fandom, but this week, I’m quite in awe. There’s nothing like a common foe to bring us all together. After The CW’s surprise yanking of “Smallville†and “Supernatural’s†return from a seven week Winter Hellatus, thus making it an eight week Winter Hellatus, with just a day’s notice, fans have decided to show that this lack of respect for loyal fans won’t go unnoticed.
There’s a current fan effort sweeping the boards and fandom communities to get people to not only watch when both “Smallville†and “Supernatural†return on Friday February 4th, but to get fans to watch a rare and special repeat night scheduled for Wednesday, February 2nd. The goal is simple, fans of both “Smallville†and “Supernatural†want to send The CW a message and deliver higher ratings for their repeats on Wednesday than “The Vampire Diaries†and “Nikita†got on Friday when their repeats were aired instead of new SV and SPN originals. We’re mad and we’re not going to take it anymore!
There’s even been a couple of great articles to rally the troops. I must say, I couldn’t have said it better myself. First, there’s an awesome commentary by Julie Pyle on SciFi Her outrage mirrors my own. Also, there’s another great commentary by Kristen on I recommend checking out both.
I know several of you have seen these episodes a few times and have had eight weeks to analyze them over and over again, but this is your chance to be part of a cause. Tune into the CW on Wednesday at 8pm to catch Smallville’s “Icarus†and then 9pm to see Supernatural’s “Appointment in Samarra.†One more viewing won’t hurt, especially since these are great episodes for both shows. Deliver a message to a network that’s forgotten that these are the fandoms that have been keeping them afloat these past five years.

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Wednesday is #TeachTheCWAaLessonOnFandomDay!! 😀
Oh fudge! That should be:
Wednesday is #TeachTheCWaLessonOnFandomDay!!
I’d love to be part of this – unfortunately I don’t live in the US – but I will be watching Smallville and Supernatural as a show of support. One of the positives to come out of this is the way it has united the fandom…I’m delighted to see it…and it would be great if it could continue. is having a SPN Fan Week to celebrate just how awesome we fans are. Today we’re posting SPN youtube fan vids.
You know, I think it was the Wed repeat ratings for TVD against Idol last week that spooked the CW.
TVD had been repeating well and then last Wed it went under a million viewers and only a .3/1 in W18-34.
I think Supernatural can do better than that – even against Idol!
I’ll be watching on Wednesday, no doubt about it!!!! I also love how the fandom is banding together. This is just so very cool and I just love all the positives this week. Supernatural is the BEST!!!!!
I will definitely be watching–and tweeting. But to tell you the truth, I would have been watching anyway! I hope if Supernatural gets a seventh season, Dawn Ostroff’s replacement will be a little more supportive. Still makes me feel good as a fan to know that we have kept our favorite show alive and kicking anyway.
I plan to watch both shows on both nights! I sincerely hope that the ratings will be “knocked” out of the ball park on both nights. That would definitely show all those CW execs not to mess with the schedule.
I’ll be watching, too, but I fear it won’t really matter. If you don’t have a Nielsen box, you’re eyeballs don’t count to the networks. So, if you know a Nielsen family, please convince them to watch Wednesday and Friday nights!
(I know that we could e-mail or tweet CW that we are watching, but again I’m cynical. The CW can’t convert those messages into advertising dollars.)
I had the exact same thought. I watched, but I don’t know what kind of effect we could have had unless more people with nielsen boxes watched. Anyone know what the details on all of that mess (Alice?)? I get angry every time I start thinking about ratings and neilsen boxes. Too many of my favorite shows get cancelled while other shows get huge ratings–yet I don’t know a single person who watches them.
I watch Supernatural whenever it is on, repeat or new. Unfortunately I can’t get the CW network. On Wednesday I get it at 10:00 pm on Space channel, which is shown after the Friday one on CHCH.
I don’t believe CHCH will be showing Smallville and Supernatural this Wednesday. Too bad! I would like to be supportive if I could. I’m going to take a peek anyway to make sure.
I don’t like Smallville but I love Supernatural. I will watch both (on both of the TV’s in my house) shows.
I’m so in 😈 Blasted executives need to learn that WE CONTROL THE SPN UNIVERSE .. ::cough/couch:: sorry been watching to much Despicable Me with the kids since we are snowed in atm!
All TV’s in the house are a go!
Awesome! Don’t forget to #SupportSPNandSMV on Wednesday. For more suggestions on how to gain support for the show, see my website by clicking my name!
Count me in! I watch every episode that’s aired, repeat or not!
Tomorrow night I will be sitting on my couch watching Clark, Lois, Oliver, Hawkman, Dean, Sam, Death, Tessa, Bobby, and the rest of the characters of Smallville and Supernatural. 😀
In his article at, John Kubicek talks about the four reasons that he feels that there will be a seventh season of Supernatural. In addition to the good ratings, the story that Sera is telling, and what a good Friday lead-in SPN would make to an up and coming show next Sept.
His fourth reason:
“There is no other show on the CW that rivals the fandom of Supernatural. In fact, I’d argue that there’s no other show on TV with fans as rabid and devoted as Supernatural. I’ve spent more than three years writing about the show, and the level of excitement and loyalty the fans have to Supernatural still astounds me. The CW would be foolish to give that up, and they’d also risk a fan campaign to save the show that would rival the now-famous “Nuts” campaign for Jericho.”
We are a recognized force of nature.
Watch out CW. 😀 😀 😀
Count me in for Wednesday and Friday. I watch every episode live, repeat or not, plus DVR. I even have an agreement with my boss at work. I work a lot of nights, but Supernatural night is always a night off. She put me on days this week. Gotta love her. It really is nice to see all the fans ban together. Makes my heart happy!
YOu’d better see two fan vids posted at Jared Padafandom on Facebook. One had this message “CW: $@# You Very Much!”
Or this manip by denig37 which nyxocity posted on her LJ: (OR see here
I didn’t make it, I just found it on FB
Did it work?
Hey guy, please vote for supernatural, and the cast on this site [url][/url]
and spread the word on twitter and facebook.
And don’t forget to watch on friday. 🙂
Welcome to the site, sharonf89, and thank you on behalf of all the contributors here…
Feel free to come back 🙂 .
I feel your pain, as I live in Europe too and depend on the www for watching, and then always a day later..
My best, Jas