Thoughts on Supernatural 15.19 “Inherit the Earth”

Thoughts on Supernatural 15.19 “Inherit the Earth”

Thoughts on Supernatural 15.19 “Inherit the Earth” The penultimate episode, “Inherit the Earth” promised a lot, especially on the heels of last week’s sweeping devastation. Over the months, this episode has been marketed as a “season finale” style vs episode twenty’s “series finale” air. So, did it deliver?

Supernatural 15.19 “Inherit The Earth”–Right in the Feelings

Supernatural 15.19 “Inherit The Earth”–Right in the Feelings

This episode was seriously no joke. Throughout the whole thing, I was constantly surprised, but I also felt like I was right where I wanted to be. It delivered something perfectly Supernatural to round out the arc of the season. I know a lot of people in the fandom have big problems with Brad Buckner…

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 15.19 “Inherit the Earth”

Let’s Speculate: Supernatural 15.19 “Inherit the Earth”

THEN – Amara, shooting stars, Chuck is bent on destruction.  Jack explodes in the Empty.  Billie with her scythe.  With her book about how God ends.  People poofing away.  Cas’s smile and tear-filled eyes.   NOW – Kyoto, Japan – empty.  New York City – empty.  A playground – empty.  A swing.  A horse on springs. …