9.11 mark of cain 1720

Reviews That I Missed: Supernatural 9.11, “First Born”

Can you say, “parallels galore”?  That’s what “First Born” brings to the table, a twist on an old testament biblical story that always had Sam and Dean in mind when the Supernatural saga unfolded. Sure, Sam and Dean’s story wasn’t quite Cain and Abel, but thanks to the genius of Robbie Thompson, it became that…

Supernatural Weekly World News July 4, 2021

Supernatural Weekly World News July 4, 2021

Supernatural Weekly World News  All the latest announcements, releases, interviews, podcasts, cast appearances and more     We are retiring Supernatural Weekly World News for the time being.   You can still find the latest updates on Supernatural and its primary cast members on the News page, the Walker page (Jared), and the eventual The Boys page (Jensen and…