Reviews That I Missed: Supernatural 9.17 – “Mother’s Little Helper”

Adam Glass again? I know that my availability was spotty in season nine, but it seems that I had a nasty habit at the time of skipping reviews on his episodes. Maybe because…well…he rarely delivered a winner. So how did I feel about “Mother’s Little Helper?” It was better than most of his episodes, but…

Reviews That I Missed:  Supernatural 9.06 – Heaven Can’t Wait

Reviews That I Missed: Supernatural 9.06 – Heaven Can’t Wait

“Heaven Can’t Wait” is one episode where I didn’t remember ever seeing it or what it was about.  So, for such a forgettable episode, this rewatch took me by surprise.  It was actually good.  A well deserved character study for Castiel based on his new circumstances as a human, and a smaller yet effective glimpse…

Interview with Gotham Knights Costume Designer Jennifer May Nickel

Interview with Gotham Knights Costume Designer Jennifer May Nickel

Halloween may have come and gone, but that doesn’t mean we still can’t enjoy thinking and talking about great costuming! It fact, I found out during my conversation with Gotham Knights costume designer, Jennifer May Nickel, that it’s a common misconception that costumers like Halloween! Apparently, she prefers putting the costumes on others much more…

Supernatural Whenever World News – Special Upfront Presentation Edition

Oh my my, so much Supernatural goodness this week! Today was the big day though as The CW upfront presentation was held in New York City.  We have lots of pictures, some tweets and videos, and some general overall information about the festivities.   Alice JesterAlice Jester is the founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, programmer, web…

Updated: New Series Descriptions and Trailers for The Winchesters and Walker: Independence

Updated: New Series Descriptions and Trailers for The Winchesters and Walker: Independence

It’s upfront day for The CW, and we finally have some information to share about Jensen and Jared’s latest projects, The Winchesters and Walker: Independence.  Not only are there series promo photos and descriptions, there are new trailers!   The new Supernatural prequel, The Winchesters, will air on Tuesdays at 8pm in the fall.  Here…

The Winchesters, Walker: Independence, Gotham Knights Ordered to Series at The CW

The Winchesters, Walker: Independence, Gotham Knights Ordered to Series at The CW

Some very exciting news for all of us in the SPN verse today!  The CW has picked up all three of its pilots, The Winchesters, Walker: Indepedence and Gotham Knights.  All three have ties to Supernatural, making them all part of the ever growing SPN Universe.  So let’s run down what we know.   Alice…

Reviews That I Missed:  Episode 8.02 – “What’s Up Tiger Mommy?”

Reviews That I Missed: Episode 8.02 – “What’s Up Tiger Mommy?”

So, I watched “What’s Up Tiger Mommy?” for the first time since it aired in season 8.  Now I know why I didn’t watch this again.  What a freaking mess.  The bad title ended up being the least of the issues.  Remember how the season premiere, “We Need to Talk About Kevin” felt very disjointed? …

The Conventional Wisdom of Misha Collins – The Later Years

The Conventional Wisdom of Misha Collins – The Later Years

Happy Birthday Misha Collins!   To celebrate this momentous occasion, I’m updating a classic that has been on my “to do” list for a while.  Back in 2012, after attending many cons with Misha in attendance, not to mention meeting him several times, I compiled the best of his “sound bites” into what I called,…

Supernatural Weekly World News July 4, 2021

Supernatural Weekly World News July 4, 2021

Supernatural Weekly World News  All the latest announcements, releases, interviews, podcasts, cast appearances and more     We are retiring Supernatural Weekly World News for the time being.   You can still find the latest updates on Supernatural and its primary cast members on the News page, the Walker page (Jared), and the eventual The Boys page (Jensen and…