Jared and Jensen Gold Member’s Panel at VanCon:  Jensen Joins Twitter, Osric Chau Jokes and Other Fun

Jared and Jensen Gold Member’s Panel at VanCon: Jensen Joins Twitter, Osric Chau Jokes and Other Fun

(Photo courtesy of @FangasmSPN).  At this morning’s Jared and Jensen Gold Members only panel at Salute to Supernatural in Vancouver, history was made!  Yes, in front of the crowd, Jensen Ackles joined Twitter.  But other stuff happened too, and this ended up being a very fun half hour.  I have all the details about the…

Dear Jensen and Jared

Dear Jensen and Jared

Dear Jensen and Jared, There is so much to say about “Road Trip”. We asked the writers for “feels” and they delivered big time!! It is really hard to know where to start. This wonderful hour of unparalleled story telling included stunning plot twists and outstanding acting. Andrew Dabb scripted a brilliant study of emotions…

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The Heart and Soul of Supernatural ChiCon – Part 4

In Part 1 of my Supernatural convention reports, I described why I thought Osric Chau was the heart of this year’s Chicago convention (Richard declared that Osric was the convention’s “#1 Fan”).   (Osric’s jacket during his panel. I didn’t have a copy of this picture at the time I wrote Osric’s story, but Alesia…

Supernatural Toronto Convention 2013 – Day Three

Supernatural Toronto Convention 2013 – Day Three

  (Photo courtesy of K Brady) Day Three: Sunday October 13th Destination:  Westin Harbour Castle Convention Centre Welcome to Day Three of Superstock (Supernatural Woodstock). With most of the panels I have only put responses from questions being asked. With so much going on and at times being so captivated by the guest stars I…

Con Report: Salute to Supernatural New Jersey 2013, Sunday and Monday

Con Report: Salute to Supernatural New Jersey 2013, Sunday and Monday

For part one of my con report, Friday and Saturday, go here:   https://www.thewinchesterfamilybusiness.com/17899-con-report-salute-to-supernatural-new-jersey-2013-friday-and-saturday Sunday at New Jersey con, aka J&J day.  My day started with a text message from Stimtastic Appie.  Everything was running behind because Jared and Jensen got stuck in Manhattan because of a bike race.  You mean the bike race that…

“Supernatural” Convention report: Viva Las Vegascon “Part Two“ Jensen and Jared with a side order of Misha! by sweetondean

“Supernatural” Convention report: Viva Las Vegascon “Part Two“ Jensen and Jared with a side order of Misha! by sweetondean

IT’S J DAY! All photos are taken by me.   Truth is, I come to these conventions for many reasons, but the main reason is to see the boys and if truth be known, one specific boy”or man”MANLY MAN (I mean these boys are in the 30’s after all!).   Normally the Js are on…

Salute to Supernatural Chicago 2012: The Jared and Jensen Panel Report

Salute to Supernatural Chicago 2012: The Jared and Jensen Panel Report

(All pictures from Alice Jester – The Winchester Family Business) Sunday for me was the day that wasn’t supposed to happen.  I went to Chicago con by car (a six hour drive) knowing I had to work on Monday, and all the Sunday tickets were sold out anyway.  I bought a Saturday ticket from a…