Recap: “Lazarus Rising”
Kripke, you magnificent bastard.
The long, painful summer is finally over, and in compensation for our agony our reward is a pure gem. Eric Kripke does love us. Sure, Dean getting out of Hell is a forgone conclusion, but in coming up with a plausible explanation, the opportunity is seized to veer this show in drastic new territory, opening up a world of possibilities. We have a whole new show, and it’s awesome.
The script for “Lazarus Rising” is sheer perfection. Every little element transitions seamlessly, a remarkable juggling act considering what’s packed into this episode. On top of the flawless construction, the storytelling is vastly superior and the pacing extraordinary from the word go. Couple this with “No Rest For The Wicked”, and Eric Kripke the writer has risen to master of his craft. Not that the acting, directing, set decoration, visual and special effects, etc. are shabby. Every single part comes together for full circle brilliance.
I’m going to try a new format this season, one that worked well with my analysis of “A Very Supernatural Christmas”; detailed recaps broken into two part segments. Granted, an episode might come along that won’t warrant such scrutiny, but not that’s not the case with this one. Kripke and company gave us plenty to ponder.
Season premiere, and by now we know the drill. Kripke’s the writer, Kim Manners is the director, and there’s a new season opening montage summarizing the previous great season. While AC/DC is an obvious choice, I wasn’t expecting “You Shook Me All Night Long”. It worked though, and we get a rocking start to the season. My favorite is last year’s “Hells Bells”, which set the proper ominous tone, but I’m not going to quibble over one minute of music. This episode is light years better than “The Magnificent Seven”.
Red is this season’s color of contrast, adding a perfect gotcha to any scene. Just look at Dean’s red eyes. Bloodshot, shifting wildly in the middle his red and black face, with loads of screaming and quick bright light flashes. That’s an attention grabber! There’s a deep gasp in the pitch black. We hang there for a second holding our breaths, because the creative team has chosen to break out the mind tricks only a few seconds in. Dean manages to find the lighter in his pocket, and we’re thankful for Sam’s attention to detail. Everyone waking up six feet under should have one. Dean cries for help in raspy and barely audible voice, proving that Kripke pictured the potential fan debate over how his voice could work so well after four months. Way to dodge that bullet.
Dean moves the top board of the pine box, dirt falls on him and lights out. Yikes! Watching his struggle out of that hole in the ground is chilling, and just plain freaky. On top of the incredible acting, the camera work in this scene is outstanding. First we see an unmarked grave marker from the view of ground (A cross? For an Atheist?), then hands popping through the grass, then the rest of Dean following, gasping for air and struggling as the point of view switches between the ground and up above to capture every painful detail of his emergence. The camera goes eye level with Dean when he stands, then circles to capture every detail of his confusion. Here’s the big money shot, as the camera pulls away to show the overhead view, the elongated shadow of the cross right next to the elongated shadow of Dean. Hmm, divine intervention perhaps? The shot rises further to reveal the surrounding trees toppled in a circle around the grave site. If anything, that delivers the message coming back from the dead is not normal. Bravo Mr. Manners!
On comes the new intro, setting the new tone for the season. Birds of the apocalypse, and the Supernatural logo in red. I like it, but then again, I’m ready for Sam and Dean’s take on the end of the world. They’ve been sending us hints for 60 episodes now. Bring it on.
Dean walks to an old gas station in the middle of nowhere, and its time for another round of guess that classic car. Here’s one of the reasons why this script is superior, it capitalizes on Jensen’s strengths. There’s a no dialogue scene focusing on Dean’s changing facial expressions as he tries to make sense of what’s happening. This scene alone should be enough for Jensen’s Emmy reel. Water, food, porn mag, flashes of his death, and a perfectly restored chest in the mirror. Yeah, I felt the collective thud too. The tattoo survived, so thank heavens for that. There’s also freshly burned handprint on his shoulder. Notice the bloody knuckles? Make note, for we see that again later. The TV comes on, then the radio, then a loud deafening noise, then glass exploding, forcing Dean to take cover. Not quite a welcome home parade, huh Dean?
What in the world did Dean expect, trying to call Sam and Bobby? Did he really think they were going to believe over the phone that he’s alive? Social courtesy alone reserves that bombshell for a personal visit. Anyone guess the car yet? It’s a 1962 Mercury Monterey. I grew up in a Ford family and I had to look that one up.
Dean hotwires the car and goes straight to Bobby’s, and this is where Kim Manner’s gift for capturing the perfect expressions comes in handy. The scene starts a doorknob level, and a hand opening the door. The camera angles up to Dean before moving in for a close up of his face. By doing such a detailed shot, we get a nice long look at what’s going through Dean’s mind as he sees Bobby. His reaction changes from a standard “I’m here” to relief and happiness over seeing Bobby’s okay. “Surprise.” Leave it up to Dean to have the right words for every occasion! Cut to Bobby’s reaction, who’s freaked out of his mind. Fantastic! These two could do a whole episode with nothing but bouncing looks off of each other.

Alice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web designer, site administrator, marketer, and moderator for The Winchester Family Business. She is a 30 year IT applications and database expert with a penchant for creative and freelance writing in her spare (ha!!) time. That’s on top of being a wife, mother of two active kids, and four loving (aka needy) pets.
Excellent blog as always, Alice. GREAT catch on Mary saying “Angels are watching over you, Dean”!!! Keep these reviews coming! Lindsay
Thanks, and I’m impressed you made it through all that! I looked at it forward, backward, upside down and sideways though, and couldn’t figure out how to make it shorter.
Awesome blog, Alice! Thanks so much for forwarding it to me to read. Your wit has me laughing in each of your blogs and this was did too. I’m impressed by your insight and tying Lazarus Rising back to season one episodes. Wish I’d had the same insight, but it sure has me thinking now about Mary’s and Roy LeGrange’s comments. Can’t wait for the second episode tomorrow night.
Hi Alice, I stop by to let you the link you asked about. It’s in romanian so It will be impossible for you to understand…But since you asked here it is: -it’s the page for Supernatural. I write as Maviky and I have done only 2 articles and 2 reviews so far…but season 4 just started so I’ll have a lot to work. Since is my first experience so far I don’t know if I’m good ar anything but I have passion and desire to learn:-) Anyway, I just wanted to say I really appreciate your work and can’t wait to read your next review.
The music used in the impala is sung by Jason Mann and Jensen Ackles. It’s a song they did together called “Crazy Love” I learned while attending his concert at the Supernatural “eyecon” convention in Florida last year. He and Jensen are friends and he told of how it became the music used in that scene,a joke kind of with it being a love song and all. They sold the single at the convention too and it was adorably titled J&J
It’s easy to miss going by that song alone but Jason Mann has a very strong and beautiful voice.
Actually, it’s Reminders by Jason Manns. He sent out a bulletin from his MySpace page when Lazarus Rising aired. The only reason I know this is because I get them.
The J&J Crazy Love duo is awesome, however, as is all of Jason Manns music. I have all of his stuff (which isn’t much at the moment, but more is coming) and I must say, I almost prefer his live stuff over his studio recordings. His voice is wonderful. I highly recommend listening to a few all the way though (which you can do on afore mentioned MySpace page).
That’s odd since my three daughters and I heard Jason Mann tell the story in person about “Crazy Love” being used in “Lazarus Rising” at the convention. Perhap’s it was a slip of the tongue and Jason said the wrong song title but I do know at least one of my daughters heard him say the same thing I heard because we happened to be talking about just this a night or two ago.
I love Jason Mann’s voice but I’m not that crazy over the song “Crazy Love” lol but me and a lot of others bought the single CD for the reason it was used that episode.
That’s odd since my three daughters and I heard Jason Mann tell the story in person about “Crazy Love” being used in “Lazarus Rising” at the convention. Perhap’s it was a slip of the tongue and Jason said the wrong song title but I do know at least one of my daughters heard him say the same thing I heard because we happened to be talking about just this a night or two ago.
I love Jason Mann’s voice but I’m not that crazy over the song “Crazy Love” lol but me and a lot of others bought the single CD for the reason it was used that episode.
I think you’re right Tigershire!! After carefully listening to the music in that scene in “Lazarus Rising” and even with it being a short clip it doesn’t sound like “Crazy Love!” I’m not as informed as you are on his music I was simply taken aback by the beauty and strength of his voice. And oh lord Jason Mann and Steve Carlson should definitely do a full CD together. Their voices together are magic,I was lucky enough to get to see them do one song together at the convention!
Thanks for the clarity!
So sorry Alice Iforgot to say what a wonderful review this was. You were dead on about this incredible episode and I couldn’t agree more this 4th season opener was so much better then the previous seasons.
Ah “The Magnificent Seven” oh it makes me sad just thinking of what could have been done with that episode. The brillance of this concept with the seven deadly sins escaping hell and walking this world in the flesh!