Got a Complaint For The Site Administrator?
Got a complaint about a particular user comment on an article? Think it might violate our rules? Please state your complaint and/or concern here and we’ll look into it.

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
This isn’t about one particular user, but I am bothered by the way the Sera Gamble interview thread is going. We are getting post after post after post about how Dean has been slighted throughout the years and will continue to be nothing but a slave to Sam’s needs. When a few of us commented on the lack of Sam POV in the D&L thread, we were jumped all over for starting a brother war. Apologies were made and the comments were stopped as well. Can we at least get parity here?
I also have a technical problem. I am running Firefox 3.6.19 on Mac OSX 10.5 with the latest updates. Suddenly WFB is not displaying correctly. Instead of headers and sidebars all the links just appear at the top of the page, no pictures and an ugly layout. It works fine in Safari. Has there been a tweak to the website? Or do I need to reload Firefox?
I was wondering if the “Bitterness” thread could be revived for those who would like to take their issues to a place that is more conducive to repetitiveness?
[quote]I was wondering if the “Bitterness” thread could be revived for those who would like to take their issues to a place that is more conducive to repetitiveness?[/quote]
I’d like to second this.
Sure, but I need specifics. That bitterness thread was for season 8. Would you like to have a bump on the S8 thread, or do your want a whole new S9 one? Or just general bitterness?
[quote]Sure, but I need specifics. That bitterness thread was for season 8. Would you like to have a bump on the S8 thread, or do your want a whole new S9 one? Or just general bitterness?[/quote]
I vote for either a general bitterness thread or bumping Season 8. Since season 9 hasn’t started yet, all the bitterness would be speculative, and there is a lot of that. From a for my personal comfort POV I would almost go for a Bitterness about Dean thread and a Bitterness about Sam thread so the people who are unhappy can commiserate with like minded people and those who don’t have the issues about a particular brother don’t have to read through comment after comment about how [insert brother’s name here] has been mistreated, has always been mistreated, will always be mistreated and doesn’t get enough love. The one problem is that it segments this board into 2 camps and I’m not sure it that is good. I’ve done my share of stating how I think Sam has been ignored, so I’m not saying I’m a beacon of fairness and light but it is getting repetitious to see the same arguments over and over.
I don’t really have a good suggestion. I tend to read comments in my email and I’m getting better at looking a poster’s name and then deleting, but making us go to our respective corners unless we want to engage might calm things down.
Sorry, I’m rambling. Maybe post an article on the main page asking for suggestions?
I think that maybe a “Get It Off Your Chest” type of thread would be an idea to consider. There does seem to be a fair share of people with ongoing problems that get rehashed a great deal. Maybe a place to vent and rant would be a good thing. After the initial resistance to the “Bitterness ” thread people actually started to like a place to go to air it out. Many people who went there were not in actuality extremely bitter but had major issues with the show or how their character was being treated by writers, showrunners etc, etc. Anyhow it would be nice for them all to have a place again where these issues can be shared freely and as often as they like and maybe lighten up the other threads from some of the repetition.
Yeah, Percy, I am not so sure splitting the Sam and Dean camps is such a good idea either. There are the rest of the fans who might want to have a place to vent their issues too. The fandom is so split on so many things already.
I’ve done my fair share of complaining this season, but I do think it was better when the majority of the b**ching was removed from the main articles.
I’d support a general “place to unload the discontent and discuss disappointment with characters or plot” thread.
What about “Recommended sites”? Some of them are updated maybe once in a month or rarer. Aren’t there somewhere better, that is more informative sites?
Novi, sites come and go so fast in this fandom it’s hard for me to keep up. I’ve removed a few links, but I don’t have any new ones to recommend. If you come across any, let me know! Usually I add links when the site administrator contacts me and we post links on each others site.
Alice, I really think if there is anyway you can step in and stop this thread on Mary’s article (Shipping) now would be a good time. I made the mistake of clicking to be notified of comments and now it is just getting rediculus. All this mud slinging back and forth and no one is accomplishing anything but blowing up my email. They all need to just agree to disagree and get on with it. I’m with Mary on this one but don’t care to get caught up in this thread war right now. Love your site but just hate it when things get this out of control.
TRUCKLADY MY FRIEND, I have long since stopped clicking the notify me button. I love ALICE, BOOKDAL, AMY, SOFIA AND MY GURL ARDE. I love spn family but I only read certain peoples comments and move on. ALICE was/is my first spn site person to respond to me even thru holidays my first year. WHEN I NEEDED IT MOST TOO. 8)
for the longest I wanted maybe 3 responses to an article but now I just GO WITH THE FLOW AND DO MY OWN THANG. we’ve got out own thang….HEAVY D and the BOYZ. lol ole school classic. hope I helped dear. kiss, kiss, hugz 8)
[quote]TRUCKLADY MY FRIEND, I have long since stopped clicking the notify me button. I love ALICE, BOOKDAL, AMY, SOFIA AND MY GURL ARDE. I love spn family but I only read certain peoples comments and move on. ALICE was/is my first spn site person to respond to me even thru holidays my first year. WHEN I NEEDED IT MOST TOO. 8)
for the longest I wanted maybe 3 responses to an article but now I just GO WITH THE FLOW AND DO MY OWN THANG. we’ve got out own thang….HEAVY D and the BOYZ. lol ole school classic. hope I helped dear. kiss, kiss, hugz 8)[/quote]
Yeah I guess you are right. I like following along but I will just come back or refresh every now and again to keep up if there are some topics I want to see what other people have to say.l Thanks for responding and kiss, kiss, hugz right back at you. 😆
Trucklady – Sorry, today has been my “offline” day with family. I’ll take a look at it. I sent a warning yesterday, but I guess it wasn’t enough. Thanks for letting me know.
oh lawdy, is this THE BEGINNING OF A BEAUTIFUL FRIENDSHIP…….CASABLANCA for the young who don’t know.
there are a few I don’t see anymore RMOATES etc. I can reach her thru twitter but others too. oh well. TYSM have a wonderful HOLLYDAY SEASON if we don’t see each other again. xxo
I’ve been watching SPN since it started and just found this site. Why the Dear Jared letter? Is there a Dear Jensen letter? ‘Cause he’s been delivering top performances since day one and frankly Jared’s acting is all over the place.
Cindy62 – Your comment here and on the Dear Jared thread both violate one of this sites most biggest rules. No Jared vs Jensen or Sam vs Dean. That letter was written after the season finale and has been around for a while. It was not only praise of Jared’s performance, but it was a message of support during a family crisis of his. That’s why there was no Jensen letter written. So get over your crap and accept that there are some situations that don’t warrant equal treatment. We’ve done plenty of Jensen/Dean articles on this site in the past.
Your offensive comment on the Dear Jared thread was removed. Don’t come back to this site unless you’re here to talk about something constructive.
[quote]Cindy62 – Your comment here and on the Dear Jared thread both violate one of this sites most biggest rules. No Jared vs Jensen or Sam vs Dean. That letter was written after the season finale and has been around for a while. It was not only praise of Jared’s performance, but it was a message of support during a family crisis of his. That’s why there was no Jensen letter written. So get over your crap and accept that there are some situations that don’t warrant equal treatment. We’ve done plenty of Jensen/Dean articles on this site in the past.
Your offensive comment on the Dear Jared thread was removed. Don’t come back to this site unless you’re here to talk about something constructive.[/quote]
Good Morning Alice. I just wanted to jump on here and thank you for handling this so quickly. I saw this late last night and was going to send you a complaint first thing this morning. I realize cindy62 is new to the sight but one should check the site rules before mouthing off, especially if it is to bad mouth one of our main characters. Like the word “inevidable” is to Dean, bashing our boys is fighting words on here. Maybe there needs to be a special tab for the Rules of the Site for the newbies. Thanks again Alice.
[quote]Cindy62 – Your comment here and on the Dear Jared thread both violate one of this sites most biggest rules. No Jared vs Jensen or Sam vs Dean. That letter was written after the season finale and has been around for a while. It was not only praise of Jared’s performance, but it was a message of support during a family crisis of his. That’s why there was no Jensen letter written. So get over your crap and accept that there are some situations that don’t warrant equal treatment. We’ve done plenty of Jensen/Dean articles on this site in the past.
Your offensive comment on the Dear Jared thread was removed. Don’t come back to this site unless you’re here to talk about something constructive.[/quote]
Oh Alice, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for your firm stance in maintaining the integrity of this site, it is so very much appreciated.
Yes Alice, thank you very much! There is a difference between expressing an opinion and pure offensiveness meant to stir trouble.
Here’s my complaint: People putting spoilers in Article comments WITHOUT spoiler warnings. If you could at least put notices in your articles for ppl to put spoiler warnings I’d be very happy. Atm not so because somebody decided to spoil episode 21 for me. Hurray…
I don’t have a complaint – but didn’t won’t it to get lost in generel comments either. Is there anyway you could kinda put what is appearing to be double up threads together.
You have just put out a new article on Lite Speculative preview on Ep 22 Prisoner – Please comment. We have thrashed it out – everywhere. I am guilty of this because I write a comment then I think NO maybe it should have gone there or there. Honestly am I just dumb or is this happening. I go back to check if anyones commented and I check my acc. – comments click on it – then think no not that one.
Does this make any sense. And I wish to apologize again for my bad comments as well Such a passionate fan site. xxoo
I keep checking back to see coverage of the glorious SPN panel from last week’s SDCC. Almost a week later and there is still no coverage of it. Why not? Major things, funny things happened at that panel and I for one would think that would be a good enough reason for a write up. I had several favorite moments from that panel including Speight congratulating [b]ALL[/b] of the nominees for various awards with Teen Choice awards. My other favorite moment was seeing Carver being unable to find a good answer on killing off Charlie. [b]Loved that the entire cast literally turned their backs on[/b] Carver during Carver’s answer.
Hi Ripley2win,
I’ve been working on that report (since I attended the panel) and should have the finished report out in a day or two. I had hoped to have it out sooner, but I’ve been working on other things too since I covered 7 shows at Comic Con. Unfortunately, it wasn’t considered a priority because there was no demand for it. You’re the first person to ask for such a report, and that includes the staff! The video was up the day of the panel and people were happy with the video. Still, I watched the video, and it didn’t capture a lot of the little things that really happened there. It was a great panel!
So apologies but stay tuned. It’ll be up very soon.