Misha Collins Runs Today for The Random Act
@mishacollins RAISED $94,742 FOR www.TheRandomAct.org. He ran for over 11 hours! He is#supernatural
Final count: 83km. That’s a little over 50 miles for those of u who speak American.
@mishacollins RAISED $94,742 FOR www.TheRandomAct.org. He ran for over 11 hours! He is#supernatural
Final count: 83km. That’s a little over 50 miles for those of u who speak American.
I know, it’s a big holiday weekend here in the US and our thoughts are focused on barbecues and family gatherings, but today Misha Collins is doing his run for charity. As I reported here a couple weeks ago, Misha has a new charity going The Random Act, where the goal is to take over the world through one random act of kindness after another. Today’s kindness, he’s running as far as he can and is taking pledges.
All live coverage of the run can be found on Twitter, under the hash mark #RunMishaRun. For those of us too overwhelmed with all the activities of this busy holiday weekend, try to take five minutes and go to www.therandomact.org to pledge your support, or retweet and/or share on Facebook this article (or any article related to the run) to spread the word. Good luck Misha and The Random Act!

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
World domination through kindness? I suppose it would be kind of cool to mess with someone’s head by pointing an AK-47 at them, pulling the trigger and spraying with tulips.
Stuff like this reminds me why I love this fandom despite all the wank.
It’s been awe-inspiring (and honestly terrifying)how quickly Misha has fit in to the fandom and how to use it as a force for good.
Today Supernatural, tomorrow the world…(insert evil laugh here) 😛
Holy Crap! I get tired of driving for 50 miles. I think Misha has a speck of angel in him somewhere. Job well done. World domination through kindness, what a lovely thought. That is 50 miles worth of steps in the right direction, right there.
Actually, it’s 51.6 miles. Rounding up to 52, that’s literally a double marathon.
An awesome act for charity, Misha!
I want a t-shirt WORLD DOMINATION THROUGH KINDNESS in all the major languages of this planet… it’s the only way, I think , to ‘conquer’ the world.
Though I tend to be cynical at times, I want to believe in the power of kindness, tenderness, love and hope. What Misha does here proves me right yet again.
three cheers to that man! Yeeehaaaaaaa! Jas